Alluc Kodi Provider: Get More Links in Covenant!

Activate the Alluc Kodi providers today and get more links in Covenant or Exodus when you search for media. Read the details below.

The Alluc Kodi provider is a free provider for addons such as Covenant and Exodus that is completely free, but requires you to manually sign up for an account and activate it in the Kodi interface. This process only takes a few seconds to complete, but deters most users who don’t know this little trick.

Providers in Kodi are special open-source python modules that scrape specific websites on the public internet and returns media files that match the specific title of whatever you want to stream. Generally, providers in addons like Exodus or Covenant fall into three categories: free, paid (such as Real-Debrid), and free but with registration required. The Alluc Kodi providers falls into the third category.

Enabling Alluc has a few advantages:

  • Increase the number of streams returned. One example we found during testing increased a popular show from 14 links to over 100!.
  • Alluc streams are high quality.

If you want to enable the Alluc Kodi provider, just follow our guide below today.


How to Enable the Alluc Kodi Provider in Covenant, Exodus & Other Addons

  1. Heads t the Alluc Accounts area, click Register, and fill out the form to create an account on the website. You will have to confirm your account by clicking the link in your email.
  2. Log into your Alluc account and head into your Profile. Note your API key and write it down or copy it if you use Kodi on your computer.
  3. From your Kodi main menu, head into the My Addons section. Hover on top of Covenant (or Exodus, etc) and press menu (‘c’) and then select Settings.
  4. Head to the Accounts tab, scroll down to the Alluc area and enter the API Key into the box.
  5. Select the line underneath this that says Results Limit and make this 10.

NOTE: Alluc has recently put a limit in place of 200 search results per day maximum so that Kodi users don’t overload alluc’s servers. If the ‘Results Limit’ is too high, you will only be able to return Alluc links on a few searches.

That’s it! The Alluc Kodi provider is now activated and Covenant will now use your Alluc API Key to load links.

Let us know on Twitter or Facebook if we can help you out!


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About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

13 thoughts on “Alluc Kodi Provider: Get More Links in Covenant!”

  1. Works for me. Got my 10 ALLUCEN provider links. Many are 1080p and build a substantial buffer while streaming, so no pauses, so far. Be sure to enter the api properly. It is easy to make a typo.

  2. Email address invalid error. I was able to register by opening an incognito tab and creating the Alluc account that way.

  3. Thanks for this info. There wasn’t an Alluc box in the Accounts. I scrolled through all the providers in the Providers list. Alluc is listed in Italian and German. I toggled the German one off and on, and subsequently Alluc showed up in the Accounts section and I could complete the registration. I haven’t watched anything in it yet, but results are showing up for some shows that I had gotten the “No stream available” message previously.

  4. I have followed the steps to the letter but nothing happens. When I try something out it shows a lot of links, but no alluc links. I checked the Covenant settings. In the list of providers there are a couple of languages. It shows alluc in the italian list, but not in the list with the English providers. What should i do?

  5. I have two issues here:
    1. I have an account with Alluc. When I try to log into the account, I only get the message “Invalid username: Allowed charaters a-z A-Z 0-9 and _ and -“. My username and password have always worked in the past. Alluc has not replied to an email query.

    2. I need to sign in order to get my API access. I already have one, but need to sign up with other programs. Is there some way to find it in my computer?


  6. Chris, the same here. I was putting my Gmail, but I had registered with Yahoo. It was ok as soon as I put Yahoo mail. Try another email of yours, I guess you have more than one.

  7. It seems I already have an alluc account, but won’t let me sign in, saying this email already exists. Everytime I send a forgot password request, never receive an email to reset my password. Can I get some help with this?

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