The Kodi Sportsdevil add-on is one of the longest running sports and live TV add-ons for Kodi. Read all about it’s history and find out where to install it today in our guide.
May 21st UPDATE: The Kodi Bae repository has issued an update for Sportsdevil, v2019.05.20. Upon initial review, it looks like the Sportowa TV Kodi addon from the mbebe repository was forked and titled “Sportsdevil”. We aren’t sure if this update may cause conflicts with Kodi playlist addons who call sections and channels from the original Sportsdevil format or not.
We will investigate the new update further and post any updates as necessary.
The Sportsdevil Kodi addon is the longest running live stream addon for Kodi, with a long history of over 5 years. Many Kodi addons that offer live sports streams actually just take them right from Sportsdevil and repackage them into a different order for Kodi users. So, if you are interested in live sports on Kodi, Sportsdevil is the first place you should look to.
Sportsdevil, like other Kodi addons, don’t host any streams within the Kodi addons. It is a search engine that queries 10 or more public websites on the internet and returns live media. Content is hosted by those public sources, who have nothing to do with Kodi and no affiliation to any developer.
Unlike these websites which often contain full ads and sketchy links, Kodi simply gives you the stream with no BS. This has caused some backlash in the past because these websites rely on ad revenue in order to operate.
Below, read up on a brief history of Sportsdevil, learn what is included in the addon, and find out where you can install it today. Also, learn about common errors and troubleshooting tips.
Sportsdevil History
Sportsdevil has a long history of over five years now and is one of the longest running Kodi addons in existence today. It was originally released inside of a repository that was hosted on the Offshoregit website and distributed through XMBCHub/TV Addons.
After Kodi increased in popularity, some of the original streaming websites complained about Sportsdevil stealing away ad revenue from their sites. As a compromise, the addon was removed from any repository and existed only as a manual installation guide. The thinking here was that lazy and uneducated Kodi users would not go through the effort from manually updating the addon each time and this would limit its popularity.
From 2015-2017, three concurrent copies of Sportsdevil were being maintained at a time by three different developers:
- Original Sportsdevil – This copy was maintained by Hubbab3
- NL (Nethlands) Sportsdevil – This copy was maintained by sattekop and included the additional of special NL streams and acestream links into the addon.
- Jairox fork – This was a late development version by jairox, who had made additional fixes to the added above and beyond Hubbab3 and who was more active in keeping things up to date.
In March of 2017 after the TV Addons website went down and its domains seized, development of the addon went dark for a while. Sattekop joined our KodiTips forums and began posting regular updates on there. The last official release from him was on November 15, 2017.
A new update of the addon surfaced on January 19, 2018, however it is unknown if any development went into this version.
On May 21st, 2019, SportsDevil received an update from the Kodibae repository. The update brings changes and updates originally found in the Sportowa TV Kodi addon back into SportsDevil.
As of the writing of this blog post, there is no active development of Sportsdevil occurring. With the large number of addons using Sportsdevil as a dependency, it would be great for the community if one person could carry on development and fix links within the addon.
Sportsdevil Kodi Menu Guide
After installing the addon, you’ll see that it is sectioned out like the following:
- Favourites – You can save your favourite channels and sections in the addon to your favourites via the context menu and access them here later.
- Blogs – A selection of live stream blogs with streams.
- Highlights – Game replays and highlights.
- Live Sports – A selection of public websites, sorted by different sports.
- Sports TV – Sports related live IPTV streams.
- Live TV – General live IPTV streams.
Qualities range from 480p to 720p and a good number of links are very reliable. Note that the SportsDevil Kodi addon hosts no files and has no control over the quality or content of what is provided. It is simply a search engine into the public internet.
NOTE: If you don’t see the menus as shown above, you probably have the 2019.05.20 version from Kodibae, which mirrors things from the Sportowa Kodi Addon. Check out that guide and see if your menus match those.
Kodi Sportsdevil Sources List
A list of the sources included in the Sportsdevil addon include:
- Bundesliga-Streams
- Dimsports
- First Row Sports
- Live9
- Live Football Video
- LiveTV
- LSHunter
- RojaDirecta
- SportStream365
- StopStream
- VIPBox
- VipGoal
- Cricfree
- CricHD
- HDFree
- iLive
- MamaHD
- ShowSport
- Sports4u
- StreamHD
- Bypassed.ORG
- CinestrenosTV
- FilmOn
- FireOne TV
- iBrod
- OK Live TV
- ShadowNet
- Ustreamix
Sportsdevil Privacy Note
UK internet service providers have blocked most of the websites within the add-on. This means that UK Kodi users will not see working links in Sportsdevil or any other addon that uses it as a dependency.
If you are blocked, you need a VPN account to hide your internet traffic and make it look like you are from a different country.
IPVanish is the best VPN clients because it is tier 1 (no speed slowdown) and log-free so that you are protected. The cost is about the same as a Starbucks coffee per month. Sign up with this link or click here to read more information about IPVanish.
How to Install SportsDevil Kodi Addon – Standard Method
This addon is hosted in many different repositories. The latest official version from the original development team is 2017.11.15. The latest version listed amongst all of the most popular Kodi repositories is from The Loop Repo, which has a 2018.01.19 version. This version was created to overwrite fake updates that were pushed out to try and capitalize on the SD name. The Loop is a well respected member of the Kodi community and we feel good suggesting his copy as good.
If we hear of any active development, we will update the guide below to reflect the new source accordingly.
ON Kodi 17 Krypton & 18 Leia Only: From the main menu, navigate to Settings > System Settings > Add-ons > Turn On Unknown Sources > Click Yes.
- Click here to download the Kodi Bae Repository.
- Go back to your home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Zip File > Select the file you downloaded above and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Select Install from Repository > Kodi Baerepository > Video Add-ons > Sportsdevil > Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
Sportsdevil Kodi Alternatives
The Sportsdevil Kodi addon is a live IPTV streaming addon, which pulls live media from the public internet. Public streams have a high volatility and tend to go down frequently.
For alternatives, we didn’t want to include addons that are using SportsDevil streams by calling it as a dependency. So, the addons below (to the best of our knowledge) are legitimate alternatives to check out today:
Kodi Sportsdevil Installation Failed
If you have issues downloading and installing the addon, it most like means that the repository you are using is broke or down for maintenance. When you go to install a Kodi addon, it retrieves an addon zip from an internet address. If the repository is down, the “installation failed” Kodi error is a common message.
One solution for this problem is to make sure that you can access the repository address on the internet. Take the http address of the addon and try to access it from your phone or computer. If it is unaccessible, there is nothing you can do until it is back only.
Because Sportsdevil does not live in an offiicial repository, this installation failed is related to the repository you’ve chosen to install it from.
Kodi Sportsdevil Web Request Failed
The Web request failed Kodi error sometimes appears when you are trying to access live streams. This error means that Kodi has failed to read the script or video content format of the stream.
The solution to this error is very simple. You just have to enable RTMP in Kodi. To fix these errors, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Add-ons menu.
- Open My Add-ons> Open VideoPlayer InputStream.
- Click on RTMP Input> click on Enable.
Sportsdevil Kodi Error Check Log
Sometimes you may get a message telling you to check your Kodi error log. If you see this error while streaming video, it can mean that your cache is full. If this appears while trying to navigate menus, it means that the link you are trying to access does not exist anymore. If you are trying to start a stream from the addon, select another stream.
Sportsdevil is a volatile addon and streams tend to go up and down and over time. As well, without consistent development, there will be a number of dead links and sources inside of the addon.
If you want to learn how to actually check your log and diagnose your issues, click here.
How to Fix Kodi Sportsdevil No Stream Available
If you see the error “stream not available” in Kodi while using this addon, it means that the addon was unable to retrieve results for your query. Kodi addons are simply search engines into the public internet and do not host any content of their own.
When you select a title or stream in Kodi, it searches the internet for media streams matching the title you’ve select. If it cannot find anything, you get the “stream not available” error. Most likely, you will have to try a different addon or select more popular content that is more likely to be available.
Sportsdevil is a volatile addon and streams tend to go up and down and over time. As well, without consistent development, there will be a number of dead links and sources inside of the addon.
Kodi Sportsdevil Not Working / Down
If the addon is not working and your issue is not covered in our guide above, make sure that you have the latest version of the addon installed. Use the top of our guide to verify the latest version.
Also, make sure that you are running the latest version of Kodi. Version of Kodi 16 and earlier are not compatible with addons anymore due to changes in scrapers and code.
