How to Uninstall Exodus, TVAddons, Addons, Sources, Repos

Let us show you how to manually uninstall Exodus, Fusion, TVAddons or any other source, repo, or addon.

We have been getting requests on Twitter and Facebook about how to properly uninstall Exodus, TVAddons, Fusion, and a whole bunch of other buzzwords and keywords. These break down into three different requests: uninstalling addons, repos, and sources.

  • Addons = Known by name you read about online, you may want to uninstall Exodus, SALTs, Velocity, or a number of unsupported or outdated addons.
  • Repos = Also known as repositories, these are the overall folders that house multiple add-ons., BlazeTamer, and the Exodus Repository are examples of ones no longer supported.
  • Sources = These are the URL addresses you add in your File Manager to access and install Repos. Fusion or TVAddons is the most popular former source you may want to remove.


Why should you remove old addons, repos, or sources? There are a number of reasons:

  • Kodi frequently checks these addresses for new updates. If you have old sources, repos, or addons, Kodi spends a lot of time looking for nothing.
  • A source, repo, or addon may have changed locations so you’ll want to delete the old source before adding the new one.
  • Obsolete and forgotten addons can be spoofed by others. You’ll receive a “new update” that isn’t done by the developer and you’ll have no control over it’s actions, intent, or purpose.


For example, the developers of Exodus and SALTs no longer maintain these addons. While Exodus’ developers have gone on to support and work on Covenant, other people may make code changes to the Exodus addon and release updates without permission from the original developer. Stay in control of your Kodi setup by deleting old and obsolete addons via our guides below:



How to Uninstall Kodi Addons

  1. From your Kodi main menu (Estuary skin), Select Add-ons (Kodi 17+) or SYSTEM (Kodi 16-)
  2. Select Add-on Browser (Kodi 17+) or Add-ons (Kodi 16-)
  3. Select My Add-ons 
  4. Select Video Add-ons
  5. Highlight the Kodi add-on you want to uninstall and press the menu button on your remote (‘c’ on a keyboard).
  6. Select Information
  7. Select Uninstall and click Yes when it prompts you if you are sure.
  8. If you want to keep this Kodi addon but stop unofficial updates from happening to this addon, you can also turn off Auto-Updates (Kodi 17+ only) rather than uninstalling.

How to Uninstall Kodi Repos

  1. From your Kodi main menu (Estuary skin), Select Add-ons (Kodi 17+) or SYSTEM (Kodi 16-)
  2. Select Add-on Browser (Kodi 17+) or Add-ons (Kodi 16-)
  3. Select Install From Repository
  4. Highlight the Kodi repository you want to uninstall and press the menu button on your remote (‘c’ on a keyboard).
  5. Select Information
  6. Select Uninstall and click Yes when it prompts you if you are sure.


How to Uninstall Kodi Sources

  1. From your Kodi main menu launch File Manager from your main menu. Depending on your skin this may be hidden, but is commonly found under the SYSTEM header.
  2. Highlight the Kodi source you want to uninstall and press the menu button on your remote (‘c’ on a keyboard).
  3. Select Remove Source
  4. Yes when it prompts you if you are sure.
  5. NOTE: You can also click Edit Source and enter in the new source name here rather than deleting it and adding a new one right after.


And that’s it, you now have the power to uninstall Exodus, as well as any other Kodi addon, repo, and source.

Let us know on Twitter or Facebook if we can help you out!


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About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

9 thoughts on “How to Uninstall Exodus, TVAddons, Addons, Sources, Repos”

  1. Wow, I was really stuck with all these Exodus and TVAddons on my Kodi installation, couldn’t figure out how to get rid of them. This blog post was super helpful and easy to follow. Thanks for the detailed steps, my Kodi is now running smoothly again!

  2. By pressing the menu button on the Sony Bravia I couldn’t remove the source so frustrated please can u help

  3. Thank you so much for your help. I am waiting for my first movie on Covenant. There it is! Finally something to watch.
    So couple more queations.
    Can I still use trakt with this?
    Is there something I need to so to link them?
    Everyone advertises VPN’s for viewing. Would that be your suggestion as well?
    Thank you again for all your help,

  4. great,information,perfectforme,I wasn’t ready to get rid of exodus yet still working great,but went ahead and turned of the auto update,witch is sufficient for the time .Thankyou.

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