Stream the best HD Movie Trailers Kodi content and watch previews for all new and existing movies available in theatres. Read the guide below.
With the HD Trailers Kodi addon, you can stream a huge selection of old, recent, and future movie releases in HD quality on Kodi.
HD Trailers grabs content from a big selection of websites:
- Yahoo
- Apple
- Youtube
- Moviefone
When you first install the addon, you’ll see that trailers are split out into the following categories:
- Latest
- Most Watched
- Top 10
- Library (all by initial)
- Opening this week
- Coming Soon
The opening this week shows your movie trailer Kodi streams of everything about to hit the movie theatres.
The Library section has a huge selection of all trailers in its database, sorted by alphabetical letter for easy searching.
All links in the addon are single click and play, which makes things nice for picking and watching trailers.
If the HD Movie Trailers Kodi add-on is interesting to you, check out the installation guide below.
How to Install HD Movie Trailers Kodi Add-on (Jarvis, Krypton, Leia)
- From your Kodi home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Repository > Kodi Add-on repository > Video Add-ons > > Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
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