Remember, Kodi addons simply query the public internet and do not host any host any streams. Streams, especially live content, is volatile and can go up and down. There is nothing you or the developer can do about streams not working in a lot of cases.
If you live in the UK, a lot of the streams in this addon are blocked and you will not be able to access them without hiding your connection behind a VPN. Click here for more information.
How Do Kodi Addons work?
Not seeing something you want? A specific title nowhere to be found and you aren’t sure who’s at fault?
Learn how Kodi addons work by clicking here. This guide is a crash course on scrapers, resolvers, pulling content from the internet, what Kodi addons are and aren’t, and more important information that everybody should know.
We have no control over and do not host or upload any video, films, media file, or live streams. KodiTips is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of streamed from your device. If you have any legal issues please contact the appropriate media file owners or host sites.
Follow KodiTips on Facebook and Twitter and let us know how the new and latest version is working for you!
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Hard to trust any thing from Kodibae (TVAddons). Always seem to be something hidden in the background.
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Sports devil, Bennu, nor ares is working at all. Is there yet another url to fix these?
Download kodi portal in programs add on and the u gonna finde the sport devil launcher it will send u straight to the page download the zip file and intalled it should say that the app files has been deleted if u want to backup it should work
it installed but nothing plays!!!
Trying to install but it keeps saying I have an error and update available. I try to update but it says installed fir a second and then get a sportsdevil error. Check log for more info. There is no log to check
I installed sportsdevil 2017.07.17. It’s the latest update. However it does not let me watch any sports. I have IPVANISH INSTALKED AND RUNNING. What am I doing wrong. It worked before but not now. Help. Running kodi 17.3 with pulse build.
Simple om TOP click on
Kodi SportsDevil Repo Install Guide
What’s the file manager source for Sports Devil?
I updated it from the Smash repo, works fine
Restart kodi when you’re done. Mine is working, thanks so much for your help 🙂
The one thing you can always count on with Kodi is that Sportsdevil , where ever it is, whoever is running it … will suck.
It worked after a few up load try’s
Smash work 4 me
Trying to install from the Smash Repo, keep getting Installation Failed.
Get sd launcher from noob ansnerds repo and run it and hit clear cache and run sd it will work
Can’t install sportsdevil from indigo. Says “not a zip file” Also, sportsdevil repo missing from fusion. Basically getting “couldn’t connect to repo” error message. Please help
Yes noobsandnerds repository got sd launcher and run it go 2 sd and run
Fusiontvaddonsag not responding at all. Any other way to get Sportsdevil back. I accidentally uninstalled to reinstall but fusion URL not working anymore
Get noobsandnerds repository and get sportsdevil launcher and run it and u need 2017.06.03 spotrtsdevil repository but with fusion down or not work well it hard 2 get the 2017.06.03 so get noobandnerds sd launcher and sd
not working for me =(
Sports not storts sorry and thank u 4 all the hard work in taking sd back 2 it best
SD 4 me working well just watch cricket all weekend in good hd and am in the uk! live stopts storts tv and live tv all good
Tanks man for tutorial.
I am still using Hubbab’s Mar 28, 2017 update and it works fine under Kodi 17.1.
I tried the unofficial repository but could not get that to work.
I’ve been done with Sports devil for a while now. Use stand alone app called Mobdro, just have to install the apk using downloaded app that can be found on Amazon store
What has happened to sport’s devil…. was just using then quit on mid watch. Now it won’t
reopen. Just says error.
Sports devil hasn’t worked for me period
Sports devil is not working not even with Kodi 16 or 17
Works great one Kodi 16.1
June 2nd, 2017
May 28th. Absolutely no longer works.
Updated but still won’t play streams
Updated but not working….
Getting updates failed
Tried to install the 19/05/2017 version,got install failed message.
When will sportsdevil bring out the new update?
Help can’t all I get is web fail on sports devil
Kodi has moved on to 17.1. Will anybody update sportsdevil?
Zw i7iik.88
My works fine with Kodi 16.1
It’s not working at all, not even one stream
Unfortunately, SportsDevil is not working anymore folks. I’m using the “Modro App”. It works better if you use separately away from Kodi. Dont use the Modro inside Kodi, it buffers to much.
I’m having the same issue as Steve (April 16, 2017 post). I’ve tried the both versions of installing Sportsdevil and I continue to obtain the error message: “check the log for more information”. This message goes up on Amazon Fire Sticks, Apple TV4s, iOS’ devices.
On April 2 my Kodi updated. Haven’t been able to access SportsDevil since. Any ideas how to get it back?
Kodi (17.1) motherfuckers ara sabotaging SportsDevil.
Installed v 2/28/2017 as per instructions. Got error message at end of install. SD is in video addons now but I keep getting web failed on all links, This also affects other addons which use/need SD.
I have 17.0 and marshmallow 6 on an android tv box.
Uninstall/reinstall does make any difference.
running 17.1 on a new firestick and cant get any streams. i have the 3/28/2017 version installed also.
I am having issues with the links just cutting out after about 2 min. I can just re open them but they keep cutting out. Is there a way to reduce quality of stream so I don’t lose connection?
Yeah, same here, Garrett….no streams for ANYTHING. I’ve never had good luck with SD…
The sports devil app isn’t working at all today. Is there someway around it? Or do we have to just wait until something is changes?
if i can’t watch sports, this firestick is useless to me.
Why do you insist on linking to a download site that is a spam generator with no real file to download? Please fix.
Having the same issue with kodi hanging on exit since the latest update. Took me days to identify the culpable add-on. When i reinstalled the February 29 version kodi shut down fine. As soon as it updated itself (from the unofficial sports devil repo. Didn’t try from echo) to the latest version, kodi hangs seemingly forever when exit button is pressed (I’m running it on kodi 17.1 on an Amazon fire stick)
That’s on Android 6 btw
The Mar. 20,2017 exceptions out upon installation and hangs Kodi 17.1 on exit. When it’s uninstalled Kodi can exit fine. Also prevents MIC IPTV from working
Since your last update Kodi 16.1 will not shutdown. Sportdevil let crash that.
The logfile info:
ERROR: CPythonInvoker(5, /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/ script didn’t stop in 5 seconds – let’s kill it
I did wait over night, but Kodi still not do “exit”
Please fix it. Thank you!
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall SportsDevil on my new Kodi device. It will not play the stream. It lists all of the live sports. And then when I click on one – it says “working” and spins for a few seconds and then stops. Any ideas how to fix it. Everyone recommends this one. I have watched a bit on but only a few sports seem to stream properly. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
File has been removed.
adthenet link are not working any idea why?
Is this the Kodi TV app for android? Cause I can’t navigate to system and add ons or file manager etc as you’ve said to do
Install sportsdevil from this video: it’s working very well
MEGA suckers removed the file from their servers.
Download link is broken
I too have received web request failed messages. I believe the force ad on update via the build caused this.
worked fine after following instructions!!!!
Attempts to use live channels “Web request failed” since the update. Please fix.
Since Yesterday that arenavision links doesn’t work anymore. I’m talking about Sportsdevil addon/livesports/rojedirecta/choose a game/choose a link from arnevision (ACE Stream). Unfortunately that links stopworking yesterday. The error message is “No Stream available”. I’m sure that arenavision channel I chose is working because I can watch it on a webbrowser.
I think this is a problem only related with Sportsdevil addon not pointing to the link that appears on the screen.
Thank You
Install the guide and then install it accordingly.
the problem i am having is i install sportsdevil it says is enabled but it wont show up on my video addon main page any solution will be greatly appreciated using mxq box if that has anything to do with it thanks to all
This sports club is very good.
Not working on krypton beta 5 or 6, working on Jarvis,
I have the beast build on kodi jarvis 16.1
I receive CCLOUD TV error on any link I click once inside the addon.
the update doesnt work on live tv… can’t watch anything
Did you get the update? mine is working fine
Sportsdevil only plays the BBC channel. Everything else it simply does nothing when I click on it, no live sports, nothing. I’ve tried reinstalling it and nothing. Any suggestions?
this is were I go for all my kodi stuff this guy not only does step by step guides he even puts it in the description
Amazing back working again,the feeds that is.
No links to streams working.
dependencies not met
Settings > Add-ons > System > Dependencies > pydevd > uninstall
Hey: Why does all the College games from my state get blocked when I want to watch them?
Chrome blocked the zippy download of SportsDevil and said it is unsafe.
