The Icefilms Kodi add-on is one of the largest sources for videos on the internet. It is also one of the longest running Kodi addons ever created.
March 15th: The Icefilms Kodi addon has been brought back to life with v2.0. The addon has been rewritten from scratch and is much more efficient. It uses the universal URLResolve dependency rather than manual resolvers as in the past.
NOTE: The addon installs fine but as of right now is blank in all sections. If you want to install it via the guide below, feel free to install, but it may not work reliably for now.
The Icefilms Kodi addon is one of the longest running addons in Kodi history. Before there were multiple multi-source addons to check out, Icefilms scraped only one single website (of the same name), the largest media website available with over 77,000 videos linked by the site.
The addon uses URLResolver to present links returned by the site. It is important to note that like all other Kodi addons, Icefilms hosts and stores no content. It simply returns what is scraped from the Icefilms website, like a search engine.
NOTE: The Icefilms Kodi addon can be found in the Iceballs Repository. Remember, Kodi addons do not store any content.
How to Install Kodi Release Hub Addon – Standard Method
- Click here to download the Kodi Bae Repository from Github. Save it somewhere you can access within Kodi.
- From your Kodi home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Zip File and choose the file you downloaded in step one. Wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Select Install from Repository > Kodi Bae repository > Add-on Repository > Iceballs Kodi Add-ons > Install
- Go back up two levels and then choose Iceballs Kodi Add-ons > Video Add-ons > Icefilms > Install. NOTE: Choose the v2.x version, which is the latest and has been rewritten from the ground up.
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
How to Install Kodi Release Hub Addon – Git Browser Method
If you don’t already have the Git Browser Kodi addon installed, click here to read our guide and then come back here and use the instructions below.
- From your Kodi home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select My Addons > Program Add-ons > Indigo
- Navigate to Addon Installer > Git Browser > Search By GitHub Username > **New Search**
- Enter iceballs into the search bar and then click OK. Select from the list, making sure you select the highest revision of the repository.
- After the repository has installed, click Continue when you get the popup.
- Back out of the Indigo addon and navigate to SYSTEM > Add-ons > Install From Repository > Iceballs Kodi Add-ons > Video Addons > Icefilms > Install
- Wait for the Add-on Enabled Notification
Icefilms Kodi Blank Screen or Blocked
If you go into the Icefilms Kodi addon and see a blank screen, your internet service provider has probably blocked you from visiting the website. You will need to find an alternative Icefilms mirror that works in your country.
If you want to learn more about some ISPs, notably in the UK, blocking access to certain websites, click here and read this.
Icefilms Kodi Installation Failed
If you have issues downloading and installing the Release Hub Kodi addon, it most like means that the repository is broke or down for maintenance. When you go to install a Kodi addon, it retrieves an addon zip from an internet address. If the repository is down, the “installation failed” Kodi error is a common message.
Also, make sure that you are only installing Kodi addons from their original repository.
Icefilms Kodi Error Check Log
Sometimes you may get a message telling you to check your Kodi error log. If you see this error while streaming video, it can mean that your cache is full. If this appears while trying to navigate menus in the X Kodi addon, it means that the link you are trying to access does not exist anymore. If you are trying to start a stream from the addon, select another stream.
Icefilms Kodi Not Working / Down
If the addon is not working and your issue is not covered in our guide above, make sure that you have the latest version of the addon installed. Use the top of our guide to verify the latest version.
Also, make sure that you are running the latest version of Kodi. Version of Kodi 16 and earlier are not compatible with addons anymore due to changes in scrapers and code.
Remember, Kodi addons simply query the public internet and do not host any host any streams. Streams, especially live content, is volatile and can go up and down. There is nothing you or the developer can do about streams not working in a lot of cases.
We have no control over and do not host or upload any video, films, media file, or live streams. KodiTips is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of streamed from your device. If you have any legal issues please contact the appropriate media file owners or host sites.
Let us know what you think about the Release Hub add-on on our Twitter and Facebook pages!
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I was pleased to see it up and running again,BUT on having checked out lots of movies could only find a couple that worked, trying out most of the links.I hope somebody gets there act together and sort things out because we miss you ICEFILMS !
i have last three major versions of kodi. icefilms has never worked reliably. it’s worse now with krypton. not worth the headaches especially now with the popup ads.
None of the sources work.
I have Kodi v14.2, v16.1 and v17.1.
Ice films is down again…..can’t watch anything……
ERROR: URLResolver: URLError Error – From: uploadx Link:
getting errors with plugin as of this morning when trying to watch shows via upload, x and z across all my devices and versions of Kodi (being 16.1,17 and 18 nightly build)
error is :
same here. kodi krypton, ucefilms not working both Mac and android
kodi 17 Krypt IceFilms Not filling recently added on a fresh install…WOW…anoying
why is the tv or movie favorite in icefilm dissapear everytime start the kodi ? need help
My icefilms app disappeared from my Kodi, I tried to reinstall it and nothing seens that is no longer available on repo.
Same issue. Came looking for a fix, hate to say this but glad everyone else is having the same issue. I thought my repo got corrupted or something lol.
Anyone have any luck yet? I still have nothing
All links to upload and uploadx don’t seem to work at the moment.
