There is lots of fooling around in order to find reliable Kodi USA Live TV links, but USTVNOW is the undisputed option for the major cable channels that are reliable and high quality! is a great source for high quality USA cable channels on your Kodi device. USTVNOW is a service designed to provide cable television to army and navy soldiers deployed overseas that may not be able to watch cable television wherever they are stationed.
Click here to signup for a free USTVNow account!
USTVNow Latest Version
USTVNow was updated to v13.9.4 on February 8th. Recent changes to the addon include:
- Removed optional dependency on USTVNow Guide due to issue with Kodi 18
- Set USTVNow Guide as optional dependency
- Fixed issues with addon.xml
USTVNow Plans
The service has three different tiers:
Free tier:
- 5 channels: ABC, CBS, CW, Fox, PBS
- Free!
All channels:
- 24 channels: ABC, CBS, CW, Fox, PBS, AMC, Animal Planet, BBC America, Bravo, Discovery, ESPN, ESPN HD, Fox News, Free Form, FX, MavTV, NASA, National Geographic, Sundance TV, SyFy, TLC, USA Network, The Weather Channel
- $20 per month
All channels + PVR Capabilities
- All 24 channels
- $30 per month
In order to sign up and enjoy Kodi USA Live TV, head over to and click sign up.
Warning: Do NOT sign up via your Facebook login information. You will not need a password this way, but you will need to enter one in your Kodi settings.
If you are interested in trying out this new version of USTVNow Plus, follow the guide below!
How to Install USTVNow Plus Kodi Add-on (Jarvis, Krypton, Leia)
ON Kodi 17 Krypton & 18 Leia Only: From the main menu, navigate to Settings > System Settings > Add-ons > Turn On Unknown Sources > Click Yes.
- From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
- Type the following EXACTLY and select Done
- Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like “fusion”. and then click OK
- Go back to your home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Zip File > “fusion” > kodi-repos > english > and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Select Install from Repository > Repository > Video Add-ons > USTVNow > Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
USTVNow Plus EPG Guide Install Guide
- From the home menu, select SYSTEM > Add-Ons > Install from repository
- Select Addon Repository > Program Add-ons > USTVNow Guide > Install
- Wait for the add-on enabled notification and then you are done! The USTVNow Guide can be found under your program add-ons.
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