Hopefully this can get answered 😉
Been contemplating getting a Real-Debrid subscription, and wondering if it will work with SportsDevil?
anyone know?
The last two months, this has been a miss more then hit add on. Been using it for over a year but the last two months its mostly unwatchable especially the big 4 North America leagues
not working here either and was my favourite addon
Finally got it downloaded using addon installer after it saying dependencies not met trying every other method, now every link says web request failed.
Sportsdevil/ e.g.national geographic HD starts and shuts off any suggestions?
9-24 not working either here
9-24 update not working for me. Installed fine but no feeds working
I have the unofficial sports devil repo I’m on 9/16/2016 now. I see new 9/24/2016 repo is out. I can’t get it to update. Even tried to install it myself. Hope for fix. Football games tomorrow
How long do we wait for it to say it is enabled?
Looking for some help. Has anyone else had issues with Sportsdevil> streams just dropping? Ex. When trying to watch NFL network stream it loads up, plays for about 5 to 10 seconds and then drops, no buffering or cache pop-up. Just video feed disappears. Please help.
I downloaded as outlined above, but anytime I try a link it tells me web request failed. Did I miss a step?
I downloaded the unofficial sportsdevil via the Install from zip file > repository. However, after it installed, it doesn’t appear under Videos > Add-ons.
I tried to click the Sportsdevil icon and the only options available are Uninstall and Remove. The Launch button is disabled.
download thru fusion, works great regularly, once frens see it i get pestered for help setting a FTVS up for them with SD on it. It is great, lessens pain of cutting the cable.
I downloaded followed instructions and blam im watching live game. Freakin awesome, I’ll be cutting the cable tomorrow kodi is all I need!!!
Why won’t Kodi support this addon ,seems like I should be skeptical about this
I hope this works I get tired of so many of the phony addons that don’t work,pro sport is the worst
I used seo michael’s site to download this addon about 5 days ago. It worked fine that day once I chose tried to use it today–get error: web request failed” for all
You people aren’t getting it, they’re NOT the unoffical repo. That’s why it’s not working! Wipe off all sports devil and BS repos and go to Bassfox has them in their repo too. I’d contact the developer and ask why he can’t find a stable repo.
doesn’t work, why would you put an install guide to something that doesn’t work?
I have updated both Kodi and SportsDevil, but I keep getting “web request failed” no matter what I do. Both are newest version available.
the only solution I found was to totally uninstall. Then reinstall, add Fusion then unofficial sports devil,before any other addons.
Latest update just gives me “No stream available” on all links. Is there a new version coming out to fix this?
SportsDevil Lancher has kept my SD up to date for over a year now with no problems.
SD through Halow Repository doesn’t work either. This thing might be dead…
The best way to get sportsdevil is through halow repository
For those getting the pydevd dependency error….
System > Add-Ons > System. Remove the pydevd dependency. Mine was under “Ophaned”
Then try to install SportsDevil.
Larry Southworth on August 9, 2016 at 11:53 am
Everything worked as per the instructions, except the very last step. After selecting sportsdevil followed by clicking on “install”, I never got the, “Add-on enabled notification”. Any suggestion regarding how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
Yes Have a similar problem. I go to Install from Repository, but when I look for Install it just says Uninstall, so I thought I was ok, but it still doesn’t work.
Everything worked as per the instructions, except the very last step. After selecting sportsdevil followed by clicking on “install”, I never got the, “Add-on enabled notification”. Any suggestion regarding how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
People figure out what you are doing before you start complaining and blaming someone else for your stupidity. Works as stated on first try for me.
These instructions need to be pulled. The repo is junk. If you manually update after installing the addon is marked incompatible and removed. Quit posting shit that screws up peoples builds and pull it until its working! And yes, I’m a programmer.
Dependencies not met empty repo! Good job!
No live tv feeds work
coming up web request failed
They still need to fix sport devil , I can’t install the Addon
is castaway working? thx
SD has been down for me for weeks.
Im not really into sports all the time. I like the livetv channel list on SD, but when I click on a channel, it says working, but does nothing…or I get web request failed. I have the latest version of SD, on kodi 16…what do I need to do to fix this, or is it just that SD livetv sucks and is down
ADB Fire
how do i put this on the firestick ???
Tom, look up NoobsandNerds, it’s a tool that automatically updates SD with the newest updates / releases; however, just use Castaway, never go wrong with that
Once again the Sports Devil update does not work. Very frustrating that the developers can not use a reliable repository that automatically updates. Waste of time as it is currently configured. Castaway works great.
this latest update does not install, always fail, fail, fail, I even rebooted the computer, and it still fails. I was hoping you had sorted it out by now
Sports Devil error
Cannot open Web
A,save yourself heart ache and frustration, just install ‘castaway’ add on, it’s just like SD, but it auto updates and works
Has anyone tested the new sports devil plugin? Is it working? Feedback anyone?
Rep not met here
Is there no IT for this???
Could´t get the May 13th file, it says its not longer available…where can I get it?
dep not met here 🙁
good work
Good work informação sportsdevil
Jay, ADB fire… however, just use a add-on called Castaway, it’s the same as Sports Devil
how do i put this on the firestick? does not play anymore , any idea why!!!…I see all the links once i click on it
it states”playback failed”- works with PC but not on Android and Raspeberry Pi2. Why?
I can’t get the new sportsdevil to download to my android box. I get a message of dependencies not met when i try to uplaod from external sources and downloads.
i can’t download it either, it’ll let me download the entire folder of all updates ever though. Stupid! Stupid! WORTH IT!
Key, use version 0.1.5, I am watching the flyers vs capitals as we speaking using
Castaway doesnt work for me eitha is there a certain zip file u need or sumthn im running version 0.1.5
Nice to know is not just me that is unable to download the update.
Not just you wtfbshax. I’m getting the exact issue. I have a box account and tried downloading one of my files and had no issues so its not the box site.
Anyone else having issues downloading the zip atm? click download and it tells me its doing its thing but nothing seems to happen
Castaway not working with me. trying to watch football on first row sports nothing will load
Just install add-on ‘Cast Away’ and be done with Sports Devil.
Getting an error message about Pydevd 4.5.5 when trying to install the new SP from the zip file. My installed version of Pydevd is 3.4.1 so i tried to install a plugin zip file of version 4.5.5 and it would not install. any ideas?
Tuckkcut Thanks for the tip. I give it a look.
Smoke4me, no problem with sharing the wealth. SportsDevil is just so frustrating and it makes you look for other alternatives. I would also recommend “Pro Sports” it has all NBA, MLB, and NHL games in HD quality and minimum to no buffering and starts right away on load.
Thank you Tuckkcut. Installed Castaway and it works great.
Just install add-on Castaway, majority of your problems will be resolved. It has the same feel and layout as SportsDevil and it’s auto updated and it works…
I a getting same as Dave Webb… Web Request Failed
I was having problems with most links not working so I reloaded SportsDevil using the SportsDevil Launcher and now nothing works. I get ‘Web Request Failed’ with every attempt at every link.
I am using version: 2016.03.21.-bfx
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
in the version:…. what should it say? as far as updating???? Mine still says :2…. is that correct?? come on someone.. help me out here
Does anyone know why mycrickethighlights does not work ?
It says dailymotion .scripy error- any suggestions – using
march 21st update
the script just worked for me all of my usual sports links (nba nfl espn) working!!!!!!
is no worked android and telele no stream available
thanks for all your fucking adds
Hello guys can some one tell me a thing its just me but when i ve started usimg kodi my C disk space is filing up but i don tknow with what . What can i do to recover 3 GB of space. THIS IS THE ONLY PROBLEM. But the add-ons are great . I want a solution to recover space Thanks I repeat i ve tried most tv and sports add-ons are great
Are there any issues currently with the sportsdevil addon? I have the March 6th 2016 version installed. Currently i’m getting various messages like web request failed and no streams available. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and clearing and older versions of sportsdevil out of the system. i am experiencing this on kodi version 15.2 and 16.
I’m using kodi helix version on openelec (5.08) Pi2. I’ve updated to latest version of Sportsdevil addon(6th March, 2016). I’m trying to watch live sports via Rojadirecta>ACE stream (or sopcast stream)using Plexus program. The problem is that both works only a few seconds. Then it stops. Sending me back to the previous panel.
Any suggestions?
The areswizard solve no more my problem. The “web request error” is come back. Damn. I’m with RPI2.
Any tip regarding the error “dependencies are not me” when trying to install it over a fresh openelec instalation on my raspberry pi? works with PC but not Android.
