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The Last Played Kodi add-on is a nice and simple tool for viewing the last movies, episodes, music videos, and songs played on Kodi. Go back and re-watch recent media with Last Played.
Note: The latest version of the add-on is v1.0.4. Information about the streams is now split out by add-on and date and time. Metadata has been improved and you can manually remove items if you wish.
With the Last Played Kodi add-on, you get a quick list of the last movies, TV shows, music videos, and songs that you have played on your Kodi setup. This is the easiest way to go back to what you have seen or listened to in the past few days.
Personally, I added the Last Played Kodi add-on as a widget on my skin’s main screen and now I can see all recently watched content in a simple and easy spot. Handy for picking up streams or re-watching movies for the kids.
Interested in checking out the Last Played Kodi add-on? Check out our installation guide below if you want to add the add-on to your setup and check it out:
How to Install Last Played Kodi Add-on
- Head to this link and on the right hand side, click on Clone or Download and then Download ZIP and save the file somewhere save.
- From your Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > Settings > Add-ons > Install From Zip File
- Find the zip file you saved above and click on it.
- Wait for the add-on enabled notification and then that is it! The Last Played Kodi add-on will be found in your program add-ons section.
What do you think about this new add-on? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook if we can help you out in any way and we will try our best!
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have a problem fetching subtitles when opening from this add-on. any idea why?
Also, sometimes can’t even open the movie within the addon
i am using kodi 16.1 with titan 3.6.78.
Any way of hiding this add on while keeping it active, like a tracker to keep tabs on what my kids are viewing?
what would be good is if it gave you the option of playing the next episode
Yes, it works with Exodus and any other streaming addon
will this work with the addon Exodus? I know Trakt doesn’t track “last viewed” or “unfinished” movies… Would like to track that within the Exodus addon if possible.
What’s better this or trakt?