Learn how to install Kodi Repos and Addons through the Git Browser today and quickly install all of your favourite Kodi sources today by GitHub username. Read our guide for more information.
GitHub is a data repository website that is home to most of today’s Kodi repositories. When you install a repository for Kodi, it is really just a shell that contains links to GitHub where other files and information are stored.
Most developers use GitHub to store their files because change tracking is easy, there is unlimited bandwidth, and it is a free service to use. Multiple developers can update code on a single Kodi addon in GitHub.
Git Browser simplifies the process of installing repositories and addons for new and inexperienced users greatly, allowing you to get the best Kodi addons quicker and easier.
Git Browser Latest Features
The latest version of Git Browser is v1.2.1, released on May 15th, 2019. In addition to better batch installer integration, Git Browser has better compatibility with Kodi 18 as well.
Previous, a new feature called Feeds was added, a brand new tool for Kodi users, websites, and fans to take advantage of. With Git Browser feeds, you can now create or search for feeds full of Kodi repositories. This allows you to install hand-picked Kodi repositories in a single feed and is useful for sharing content.
If you are new to Kodi and are not sure of what repositories are good to install, consider using our KodiTips Feed today. We’ve added a tutorial below on how to search, add, and use Git Browser Feeds.
On February 2nd, 2018, The Git Browser standalone addon for quickly installing Kodi repositories was made available. This means that you no longer need the Indigo addon installed in order to use the functionality! Git Browser still exists inside of Indigo for those that want to take advantage of its other features as well.
Git Browser Advantages
By installing Kodi repositories and addons with the Git Browser, there are a number of advantages:
- Less sources in your file manager: The Kodi community can be a confusing place for inexperienced users. Since addons tend to change source addresses so often, a lot of users have a massive amount of sources in their file manager. These can include old dead sources which do nothing but slow Kodi down. By using the method below, you no longer need to add sources to your file manager. Conversely, Kodi developers don’t need to find a .com source to host their repo any more.
- No need to remember repository.com sources: Instead of remembering sources, which tend to change a lot, you now just need to know a developer’s GitHub username.
- Addon developers have more freedom: Lots of addon developers choose to combine forces so that users only have to install one source in their file manager. This method allows developers to use GitHub (which most are using anyway) freely on their own. Installing repos by GitHub username will make it easier for developers to distribute their addons.
Git Browser Disadvantages
Users should also be aware that using Git Browser also has some disadvantages as well:
- Not all Kodi repositories are stored on GitHub. We will do our best in our guides to list which ones are available and which aren’t.
- If you choose to install just the addon after searching with the GitHub Browser and not the full repository, the repo will not install and addons will not auto-update unless the addon has the repo listed as a dependency. This is an option that developers can choose to imlement. This is not the fault of Git Browser, but standard to all Kodi addons. Always make sure you are installing the repository only.
There is some misinformation about Indigo possibly performing malicious code, installing, or uninstalling other addons currently, which is simply not true.
Git Browser TIPS:
- Please ensure that you have the latest version of Kodi when you are using the Git Browser.
- Please make sure that you are installing the REPOSITORY only to ensure that you get all future updates. These filenames are always in the format repository.NAME-x-x-x.zip. Do not install the plugin.video.NAME zip files as this will not get you auto-updates in the future.
If you want to install Kodi addons and repositories quicker and easier, you must first have the Indigo Kodi plugin installed.
If you already have Indigo installed, skip to the second header below.
How to Install Git Browser Kodi Addon
ON Kodi 17 Krypton & 18 Leia Only: From the main menu, navigate to Settings > System Settings > Add-ons > Turn On Unknown Sources > Click Yes.
- From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
- Type the following EXACTLY http://fusion.tvaddons.co and select Done
- Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like “tva”. and then click OK
- Go back to your home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Zip File > “tva” > kodi-repos > repository.xbmchub-x.x.x.zip and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Select Install from Repository > TVAddons.co repository > Services > Git Browser > Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
The Git Browser Kodi addon will now be found in your Program addons area.
How to Quickly Install Kodi Addons & Repositories with the Git Browser
- Launch the Git Browser Add-on from your Program Addons page, click on Addon Installer > Click on Git Browser
- Select Search By GitHub Username.
- Enter in the GitHub username for the Kodi repo you would like to install. If you aren’t sure, check out our top Kodi addons post. We are also working on providing this information in all of the guides on our site. When you are done, click Enter.
- If everything worked correctly, you will now see a complete listing of all Kodi addons and repositories from that username. Look for repository.username-x.x.x.zip where:
- username = the name of the repository you want to install.
- x-x-x = the latest version. Sometimes old versions of the Repo will appear in this list if they haven’t been deleted by the developer. Always install the latest version (highest number).
- After clicking on the repo, it should install just like normal!
And that’s it! You have just installed the Kodi Repository directly from GitHub. If you want to install addons from that Repo, you can follow the normal process as follows:
- From your Kodi home screen:
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Repository and find the Repository you installed above. Navigate into Video Addons to see all of the addons in the repo.
How to Search and Add Git Browser Feeds
- Launch the Git Browser Add-on from your Program Addons page, click on Addon Installer > Click on Git Browser
- Select Search By GitHub Username.
- Enter in the GitHub username for the Kodi feed you would like to install. One example is koditips, which will give you access to our feed. When you are done, click Enter.
- If everything worked correctly, you will now see a listing of all Kodi addons and repositories from that username. Feeds are displayed in yellow. If you searched for us, you will see koditips.feed-x.x..zip.
- After clicking on the repo, the feed will now install.
How to Install Repositories From Git Browser Feeds
- Launch Git Browser or go back to its main menu, where you will now see a link to Search Feeds (which wasn’t there before you had any feeds added). Click on this and select the KodiTips.com Feed feed that you installed above.
- Select a repository heading which we’ve added to our feed that you are interested in installing.
- Select the repository.name-x.x.zip file from the list.
- Click Install when prompted. After the repository has installed, click on Continue (don’t restart).
- Go to other repository headings and install all of the other repositories you are interested in.
To install addons from each repository:
- From your Kodi home screen:
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Repository and find the Repository you installed above. Navigate into Video Addons to see all of the addons in the repo.
If you are interested in creating your own Git Browser feed, you can create a repo on GitHub by clicking here.
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Hopefully Kodi 19 TvAddonsproof
This is a shit app from those crooks @ TVADDONS. These morons are harvesting as much user data as possible after their lawsuits. DO NOT USE ANYTHING TVADDONS RELATED!
This new github method sucks!! Everything is much more complex and difficult, and now nothing works!
For instance, how are we supposed to search for an addon by the creators username?? How are we supposed to know their username?
It would be far better if you could search github by addon name, eg: ukturks.
At least being able to search by addon name would make sense.
If you are going to use this github, how about making it sensible and user friendly.
Updated usernames please <3 ?
How about a list of what is there
David, I list 18 names in the Kodi Tips Zip Files/GitHub user name thread..
Would in not be better to to show us the name that we are accustomed to then the name used by the hub;this would be a lot easier in finding what we want.
Catch is still finding the username.