Kodi Featured
Featured Kodi tips and tricks.
Best Kodi Programs – LazyTV
LazyTV is one of the best Kodi programs available for you to install! It has a ton of features, but the basic feature of LazyTV is to automatically queue up the next unwatched TV episode of whatever you are watching! This means that you can launch the next episode quickly without needing to navigate through Kodi menus. Let’s take a look.
Sync Trakt and Kodi to Keep Track of Your TV
Sync Trakt to your Kodi software today and sync all of the TV Shows and Movies you’ve watched and are watching to Kodi for convenience and to make your life easy!
Kodi Tips on Twitter!
Follow Kodi Tips on Twitter and keep up to date with all of the latest tips and tricks for Kodi! The link to follow is right here. If you have any questions about Kodi, get in touch with me and I would be happy to help. See you on twitter.
Best Kodi Remote? Try the official iOS App
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Are you looking for the best Kodi remote to control your XBMC/Kodi software now that you are running it through your big screen TV?
If you have a smart phone, check out the official Kodi Remote App!