The Kodi Popcorn Time add-on brings the Popcorn Time backend to Kodi! The add-on allows you to stream a massive selection of movies and uses popular torrent sites as the backend for streaming, which removes the need for multiple scrapers and resolvers.
September 26th Update: Popcorn Time has been updated to v1.5.4rc2. Check out the change log:
- Fixes
- Polishing
- Fun Stuff
- More Icons
This is in addition to TV (with metadata) and anime in previous updates, makes Popcorn time one of the top Kodi add-ons in terms of huge selection. Be aware that the add-on is torrent-based, so the use of a VPN is recommended.
Original Post: The Popcorn Time Kodi add-on has been updated and brought back to life! Click here for the details now.
Thanks to markop159 for his hard work on Popcorn Time. You can reach his github by clicking here.
The Kodi Popcorn Time add-on uses the same backend as the popular add-on for Android and iOS (jailbreak only) of the same name which allows you to stream movies quickly and easily. Popcorn Time uses popular torrent websites to display and stream shows sequentially, which removes the need for individual scrapers and resolvers for each streaming website like what Genesis uses. This idea allows the Kodi Popcorn Time add-on to quickly present and let you watch nearly anything.
The reliability and quality of the add-on is top notch and is well worth the download and install. Follow our instructions below to get the Popcorn Time add-on today.
Note: Popcorn Time piggybacks onto popular torrent websites for its sources, which means that when you are watching a show your connection is being shared to other users downloading and watching the same show. Depending on your comfort and familiarity level, you may want to connect to a VPN in order to mask your IP address and appear as if you are someone else. If you are interested in a VPN, you can get 25% off at IPVanish today! Click here to sign up for IPVanish.
Let us know on Twitter and Facebook how the new Kodi Popcorn Time add-on works for you!
How to Install Popcorn Time Kodi Addon
This addon is a third-party Kodi addon not supported by the Kodi Foundation. Though Kodi add-ons don’t story any files or host any content, streams from this addon are scraped from websites that fall in a grey legal area.
Because it is not legal to stream this content in every country and location, we are not posting a how-to guide on this website. We believe that this is the safest move for because we know that there are parties looking to crack down on websites promoting piracy and we are not one of those. has plenty of add-on installation guides for things that are completely legal and we encourage you to check out our home page for more information.
That is it! The Kodi Popcorn Time add-on will be found under your video add-ons! Go and enjoy virtually any movie you want.
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Hi there, Thanks for a very insightful article on one of my favourite apps. I really appreciate your efforts. I have also done similar work. Please do check this out , encourage us and download popcorntime apk
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There is a Greek version of popcorntime here
Everything installed as above,but will not play.POPCORN Tv error!
I managed to get popcorn time working with a VPN for mac from here: which was easy enough to install on a Mac, but had a few issues getting Popcorn time to connect. Anyone else having these issues?
Those cheap android boxes are not advertised correct.and anyone new to kodi will never b able to configure android box,s.and the 8gb of rom is eaten up with the apps.better of starting off with amazon firestick or box.
how can i add custom domains?
The popcorn time website was shut down on the weekend!
Hello, is anybody home? Kodi Popcorn Time, despite the instructions to the above.. NO GO. Keep getting “KODI Popcorn Time error” meesage when selecting movie category. This add-on worked a couple of weeks ago with no problem and good quality 1080 movies. Now for the past week or so, nothing. WASSUP!!! NEED IMMEDIATE HELP!!!
P.S. Have been running Isengard 15.2 on both my Amazon Fire TV and Matricom G-Box Q for some time with no problems except the last week or so.
Useless. Script error every time.
Works great and the 1080p movies look without the frustration of sources. Is there something of this nature for tvshows episodes????
How to Increase Number of Video Entries?
I also keep on getting script failed
Thanks for the guide. It actually works. A great addition to any kodi collection. Many files fail to play but still you can watch most of them!!
Keep getting script failure on the addon.
Hey, have KODI on my iphone. What is the http:// for adding this repository?
Hover on a film inside of an addon, press the menu button, then click add to favorites
How do i put programs or films into favourites. Im new to this box dont really know how to do it.