Works on PC/Rpi2 but not Android or Mac OSX what do you do with ares?
I do not have pyded in SETTINGS-ADDONS-SYSTEM-DEPENDENCIES-pydevd, so I can’t disable it. The areswizard solve my problem:
I have the same problem using android box, but work with my pc,
just add .
SETTINGS-ADDONS-SYSTEM-DEPENDENCIES-pydevd,Make sure to disable pydevd. worked for me.
I have the “request web failed” since I have updated my one year version of kodi for pi. Since update, sportdevil work a little time before “request web failed” come. It need full reinstall to work again a few time.I have unable updating with same issue. I do not know the reason of this problem yet…
I’m hoping so. Just thought it is rather strange the version number never changed. Guess time will tell. Thanks for the respond!
i think that the versione is 2.0 but is a update because atdehnet now work fine
I think your right I managed to download and unzip latest version, but I noticed it was still version 2
Hello everyone…
Anyone else having issues adding on the new sportsdevil?? I’ve disabled & uninstalled old version, but for some reason it reverts back to version “2”. It “updates” but that version is the one I uninstalled. My head is spinning. I’ve went as far as disabling the Dutch Sports Repo. I tried to follow LJ’s solution about the dependencies, but that particular one was not listed. Any help would be appreciated.
I have to add I did uninstall the previous version
I also having probs I downloaded sports devil onto my USB dongle, but when I go to install it from install zip file,it just takes me to another page with lib, resources etc, any ideas thanks
Hi guys
I am finding not streams have been working for a while now. Whats the go
I found the fix. Before downloading zip file goto SETTINGS-ADDONS-SYSTEM-DEPENDENCIES-pydevd
Make sure to disable pydevd. Then install the zip file plugin. The pydevd will enable after the new SportsDevil addon is updated.
Not working. Dependencies not met if using Jarvis
Hello I have the beast build and every time I attempt to install sportsdevil whether from the repo or manually from the xip file says dependencies are not met and will not allow me any help for this?
Unfortunately doesn’t work until now. Is there any chance to work again? Where can we see Premier League in the quality of
Yeah i know it’s not the greatest of qualities… for NBA, NHL, and NFL, I use Pro Sports add-on, that quality is in HD and I use that on a every day basis. I only use Sports Devil for NCAA sports, etc.
Thx for help, I know about that links sometimes get down, but this worked a long time and was very good quality near to 720p and stable for football PL and PD. It’s Shame but I will look for something new. Dim sports quality is not so good, but better as nothing.
livesportstream don’t work forse me,
What sports are you trying to watch? works well and has sports broken down by the category. I tried the and that has a bunch of dead links. this happens quite often, just have to break away from what you are used to using.
ok and works for somebody
this was the best for me, but now doesn’t works
Give a go under live sports…
I use sportstream in live sport
where are you from, I am from Slovakia and my links doesn’t works
What links are you using? What section? I have no problems with viewing live sports
No idea
in almost all link: Web request failed :-((
still doesn’t works
any suggestions?
What’s with sportdevil?? Most programs do not run
it still doesn’t work…
got OSMC, sportsdevil v.2 – 99.99% channels not working 🙁 including tvone1… shame it was such a great apk once…
When you go to install add-on from zip,you should be able to find the SD zip ‘External storage’ that’s where mine is located
Hi guys can anyone help I downloaded sports devil onto a USB dongle also on SD card, but I can’t find the zip file on either of them, I have both dongle and SD card inserted in the box, any ideas
tv channels stop after about a minute. Frustrating. But sports channel working well. Thanks
No issues here with mine… working like expected
admin please test you shit before you posts, letting down sooo many people by making them waste their time
If you want HD quality for NBA, use Phoenix > Woodys > Huddled Sports
Yo… TuckkcuT, thanks man!!!
Can’t get any of the basketball streams to work today!!!! ugh
To bring Sportsdevil Plugin to an Apple TV 4 with kodi side loaded, it is easy to put the zip-file to a SMB share on your Home Network. Then you have to do an install from zip… there use zeroconf on the share and the appropriate folder…. it is really easy. But some stream are not really working nowadays… I do not know, same sportsdevil on an iPad Mini shows no problems 🙂 is the most unreliable source… use or just use Woody under the Phoenix add on which has most sports games in HD is out of order again.
Hello everyone I have kodi installed on my Apple TV 4. I need to find out how to send the sportsdevil zip file to my Apple TV in order to install it. I have no idea how to do this any help would be appreciated.
I’m still getting “dependencies not met” during install of current version.
It is currently NOT installed, and I removed all traces of it from ./kodi directory.
Kodi 15.2
Ubuntu 15.10
Love the sports links. Latest version adhtv doesnt work. Neither does a lot of the tv links.
Also cannot see whats others wrote. The grey head is covering everthing
I’ve NEVER uninstalled any previous versions of SD when updating SD. Always worked fine (14.2 Helix. And now I Just updated to Isengard..)
I just double checked and everything is uninstalled still the same problem dependences not met
Hi guys there is a fix it seems, i havent tried it as i need to uninstall the old version first, thanks Tuckkcut for the info, re uninstalling
I’m using an Mxq m12 android box and keep getting update failed dependencies not met. I see a lot of people getting this problem but no one seems to have an answer. Can anyone help thanks ps never had probs with sport devil before latest update
will this auto update to the latest?
I uninstalled everything and still won’t install it say dependencies not met so what’s going on with that
Sports Devil 1/12/16 Live TV is working, remember to uninstall the previous version prior to installing current version.
Hi everyone, I’m new here, have had my kodi box a week now, still learning, I downloaded the latest sports devil update onto my sd card, from my comp, inserted the card into the box which is connected to the TV, ethernet connection, when I go to the file via external sources,and highlight the file to install via zip file install, it opens another page with other drop down list, have no idea what they mean apart from language, according to what I’m reading once I kick on the file it should install any help thanks
I’m having the same “dependencies not met” error. I’ve tried the forced refresh, to no avail. I even removed all repos to try to eliminate the error.
Kodi 15.2 on Ubuntu latest. I’m open to any ideas.
ArcticAlligator, Thumbs up bro! Some repos and add-ons will no longer work with 14.2, but as long as everything is working, no need to update at this point. Enjoy!!!
TuckkcuT – Just finished fixng the pronlem. Once I knew it was my box/Internet connection, it was easy to find that somehow my router password was erased (probably by a bug) on Dec. 31. I filled in the password, and voila – everything works again (including SportsDevil).
I am not sure how Kodi 15.2 might help me, so I don’t think it is worth the risk of screwing up my system by installing it. Maybe after the box has run well for a while…
Thanks again!
ArcticAlligator, why don’t you attempt to do a fresh restart and load Kodi 15.2??? And no problem dude, that’s what we are here for to help the Kodi Community, I do tech support for a living so I enjoy helping out others. Glad I was able to help.
TuckkcuT – you nailed it. It is my MX2/Starstream X3 device that is broken. I was wrong about my device seemingly working OK for other functions. Your last comment made me realize that I had not actually watched a movie or TV show since Dec. 31. I had only used my interface to view lists of available content – which had been stored in my MX2 since Dec. 31, but were not actually real-time accessed via Internet. Although the box seemed to work, I realized that I had not noticed any add-on updates being retrieved when my Kodi 14.2 was loaded. It turns out that no auto updates to my system were made since Dec. 31. My MX2 can see my router and neighbours’ routers just fine – but no Internet data can be accessed. Now, I have a major job ahead of me to either fix this box or get a new box – but the problem is not with Kodi or SportsDevil.
Thank you (and JC) for your kind assistance in narrowing down my problem!
ArcticAlligator, you are running Kodi 15.2 right? How about installing Kodi on another device like a laptop and see if you have the same issue. If you don’t have the same issue than you know it’s not your ISP, Sports Devil, it’s that MX2/Starstream3 device.
TuckkcuT and JC:
I am grateful for your continued assistance. I searched and have no repos containing SportsDevil. I installed it from the Jan. 2 zip file (twice). I had been watching tennis via SportsDevil for months – but it seems suspicious that it stopped working after Dec. 31. The new year may have caused some new policy or other to come into effect. I am not sure if there is a problem with my box (MX2/Starstream 3). It no longer automatically updates the system date & time, which I now have to enter manually. Also, Navi-X no longer works, despite several re-installs. Similarly, YouTube will no longer work. If this box was a horse, I would shoot it in the head.
