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Thanks to HomeMediaTech, there is now a great guide for IPVanish explaining how to setup a VPN on OpenElec and get your Kodi box working flawless behind a VPN connection!
HomeMediaTech has posted a great guide for IPVanish subscribers which explains how to setup a VPN on OpenElec and then automatically make sure your VPN connects each time your OpenElec Kodi box turns on. While IPVanish does not have a dedicated add-on right now, the add-on would still require manual initialization every time you wanted to use a VPN. With this guide, you can automatically configure your VPN on OpenElec to start. Here is why that is beneficial:
- Your Kodi connection with a VPN on OpenElec automatically starts without any manual intervention.
- Your connection with Kodi will always be hidden and protected so you can use p2p add-ons freely without any concern.
- Your VPN on OpenElec will have no affect on your computer internet connection, so you can still surf without being forced behind a VPN connection.
To setup your IPVanish VPN on OpenElec, click here to read the guide from HomeMediaTech.
Still unsure what a good VPN like IPVanish is necessary? IPVanish boasts the following great features:
- IPVanish has one of the largest VPN network footprints with over 25,000+ IPs, 225+ servers in 60+ countries. Every server listed is a physical installation (most providers geo-spoof).
- Zero-Log policy. This means that NO traffic laws from any customer are kept ever. Feel safe knowing that you are surfing the web and streaming Kodi content anonymously.
- Tier 1 network, meaning IPVanish owns the entire network, hardware, software, etc. This is a major competitive advantage that makes IPVanish the fastest (and most stable) VPN globally.
- No throttling or blocking of any traffic, ports or protocols.
- Unlimited bandwidth/unlimited usage.
- Free mobile and desktop apps.
- Multiple simultaneous connections allowed.
- Unlimited server switching.
- Kill switch for iOS.
- 24/7/365 Support.
- 7 day money back guarantee.
Still have questions about using a VPN with Kodi? Get in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook. And remember, right now you can win a free Element Ti4 Kodi box by signing up for IPVanish! Click here to read details on our contest and also enter two other ways to maximize your chances in winning a free Element Ti4!
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