Popular movie website YIFY has added malicious code in order to stop Kodi users from watching movies from its website! Read all of the details on YIFY vs Kodi below.
Popular streaming site YIFY has started a YIFY vs Kodi confrontation after it added malicious javascript code to redirect Kodi users to their website whenever a user tries to watch a movie. The move has affected all add-ons who use YIFY as a source, including the YIFY Movies add-on and lambda’s Genesis add-on. When searching a movie for sources from YIFY, Kodi shuts down and the user is redirected to yify.tv. This essentially made Genesis useless, since YIFY is one of the first sources it checks for streams. Lambda has released Genesis 5.1.4 to remove YIFY.
This YIFY vs Kodi move comes during some heavy discussion about the best way to present Kodi add-ons moving forward as the open-source software gets more and more popular. When Kodi users stream a movie, they do not have to click past or view any ads compared to visiting the streaming website from a browser. These ads generate revenue for sites like YIFY and allow premium bandwidth space to be purchased. Loss of revenue by Kodi users has already seen the Icefilms team peacefully work with TVADDONS to integrate a non-intrusive ad at the start of every movie that must be dismissed. It’s not clear why a YIFY vs Kodi battle has started instead of the same compromise.
If you are interested reading more about the YIFY vs Kodi news, click here to go to the TVADDONS thread where everything began.
The recommendation from KodiTips is to not use any add-ons with the YIFY source for now until the conflict is resolved. The YIFY creators have the ability to download dangerous malware to Kodi users using the same methods they used to redirect users above. We are hopeful that YIFY can work with TVADDONS and come up with a compromise so that users can use the YIFY source and so that it can become even better in the future. From our experience with Icefilms, an advertisement is not intrusive and many users are willing to view one in exchange for reliable movie streaming!
What are your thoughts on the YIFY vs Kodi debate? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook today!
Hope this help everyone.
There is nothing wrong with viewing an ad or two while the pop corn is popping. I am sure most viewers will understand there is a cost asssociated with maintance of systems, up keep and associated costs.. etc.. I say, bring on the ads.
What about his own add-on? It doesn’t show ads.This doesn’t make much sense. His add-on when it works is good but more often than not it doesn’t work. Thanks to Lambda for removing the source,like Gordon said you can go into settings for some add-ons and remove the sourced yourself
Ya, I never had much use for iffy anyway.
Yify just doing Kodi users a favor here. Instead of wasting valuable seconds checking YIFY as a source, now it’s just removed entirely! YIFY streams are just condensed garbage anyways. Horrible quality sound and picture quality labelled as 1080p. What a joke. Moving along!
You can alternatively go into the Settings, then add-ons, my addons, then click configure. The in the sections for movies and tv you can deselect yifi as a source and the add on will not look to that site.
Never used it as the sources were always low quality horrible low AAC stereo sound when others provide higher quality films and keep in the original dolby soundtrack. Never had any use for YIFY because the quality of the rip was poor i mean you take a blu ray film and knock it down to less then 1Gb for 1080P thats pretty bad.
I’m thinking of a certain finger on my hand and showing it to Bify, sorry I ment to say Yify. Give us any reason we should like you (Yifi)! Now your on the “You Suck” list.
I would be willing to view an ad or even 2 to have access to such a reliable source. Hopefully this article will get out and stir up enough fuss for them to change there minds.