I’m sure that it will be resolved though and Icefilms remaining one of the very best addons there is.
same here in Aus, getting find final link error
same here no links are working for a few days
I have the same issue as Tim, all links give the same message “unable to find final link” i’m from the netherlands, so it should just be working..
No links have been working for me for few days now any help, “unable to find final link” ,
Valuable blog post . For my two cents , people require a CA CH-110 , my friend came across a template version here
after the last update 1.27 noting works by icefilm, only broken links
It keeps telling me to check log.. Nothing seems to work.. Any help for Icefilms?
“Recently Added” rarely updates any more. URL resolve issues. The whole add-on has imploded. Not sure what all these updates are but none of them are fixing any of the problems. It appears this add-on as moved to the “totally neglected” pile.
My icefilms has stopped working too The directories also do not open. I’ve tried different urls found on the internet. Ive also uninstalled it and tried old versions and updates. Nothing works. Any help please
Ice films do not work anymore. The directories will not open. I tried URL, directories do not open up.
Please let me know how this issue is resolved.
Does anyone have problems to watch movie trailers? I use to see normally but since a while is not working anymore… when i right click and select watch trailer it doesn’t work and if i try to search any movies it pops up to research again and no success…
change your DNS to and it works 😉
Similar issue- Jarvis and Eldorado 2.0.1 on Android. Installation of addon is broken- “Could not connect to repository”.
Using Jarvis and Eldorado 2.0.1 on a macbook pro. When trying to add from Eldorado I get following error “Could not connect to repository”. No updates are available for Eldorado and it is working from Windows when trying the same. Eldorado is the only repository with this error. Any ideas?
Icefilms works fine for me. I’m not sure what’s going on for everyone else?
Correcting, movie trailers are working but if trailer option is available on Movie Information, if i try to search trailer it does not work.
Trailers are not available anymore on Icefilms since more than 1 month ago. Use to work but now it doesn’t.
I’m in the U.S. and 23 does not work with RD. It just seeks forever and times out after selecting source.
In Kodi, I used Since the new hosting, this URL no longer works. I live in the UK and is blocked by every UK ISP. I cannot find an alternative, so does anyone know an alternative URL that works in the UK and that it is not blocked.
I just installed icefilms 1.21.0, but not one of the links worked for me either. I am more than willing to watch a few seconds of ads to support this great website. Thank you to the developer for all your hard work and diplomacy.
Version 1.21.0 still does not work.
Icefilms error check the log for more info, it worked a few days after the last fixed, now i have the same error just on movies, series is working fine.
Still receiving a script error. I thought this was fixed.
Scipt error..stopped working again after 4 days service
Saying script error now! ?
Why does hd opponent not opening..of says script error
When I’m on the recently added section of movies it says something about a log information. it worked fine for a day or two when they came back. please help
Everyone I know is experiencing this current outage… We’ll just have to be patient.
sinse yesterday i have problems after an update of 7mb
when i start it up now i get the message:
an error occured communicating with icefilms
can someone help me. tryed everytihng
Working perfectly for some time… until today. What happened?
i can open ice films sinds the update from 23 december pls help
I don’t see where anything is actually fixed. No matter what content I select I get the same 4 dead links. I’ve tried this on 3 different android boxes and it seems to be pretty much toast.
Help , I got up to the “add-on enabled notification but don’t see “install from repository line to click on to complete the last 2 lines.
Ayer lo configurè y vi un films.
Se vio perfecto,exelente.
Este Addon hay que actualizarlo mensualmente?
Muchas Gracias
Hmm, what can i do? I can’t install XBMC on eldorado. Apparently XBMC is “destroyed”
Won’t play anything (resolving URL…and…nothing). Waiting patiently for the next fix… 🙂
Are there other sources you can use for the icefilms site in settings? I am using KODI in the US and getting error messages, nothing plays. Any suggestions?
Not working AT ALL. Never has been reliable.
You have to wait until Eldorado does an update before it will work again.
Icefilms as shiate the bed once again, getting errors on everything. I uninstalled, reinstalled, both Kodi and Icefilms. Was working fine 3 days ago. Now its giving me 3 broken HD links, 1 gives error 403, one is the no getitem, and the other never loads.
I even have the axel downloader. Any ideas on what the problem might be? Running the latest Kodi/Icefilms/Axel.
I updated the icefilms source today, and keep getting the error nonetype object has no attribute __getitem__ , what do i do to fix it? if it makes a difference i live in canada
due to your recommendation i used arcvpn to watch my favorite content online.
Thanks for your recommendation. I used arcvpn to be able to watch my favorite content online
I have updated Icefilms with the above and the new update that was available on Kodi but Icefilms not working today. It worked fine last night after finally getting my head around the whole thing but today nothing. It comes up with the message
‘Unable to play selected source
Please try another
‘None Type’ object is unsubscriptable’
This was the message I was having yesterday before I sorted out my VPN (now server is in Russia).
Can anyone help?
I just upgraded to v1.13.0 as per above instructions and so far it’s working perfect. Also I don’t really care if they have to show ads to keep it running. It’s still free. :>)
This still appears to be blocked, keep gettting a message bottom right of the screen when i try to launch. Would using a VPN help?
icefilms still not working after release the version 1.10 it works for two days now i have the error when try to access any source nonetype error
hi i live in the uk and the new icefilms works with the pop up ads just click play
icefilms been off and on for too long, whocares bout them now genesis has everything and reliable to stay up