If I ever get this thing working again, I promise to post the solution!
ArcticAlligator, I will suggest not to contact Robbers, lol… or else they would have an excuse to follow your tracks and come after you for DRM. My IS provider is Coleco Cable.. But, again I don’t think it is your IS provider.. Try to follow TuckkcuT advise on the post before mine.. that might be a good start.
I will let you know if mine or if I find other ways to get this Add-on working as it is suppose to..
JC – thanks for the info (and the hope!). If you can get SportsDevil running in Ontario, then it may be a local ISP problem (Rogers) blocking me. Who is your ISP? I will go after Rogers tech. support…
ArcticAlligator, the only thing that I can think of is that you have a repo that has Sports Devil and it keeps updating your Jan 2 Sports Devil which is causing you problems. Make sure that you don’t have any repos that have Sports Devil add-on, remove all Sports Devils and install this Jan 2nd update via the zip file, hopefully that will resolve your issues.
ArcticAlligator, I am in the Niagara Region, ON. and I have the same issues as everyone, but going the way that TuckkcuT says, I am available to watch sports. Some links don’t have streams available I guess cause it is not time to transmit yet. I am watching Golf as I am typing and just checked Football links, Not American crap but, the real footy and these links are all working..
Hope that gives you some hope.
As for the rest of the Add-on we shall wait until an update comes up!
TuckkcuT – thanks for your suggestion. Your path is the exact same one that I try every day, along with the Tennis category. I just tried it again, but the same “Web Request Failed” message came up after I selected the Tennis category. Again, no other sports categories will work, either. I am glad it works for you. If there are any Toronto-area users who have it working, I would love to hear from you…
Try the following path that works for me and is currently working… Launch Sports Devil>Live Sports> which is broken down by the sports category. As of right now I am watching the Duke bball game using Sports Devil
I am in the Toronto area, unable since Dec. 31/15 to get current global tennis matches via SportsDevil. In fact, I cannot get any type of sports at all. Stopped constantly by “Web Request Failed” messages. I have dutifully uninstalled and re-installed the latest versions (now using a Jan. 2/16 release), but no luck. My email request for help from my Android box supplier goes unanswered.
The whole infrastructure of Android/Kodi/Add-ons/servers – all interconnected in some magical way – is a house of cards. Friends’ systems are also no longer getting sports via SportsDevil. My ISP swears they are not blocking the streams. I am left all alone to figure out where my pathetic error message is coming from. Until error messages are specific and identified to a specific source, users will be left frustrated, without knowing where the problems are.
The tennis games I want to watch are not available in my area of the world – from even paid sources – yet they are placed on the Internet, free, in streaming form. I can get free movies and TV shows via Phoenix and other add-ons – but how do I get reasonably reliable access to these sports streams?
atdhenetTV is the first one on SD, that doesn’t work. I frequently use, which is even broken down by the sport and is more reliable channel. I don’t even bother with atdhenetTV.
atdhenetTV has not channel with ok streaming from some weeks.why?
please Help
Plugin kann nicht installiert werden..
folgende Fehlermeldung “Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllt – Bitte den Addon-Autor kontaktieren!”
Turn updates to notify instead
I am still having problems to keep the January file from being updated by another addon. After doing a search it shows me the Sport devil is also in Gorilla Streams. When i look for Gorilla addon or repo, I do not find it at all. I am going crazy now as have been trying all I know without managing to keep the proper Sport Devil from being updated by someone else. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
For Example : xbmc.python version= “2.14.0”
script.module.pydevd version= “4.4.0”
It’s requesting these. Anyone know what versions Kodi 15.2 has?
Thanks Anonymous … but those options no longer show now that super favorites has altered the context menu. I may try to restore things back … but I can’t see how a refresh will fix the Dependencies not met error? I’ve seen this error several updates ago and it was the addon itself wanting an older/newer version of something
I noticed that the last version of this plugin (2016-01-02) is incompatible with OpenElec 6. The error that throws is “Web request failed”. I had to revert my OpenElec version to work another time.
Hi Everyone, I use Ivue with sports devil and when I go to my sports channels like sky sports 1 for example the screen selects sports devil and then goes black and then goes back to Ivue tv guide, any help would be appreciated? Thanks
Anyone who wants force refresh
OK I keep getting Dependencies not met error .. everywhere people say to just do a force refresh and that will fix the problem … next problem .. no force refresh available. C on keyboard brings up the context menu with ” Super Favourites etc etc ( no force refresh ) .. go to the bottom standard context and still no force refresh. This error in sports devil just started in the December update … any ideas?
Vamas, It sounds like that you still have an active Repo that contains a add-on of Sports Devil, you can do a search for Sports Devil and Kodi will show you every aspect of Sports Devil that you have installed. You are correct, what is happening is the other Sports Devil that you have is updating the one you are getting from here which is causing the problem. Are you using a “build”? Looking for a repo called NJMSoccer which has a version of Sports Devil add-on. You can disable the repo and see if that’s the culprit. Hope this helps.
Mode, why aren’t you or the admin helping these folks then. You see all of the comments about how to do this and that, but you are really respond to the negative comments, glad you took the bait. Now you or the admin answer these peoples questions and stop being mute!
Hey Anonymous, there’s really no need to start with the negative comments (OMG most of you guys have no clue what the hell you are doing). Many just need assistance, and this is what the comments section is for. If you don’t want to help, just don’t post, simple…let others help out.
I have downloaded this addon and it shows Ok. I have noticed that Sport Devil updates and these updates change the one I downloaded from here. I had uninstalled the addon I had prior to this. Could it be that the repository is still active/ I have looked to see if I can find this in Kodi but cannot find any.I have also gone into the data of android and into Kodi and deleted Sport Devil from there but this update still happens. Can anyone please point out to me what it can be? Thanks
OMG most of you guys have no clue what the hell you are doing?
I installed it It says version still. I should have stayed with the old version.
Dave, I just used (world) and was able to get the live streams without any issues. Did you see that there is a Jan 2nd update?
What’s happening with this addon? No live TV links are working anymore… hell nothing works! I did a fresh install of the addon after uninstalling the other version… I just got the Dec 27th version…. all I see is “no stream available”
Mike, do a force refresh and that should fix that issue
Tried to install this and keep getting “dependencies not met”. I have deleted everything I could find that was sports devil related…even ALL my repos
jsantos, with what repo? “using this tutorial, with the repo.” you installed Kodi 15.2 right?
I’ve done a Windows 10 fresh install on my machine and installed Kodi and SportsDevil next, using this tutorial, with the repo.
When I open SportsDevil it only says: “Error running SportsDevil”
what can/should I do?
Its not reliable, use, it’s more reliable and broken down into categories…
Anybody know why is not working?
Working just fine for me, whom I’m not an admin, so the problem might be you or your Kodi set up. Reading the instructions is fundamental.
man are the addons not tested before the are posted as news??
the admin doesnt even seem to know what links he has posted or what versions etc and doesnt seem to test the addons before he posts the news??!!
I will create a better site for kodi users but good luck with your site, plenty of work still needed.
Barney, can you be more specific of what’s not working? Are you on 15.2? Did you uninstall the old and install the new?
New sports devil Jan 1 not working. Went back to the old one and it is not working either.
I was able to confirm that is now working as was not in the 12/27 SD update 🙂
Disregard last comment.
Just updated to the new SD and all of my game times seem to be 5 hrs behind. It is showing a footgame doesn’t start until 22:00 even tho it started at 17:00?
Thank you. Its perfect
Jason, uninstall every instance of sports devil that you have installed. Also, make sure that any repos that you have installed do not have sport devil add-on included. Install Sports Devil from the zip that is included only
I tried re installing the previous sportsdevil 2015-12-13 the one i originally just had as working now it says dependencies not met . what is happening?
I deleted the previous version and i also tried deleting the addons19 file and still says dependencies not met. Arrrrr lol help?
No i didn’t. Never had to before. But I’ll try
Did you uninstall the old version first? I had no problems installing on PC running 15.2 on Windows 10
I just tried installing the 2015-12-27 latest sportsdevil and it says dependencies not met. Im running 15.2 on PC . the previous 2015-12-13 sportsdevil installed fine. Please help
Anonymous, Relax yourself whom ever you are. There are many folks that are new to the KODI community and new to Sports Devil for that matter. When they are used to having a repo with with add-ons that auto-update one should understand that. I know and you know, but that doesn’t mean everyone else will know. I wondered that vary thing myself a while ago.
