The M4U Kodi Add-on Guide (Mucky Duck)

The M4U Kodi add-on is a brand new release from Mucky Duck, which brings a great movie and TV source to your Kodi setup. Click here to read about what makes the M4U Kodi add-on special!

July 30th Update: Mucky Duck has updated M4U to v2.1.6. Make sure that you have the latest version if M4U is not working for you.

Mucky Duck has released the M4U Kodi add-on, which brings a great movie and TV source in right to your Kodi setup!

The M4U Kodi add-on’s specialty is movies. When you first launch the add-on, you’ll have the choice of the following categories:

  • Latest Added
  • Most Views
  • Hot Movies
  • Best 100
  • Genres
  • Year
  • Search
  • TV

The TV section takes you into the TV area, where you again have latest added, most viewed, search, and genre sections.

The really nice feature about the M4U Kodi add-on is that the movie section lists what quality each link is! When you hover on a video, it will tell you if the quality is Blu-Ray, DVD, HD, or Camera. This means that you know what quality to expect in the video before you go into it.

The other nice feature of the M4U Kodi add-on is that all movies and shows are single-linked. Unlike Exodus or Velocity, the movie will start playing immediately without you needing to pick a host!

M4U only gets its information from the website listed above and stores no content of its own.

The M4U Kodi addon can be found in the Mucky Duck Repository.


How to Install M4U Kodi Addon

This addon is a third-party Kodi addon not supported by the Kodi Foundation. Though Kodi add-ons don’t store any files or host any content, streams from this addon are scraped from websites that fall in a grey legal area.

Because it is not legal to stream this content in every country and location, we are not posting a how-to guide on this website. We believe that this is the safest move for because we know that there are parties looking to crack down on websites promoting piracy and we are not one of those. has plenty of add-on installation guides for things that are completely legal and we encourage you to check out our home page for more information.

What do you think about the new M4U add-on by Mucky Duck? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook!


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About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

80 thoughts on “The M4U Kodi Add-on Guide (Mucky Duck)”

  1. What a bunch of morons ! I’ve been using m4u for months and lately duckpool . Why don’t you that say it doesn’t work and slag off mucky get some fucking knowledge of how to operate an android box

  2. Ayana, same problem. installed 2.1.5 update, playing content. now to tell you where i found that update, i can no longer find from where i installed it within this badly designed, clunky interface. Look around, hope you find it.

  3. Keep getting the wrong version of Muckys Common module message. I’ve updated and even uninstalled and reinstalled and still getting that message everytime. Is there a fix? I’m using Kryton 17.3

  4. having issues with muckys ..downloaded but when trying tp play any sports program
    get message refer to” log?

  5. mucky duck version 2.0.1 installed keep getting an log error message when clicking on a stream how do you fix this problem

  6. I don’t install anything from Mucky Duck anymore. He repeatedly comes out with new addons that work for 30-45 days and then stop working. This one is still working, but for how much longer, who knows.

  7. I realize that MUCKY does this all for FREE and no one getting free stuff should be bitching at all so I hope my comments are not taken that way. And it is only because of how awesome MUCKY’s addons are that it matters at all. With that said a number of MUCKY’s addons have been down… and down for quite awhile now. M4U, GEN32, MOVIE VAULT, and AFDAH are a few of my favorites that are no longer functioning. I know that MUCKY had some losses in his family… and it has been awhile since he’s posted on Twitter. I hope all is well and want to say that I’m a huge fan who has been very grateful for MD’s fantastic contributions over the years. I hope he realizes just how much support and love for him there is in the KODI community.

  8. Several addons (Mucky duck apps and alluc) are now showing that check the log error since I installed mucky duck. I got a vpn but its still occuring. Very frustrating!

  9. Is there an alternate site URL? I can get listings, but nothing will play in SPMC. I get the check log error – cant connect to server.

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  11. Hi there…I coming here again to rectify my error and help everyone that has problems with Mucky Repo.In fact with IPVanish the addons working fine so his true that the Repo are Geo block…don’t know why!!!

  12. 123 Movies his not working and I don’t think so that My Operator Media in UK has something to do with that M8!!

  13. I only see version 1.1.7. There isn’t 1.1.8 showing.I have updated Mucky Ducks repo and still no version 1.1.8 for M4U.

  14. The mucky ducky url is not working for me in kodi. I went through all the steps exactly as written.I did this several times. Can you please shed some light if possible as to what might be the problem?

  15. Downloaded message couldn’t retrieve directory information. This could be due to the network not being connected would you like to add it anyway.
    Could u please help to rectify works on my other stick

  16. is m4u down again as its working then its not seems more not working than what it is working so back to sq 1

  17. There is nothing once you click to install. There is nothing to install from the mucky zip. This update from Oct. 5 2016

  18. Installed fine but nothing comes up. When I press the button to check if new videos added, still nothing. What should I do?

  19. Worked flawlessly on the beast a few months the back now not working and Kodi can’t access servers

  20. Is this working now? clicking on the addon asking to be installed. Reinstalled but still not working?

  21. I have a issue on the latest version and it just started this morning.I restated my sheild tv as I didn’t have sound then when going back into m4u I go to tv and search for a show and it comes up with Midsomer Murders and no matter what I search or if I choose most viewed, latest added ect it comes up with that same show. The movies section works fin though. How do I fix this issue?

  22. Bang on M4U works better than anything I have tried yet. Only drawback is that I cant find the download section to save things for later viewing or archiving

  23. Played on beast April version and brand new beast version. On both builds m4u would not play the videos section. Playback failed error. I an unsure what to do. Please advise. Everything else is pretty good. Help please.

  24. Found it, installed it, but none of the links have worked for me so far. Playback failed error.

  25. Just downloaded this and the menu is awesome with the quality details saying what it is.theres no messing with broken links either.only thing ive found a problem with is in movies when i click year it only goes to 2015 even though ive searched and found movies from 2016.other than that its awesome.thanks.

  26. Hi, I can see m4u but when I click install it keeps coming up saying installation failed. Why is that?

  27. Not sure what you mean by video addon map. Go to system /addons/ install from repository/ click on mucky ducks, than video addons.
    From inside mucky your will see this addon . 9 movies and more power is also worth installing.

    I must say outside of MAYB Exodus and salts or using real debrid p, M4U is the best movies source i e seen. 98% is in 720p HD and the best part is you click it and it works. No links to keep trying to see which one will work for you.
    It either works or it doesnt. I tested at least 30 they all worked and only one was sd.

  28. I don’t see a M4U Video Add-on in the video Add-ons map, Koditips been slipping lately,I’m starting to wonder if the Add-ons being suggested are even being reviewed by koditips at all.

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