“What’s his repo??? If the admins won’t mention it i am sure they aren’t mentioning it for a reason. You can feel free to mention it, what’s the repo?”
“How come Sports Devil doesnt have a repo? It would makes things a lot easier if it had one. Does Sports Devil have an official website?”
…there is no repo, gosh these are like Yahoo! comments every update lol
Monica, I was able to confirm with the new update 12/27 of SD, that the (world tv) you are familiar with is working in the updated version.
There are many options for live TV, a favorite of mine is DexterTV, which includes premium channels as well and stays update more so than not.
But what about live tv? That’s what we mainly use it for. Like those types if channels.
Try the frontrow in Sports Devil, I just was able to view different streams without any issues (world tv) is the one that always says Web request failed. We used to use the but it just has the thing on the bottom right that days working but then it stops and doesn’t show the channel I’m trying to use. We are stationed in Korea so idk if that has something do do with it or not. It was working fine then all the sudden it stopped working and we have 2 other boxes and tried it was working on those then all the sudden last night it said the same thing- Web request failed. For the but still none of the other ones will even work. Itll just say working and then stop.
Links are extremely hard to watch or don’t work at all?
Monica, which provider are you using in Sports Devil? Athdnet??
My sports devil just stopped working out of no where. It says Web request failed when I try to use the live tv. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled it and got the new zip…anyone have this issue???
Get he kodi spinstv addon. Be sure to have fusion installed. Spinstv is loaded with pheonix, and a sportsdevil being one of them and a ton of other stuff.
Hi thanks for the updates, I installed on both PC and AFTV no problem however PC works but AFTV provides an error “no stream available” . Thsi was a clean install on AFTV. Log file shows
Error getting plugin://
20:12:13 T:1074564104
and so any idea why?
Thanks in advance
Same here regarding the file needed for android. I’m assuming the .dll file is for windows… does somebody know for sure?
Nevermind, he took it off the repo. I just checked it for the latest version and he removed it.
That zip file works just fine on my Galaxy Note 4 device (Android) without any issues
The zip file you link to is useless for Android users.
It just contains .dll and .exe files, no [] file which Android uses.
great update as always, fixes background link within revision. thx
The linked file is still – it also says:
v (17-Oct-14)
– Fix: iLive (thanks to L2501)
– New: StreamHD in Sports TV
– New: HitSports in Sports TV
– Some minor fixes and catcher updates (thanks to L2501)
in the changelog.txt of the provided file here.
The Admin Team at would like to offer Hubbab3 a permanent place to host his zip files and a section to keep updates with news & info if he wants it..
The new 12.13.15 also gives me dependencies not met, running KODI 15.2
Any links on how to update the librtmp on Android? I’ve downloaded the zip file but don’t seem to have a /lib folder in my device
don’t waste your time, another update will come out again
Mike, did you uninstall the previous version of Sports Devil? I’m on Windows 10 with know issues.
Thanks Tuck for the I tried a couple links and finally got one to work that was half for atdhe I keep trying it and still doesnt seem to wanna work for me…Im not sure how to get acestreaming to work on a android box to see how well they are either any advice for me???
I have the 11-22-15 zip working, but the new 12.13.15 gives me dependencies not met. Is there a fix for this
Big time buffer issues. My speed test is good and I’ve cleared cache. What the hell is going on?
What’s his repo??? If the admins won’t mention it i am sure they aren’t mentioning it for a reason. You can feel free to mention it, what’s the repo?
Mike, It’s now working; however you can use under Sports Devil, in my opinion it’s better than Atdhetv anyhow.
anyone tell me if atdhetv is still working on their nov 22 updated version of sd
Tuckkcut, its not wishful thinking. I have SD from hubbab3 from his repo and it updates. Might not be right away but still works. Just cause you didn’t know he has a repo doesn’t mean its not there. I have to many devices with Kodi so I only manually update the one I’m using manually and let the rest update automatically when it becomes available. I was just wondering why the admins don’t mention his repo.
look like it not working again… installed with and without updates
All of the Sports Devils that I have seen are always packaged within repo (iwillfolo, NJMSoccer, etc, and/or skin build. I have yet to see a stand-a-lone repo by “hubbab3” It would be a wonderful thing if that was the case… wishful thinking 😉
Not for nothing but why do they still say there is no repo for this? Everyone knows, and they say it here, hubbab3 is doing all the updates. So why not use his repo?
Cile, make sure that you have installed ALL instances of Sports Devil, you can do a search and you should see a list of Sports Devils that you have installed. Remove ALL of them and install the latest zip file.
I am still having an issue with “web request failed”. I uninstalled previous version, manually installed the November 22 version and disabled automatic updates, still not working …. anyone has any idea how to fix it ?
Here you go.–q8
Larry, how do you turn off the auto updates?
Nevermind after an hour I figured out how to turn off auto updates. Working fine, I will just install updates one by one and leave sportsdevil alone
Thanks but I don’t have that repo, I have no idea the repo that is causing it to update. I would love to know which one
LarryO, I found my Sports Devil under the SoccerNJM Repo which contained SportsDevil. I uninstalled that repo and installed the zipfile for Sports Devil. After you install the zip file, you will want to reboot your firetv or firestick. Once you do that you will have a working Sports Devil.
I did that, I cannot find the repo that keeps it autoupdating to the 10/2 version. I don’t have the HALOW repo enabled. Not sure how to find which repo is the cause
Larryo, SD does not autoupdate, it does not have it’s own repo, you must manually do it with a zip file.
How do you stop it from autoupdating?
Sports Devil work just fine for me on Amazon Fire Stick after sideloading the zip file using ADBFire. Only annoying thing is the auto-update failed message
Yep, exactly what I’ve been trying to say. Seems lately admin post information with no follow through. I realize it is not their responsibility for developer issues, however, a follow up would be appropriate. Looks like we can’t rely on accurate information here anymore.
No matter what version I install (I downloaded the new 11/22 version and I had an older zip) it always installs version, and athde and a bunch of other links always fail to load. Help?
How do I install sports devil update on the armada pure linux mach 8 box that uses cloudwords?
Guess there is no more admin.
Curious as to why admin post information then when there is a problem with miss information, there is no follow follow through to these comments regarding wrong version with Sports Devil. All it would take is to verify as to why the zip is correct.
I recently updated my sportsdevil to the newest update available from the top of the article. I made sure to uninstall the previous version and installed the new zip file which works perfect especially However even after i made sure to uninstall previous version the auto update keeps reverting back to the previous version…… please help. do i need to get into root files?
thanks for your help!
Having an issue where it states it’s 1.8.8 but either way it works… Just don’t allow kodi to force update it
Looks like no one has noticed…. though the update zip folder reflects 11-22, it installs Version 1.8.8 from back in Oct?
Download the new update and keep getting a warning from my antivirus: JS:ScriptIP-inf[Trj]
Only started doing this over the last two updates, everything was working before. Now get nothing or my antinvirus goes haywire.
New update for today (Nov 22)
The new posting for Sports Devil is working very well for me. Great job! Much Thanks!!!
hi ther guys,the new update works a treat, you have to uninstall sports devil you have on your box, completely from your box, switch of kodi, then switch back on,,then install the new sports devil,,once installed,switch off kodi again,then switch kodi back on,,you should now have the updated version,good luck guys,,
The Mediafire link is a bad zip.
UFC works great on the new update, BUT… now the links for NCAA not working today! I’d rather have the college football and NFL, thanks. Hope it gets fixed before NFL Game Day tomorrow…. Biting my nails….
Don’t just download a file from an anonymous user on the internet. That’s probably part of the problem.
why does it say bad zip file when i try to download it/
Installed the above Nov 8 update on linux mint, receive: file not structured correctly
not all links are working on sportsdevil. The ones I used to go to get hockey and baseball are not working.. I am not good with this tech stuff. any tips for me would be appreciated.
New update for today Nov 8,2015
Can anyone tell me why sportsdevil is missing from the programs add on inside xbmc? I’ve been searching for it all day and it seems to have dissapeared?
Nov 1 Update here:,439tx6kyaxw30
Is it up and running again? I have the iwillfolo version dated in October, how can I get the latest Nov. 1st version? Thanks!
If the change log and version stay the same how can you tell if the update succeeded?
using mx box android 4.0. circle (working) keeps spinning with no result. works on pc and kodi 15.0 or above
Works fine on Fire Stick an Fire TV.
No Problems found. Only the Changelog shows no changes.
Thx for this !
The change log never changes so you can’t go off that or the version.
Updated version is exactly same as old version. Look at the change log.
This new version worked for me but not on Atdhet, I have it working on
I’ve used adbfire app to push it to the FireTV, but when I try to pull older versions it says Pull succeeded but when i go back into Kodi to install the new version the old ones are still there. Need to reboot first?
Nov 1 new update works for me
here we go again
Nothing working here. Won’t even update either
i downloaded and I made sure no Iwillfollo. I go the atdhe and the onlly thing that works is poker central. the rest just keeps spinning and just stops.
Frank. Can’t get mine to work either. Going to try a few things, i will write back if I figure it out.
Also, none of the live tv section is working. Can someone confirm they have the same things.
So just want to make sure that the latest version says again, right?
The click here link for Nov 1st update takes you to a January 11th version. The dates are switched around.
I couldn’t watch any of the Sky F1 streams, kept coming up with web request fail. Downloaded this version and it now works. Thanks
Have the latest update, none of the links in work for me to watch football. I tried it through a vpn and without no luck.
How long do they usually last when new update comes out?
Yeah it looks like sawlive sources are down. Nothing we can do until a new update comes
I made sure latest download and I am from Canada. I have USA DNS settings. Still nothing.
I get a number of channels that do nothing. Some say no stream avaiable and some just stop spinning and do nothing?
Have the latest update.. getting a lot of web request failed
Thx Man
Rob it is short for Netherlands. It works and that’s all that matters.
What is the NL Version of SD? Thx..
Try the NL version that works perfectly for me
Atdhenet not working for me. Have the latest update listed on above post.
October 20 update that works by Hubbab3
Hey Hubbab3, big thank you sir! I can watch the Canadiens’ games again! Please keep it up, you’re a hero!!
not working again cant watch the mets game
Same problem. As above
Hi all!
I’m having problems with ….. message “No stream available” (before opening event list). Any ideas?
Thank you very much!
Sorry for the Noob question.. I have Kodi on an Amazon fire box so what should I put in to install zip should it be ???
Can’t watch the Blue Jays game as well… 🙁
There’s still links that don’t work. I’m trying to watch Montreal Canadiens vs Ottawa Senators (FR) and the stream never loads. The FR stream has been down since the start of the season 🙁
Confirmed working..uninstall sources that have fake SportsDevil and install from zip file 8.0 or 8.2
Hi, someone please help, I’ve installed all the lastest versions, and all I’m getting is dependencies not met dont care which version it is
hi,can anyone help me with getting nbcsn channel to work
Found a working fix on the link below. You MUST uninstall your sportsdevil before installing this new file. Everything is working in again for me!
Anyone else experiencing the issues that I have been facing should try this method instead. Navigate to:,439tx6kyaxw30#439tx6kyaxw30 and from there you want to download the most recently added file As always, make sure any builds or repos containing sportsdevil are removed and auto update off just to be safe.
Not sure what you guys are doing to get this to work, but that download file dated Oct 2 keeps reverting me back to and I find it hard to believe nobody else is having an issue?? I’ve even installed this addon on fresh Kodi install. No other repo, guide or build on my kodi, just this one addon alone. Not sure what gives….
Thx Admin I dont have those iWillFolo repo installed
Check if you have iWillFolo and Kodi Next Gen these are common ones that have SportsDevil unofficially and they should be uninstalled
AdMin… I might have SD Install from a Repo..Not sure what Repo,Sports Devil is install from what Repos?
Thank You..
I would say that file isn’t right with pure certainty. I just now reset my kodi to factory and installed only this addon and it still shows version
Not sure. is the version from a repo so just give a quick check that auto updates are off and Sportsdevil is uninstalled before trying
The newest version released Oct 2 is throwing me back to not sure why. I have auto update off and i’ve restarted but it doesn’t seem to matter. Something wrong with the file?
I had installed and working, an old version in a minix X8 H-plus. When I installed this one, the addon is activated, but I can not see it in video addon. How to resolve it. Thanks
Happy it worked for you now pass it on
yap! that was the fix. disable auto update to notify or off and all is well. i tried it on the new and old versions and it works.
follow instructions on this video and it will work it has worked for me……….
All you have to do is install older version of sportsdevil and disable auto update and choose notify me for updates and sports devil will work i did it and its all good
those of you using chrome to download sportsdevil, my fix was to use firefox. i also removed the repo responsible for downgrading sportsdevil back to version 1880. im sorry i forgot which reo it was. i think superrepo was the culprit. hope this helps some of you.
hello. there are many foxnews links need to be fixed or updated . thank you
After installing the latest Sports Devil add on, although the zip file shows the correct date, in Kodi it shows up as ver. 17th. October.
I have noted the previous comments on this…..
Well, that lasted all of one day. I installed the 9/28 update (after having installed all the previous September updates, all to ZERO success) and it finally worked again. It’s now the 29th and I’m back to not being able to watch the Dodgers. My Hallelujah moment was short-lived as hell!
It has nothing to do with the addon. The sites change their coding and try to stop Kodi from accessing their streams because they don’t make ad revenue from Kodi users
My old Gbox Midnight it just says working GBOXmx2 Works sometimes.
Same Here…. Chrome is reporting this download as malware… has never happened with previous SD updates…
not working on android 4.0 box kodi 14.1.
works on pc kodi isengard 15.0
Chrome is reporting this download as malware… has never happened with previous SD updates…
Why do we have to keep updating this every day or every other day for the streams to work? There was a time period where you never had to update this or at least it would be a while before you had to update it.
The streams are not working again.
Just downloaded and installed the Sept 28 update. After I exited out of Koda and went back in it works great. Thanks.
not working I have 2 gboxes no go no streams available
works like a charm running linux mint 17.2
dont know what everybody complains…
thanx a lot
The media fire link is the exact same one I have been using
I downloaded and installed the correct newest version and one link on zunox worked for a minute now no links on zunox or work at all. I am able to get other streams from other links but not as good as either of those two have.
It’s right here – I don’t know what you guys are clicking on to get all these errors.
Unable to download the zip file from mediafire web site
I have a Fire TV Stick with Kodi 15.1 and SD 2015.9.24.0-c. When I select a stream it goes to Working and the Play icon comes up, then it goes right back to the list.
Is this update not working on Android?
I have clicked on the links but it never gives me an option to ‘save as’. It also appears to download but it only says ‘downloading’ for a second or two and then nothing appears to happen. I can actually see the downloads so the download must have worked somehow but I am unable to do anything with them
No! Click the media fire link, click the SportsAccess folder, click the file, and the preparing download button changes to “download” when it is ready for yoy
do i seriously have to sign up for mediafire to download this?? never had to do anything like that before.
Can someone please give me step by step directions on how to fix SportsDevil on Amazon Fire Stick.
It’s different then fixing on a computer.
I’m apparently too stupid to figure it out and would really appreciate some help.
Tried it – rolled back to the Sep 21st version. Works better for me.
Works on pc. Doest work on kodi 14.1. Using. Android box 4.0
Installed kodi as instructed by the support team for the droidplayer. Read several online forums. Clicked on the links on this page and I am able to click the download button. However it says it is starting download but doesn’t appear to do much after that. Also I am not given an option to save where I want it to. Then I found out how to retrieve the downloads so it must have been working in the background somehow but they all come up as ‘no such file or directory’. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Did the update for the 24th… SD disappeared off my fire stick
Here we go again.
husham’s repo is working for me. version is 9-24-15
Looks like they pushed out 9.24.15. AtdHeNet works well for me finally
Does anyone know how long before it gets back to normal?
Right On PC Boy. well said!!
Pcboy ive been learning all night about this shit… I’ve got mine up to the last update… I WILL figure it out
I been using kodi 15.1 since it came out i jad no problems with sd untill this damn update now its not working and when it does i can all get afew baseball games and it doesnt work it looses its link vonnection around the 8th inning and u cant reconnect
I have several MXQ boxes running 14.2 Helix and Sports devil worked great this last weekend. I took your advice @PCBoy213k and upgraded one of my boxes to 15.2 with the newly updated SD zip file. Nothing on Sportsdevil works. Everything else does ie Phoenix, Genesis etc
It doesnt work when they figure it out they will update it
@ EVERYONE HERE bitching about SD not working!! It’s a free addon have some respect to the developers!! If you can’t figure out how to add the newest addon then maybe learn how to figure out how KODI / XBMC works in a whole!! Nothing is free in this world if you can’t put in effort to learn then you shouldn’t be using KODI/XBMC AT ALL!!
@Garrett seems like you need to upgrade buddy!! I have my own build with Kodi ver.15.1 with SD working perfect with all addons!!
Uninstalled Sportsdevil 9-16-2015 and downloaded updated 9-21-2015 version via zip file and nothing. Have restarted KODI over and over. Nothing. Worked fine over the weekend. This is ridiculous. You shouldnt have to update weekly for the add-on to work.
Also, I’m still running 14.2 Helix as 15.2 is garbage! Every TV show zooms in so you see about 1/3 of the characters on the screen! Am I forced to download the newest version of Kodi to get sportsdevil to work?
9/21/15 not working.
The 9/21/15 update is showing as version Also, the links seemed to be working at around 8:00a.m. pst on 9/23/15. Now they aren’t working at all.
I just recently got a jail broken fire stick. Do I need to do the update for SD since mine stopped working? I haven’t had to do any in the past 4 months since getting it.
same here update does nothing
Glas I’m not the only one. Kinda on a freash install, Should be version 2015.09.21, but loads up version AtdheNet seems be up and own,
This zip file download fixes absolutely nothing nor is it “2015-9-21”
Fox and cnn live worked great before the update, now nothing, what gives!
I’m on the same boat…i had August version, then updated via zip …and now its at a 1.8.x.x version…nothing showing 09-21-15. What’s next?
ATDHE is not working again. I thought this latest update was going
to fix everything. So frustrating worked this morning and now it was down again
Tammy. Instead of using adb install for apk install while connected to stick use
adb push (c:\local_path\ /sdcard/
That will copy the zip file to stick. From there goto system . Add-ons . Install from zip . External storage . Sdcard there you’ll see and select that
how do we do it on a firestick? Is there a apk file to send it over
My apologies…. It still comes up 2015-09-16 and NOT 2015-09-21 even after installing from downloaded zip file.
I removed Sports Devil from my repo and installed version 2015-09-21 from zip folder (pushing from Adb Fire) and loaded it. It STILL comes up version at 2015-09-21
I’m pretty advanced w/ Kodi and know something isn’t right here.
Husham repo had a new version this morning that got my live TV working again. 92115c must be down… doesn’t seem to be working after update – worked fine before.
For grins I loaded http://repo.husham.Com and found the sports devil add on version is 9.21.15
I’m assuming that’s today
I suspect Kodi of turning into a police unit for the tv networks. Hope i’m wrong.
The updates never stops, ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Here we go again,
Good Luck!!
Where can I find solomons update?
SportsDevil worked like a charm over the weekend. I had a lot of HD streams for the games. It was the best experience so far for me. I am using a Raspberry Pi with OSMC on it. I updated SD last week via the instructions on Soloman’s youtube….
I installed the latest file but the version still shows 2015.09.16.0?
I uninstalled and updated with the 9-21-2015 repo but it didn’t change the version in Kodi. It’s still sowing me version. I haven’t been having any issues, before or after update, so I guess it doesn’t matter.
bigj yes you can use the update provided by solomon on the fire stick
Can some tell me if i can do this update while my firestick is connected to my tv? I started but screens looked different then solomons. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I rebooted Kodi and this did in fact work. Seahawks in HD. Before I rebooted nothing worked.
Same as Brandon have SportsDevil on Fire Stick and cannot get any games to work, namely NFL.
I click on the game it starts to load then does nothing
Please help!
I don’t have mine hooked to a computer, using fire stick. How can I update it to work with newest version. Keep getting no streams from any all of them.
The Solomon i willfolo update worked for me
Honestly, if you have the basic knowledge of how to SSH into your device, this is a basic install and worked flawlessly.
Just side loaded it and erased my old sportsdevil which wasn’t working. Uploaded it and installed, restarted fire stick and finally have sports SD has been out for a week
it worked for me
i take that back there is 1 link working go to live sports and click and the sports links in there seem to be working yayyyyyy 🙂
I did everything Solomon said in his video but after typing in the http iwillfolo link it doesn’t let me hit OK, the only thing I can click on is cancel. I cannot add any files. What a pain. I wanted to watch my university playing college football tonight. What a shame. I guess you cannot expect much from free stuff.
love that guy solo man but that repo didnt fix sports devil for me
This is the only fix that worked for me:
My SportsDevil was worked great until three days ago. since Then nothing. I tried inputting the info Solomon went over on his YouTube vid but it doesn’t let you click on done or OK, only CANCEL, so I cannot add it or save it. Hope there is a better fix soon. Sports on Phoenix has streams that stop every two minutes.
This worked for me. 5 Stars to Soloman
Good Luck!!
Okay, check this out. It worked for me. I like this guy. Good to follow. 5 Stars to Soloman.
Good Luck!!
Need a fix for Sportsdevil football weekend please help
i finally got it installed etc. But nothing works. No baseball no football. Sports devil is going to shift. I switched to Phoenix sports and was able to watch a game here and there but sports devil is going to shit
i want my money back for all this free stuff that doesnt work
At least now we know why it isn’t working, will check back for updates on progress. Thanks!
this is wrong i cant watch any of the games i hope the have a fix before the baseball play offs
When will there be a fix. It’s football season man.
The Kodi update has nothing to do with it not working. The sites used by SD change their code all the time and the addon needs to update
That’s what happens….to many updates… should have left it alone…was working before
Sportsdevil isn’t working for baseball links. I’m having the same problem like everyone else. Will there be a fix?
All I get is working, working, working. No games at all. It was so great before update.
No baseball games or anything else on ADTHE. Whats going on
with sportsdevil?
nothing will connect/stream with latest update, what’s going on?
Not working. Any rumors on an actual fix?
I am also having issues with SD, started on Monday night. Quick workaround is to use the “Phoenix” add-on for sports viewing.
Can anyone tell me how update sports devil using a fire stick?
not working
I updated to the 9-14-15 and all over is Spanish channels or a video of a panda bear eating. None of the streams open up.
Hasn’t worked properly since Sunday September 13,2015. Buffering like crazy and games won’t even open anymore. Disappointing since its been my favorite add on for the last 8 months.
Am I the only one that’s getting some kind of Spanish TV when I try to watch baseball?
SD hasn’t worked since yesterday 9/14/15, and today all links I get l. Are to a Spanish soap opera network
It does work! It took me a couple of reboots to get it the install to latch on.
All good!!
Keep up the great work and solid information!
5 stars!
SD Just went Down Again,even with the new 9-14 update
if it ain’t broke why fix it….. it was working perfectly before all these updates
I downloaded the Sept 14th, and zuonx is no longer appearing as an option. It doesn’t make any sense. Yes, a lot of those links didn’t work yesterday, but now it is totally gone.
force close or exit kodi, re-launch and it updates to 9-6-15 and works
How come in the TVADDON forums it says to update the libtrmp file as well but it does not say it here?
Worked like a CHARM after restart! THANKS
when clicking addon then install from zip i can see the file in my download folder but clicking it just opens up all the files Kodi cant read it to click ok for installation…..happening will all versions i have tried from various sites….shits lame and so is this site too.
Your sports devil link at the bottom points to the 8-22 release . Wrong link
no september link. also when I install the 22/08 the addon cannot open
Me either…. none of the links works for me….. it always said web “no stream available” “
I followed these instructions and none of the links within the app work. I have tried almost every possible sport and game. But nothing is working
The link is not ours and we have nothing to do with it and when we tried it there was no such thing as adware or spam so you might want to check your own computer
Shameful. I expected much more from this site. They lead you to a site full of adware, then when you try to dl sportsdevel it takes you to a new site that doesn’t even say what you are downloading. Really fishy and lame as fuck. Why not just give you the damn zip file.
Install failed. Several attempts and will not install from zip.
August 22 is the latest revision
Any updates? Anyone get this working as a 8/8 revision?
i think there is no update…
installation failed 🙁 what’s wrong?
How come Sports Devil doesnt have a repo? It would makes things a lot easier if it had one. Does Sports Devil have an official website?
I am getting version is that the latest
I get the incorrect version number also when installing it
I don’t think it have a proper version number or change log. It is from August 8, 2015
Can you confirm what version this is? When I click on the change log it has the latest from Oct 17 2014.
A few people have reported that. After you install completely close Kodi and relaunch and then it will work
I think your download isn’t working…I keep downloading it, installing it, then going into it gives an error: ‘Script Failed: DigTele Sports’