Kodi Factory Reset Delete Everything

Need a Kodi factory reset to delete everything and start back at step one? Follow our guide below and see how you can delete everything, perform a Kodi factory reset, and get a fresh start for Kodi.

Performing a Kodi factory reset may be exactly what you need to clear your system and give it a fresh start. The whole process only takes a few seconds and then you can start fresh in Kodi from scratch, as if you have just installed it for the first time.


What does a Kodi Factory Reset do?

A fresh start accomplishes the following tasks:

  • Deletes all repositories addons, and skins you may have on your box.
  • Resets the skin back to the default (Estuary in Kodi 18)
  • Removes all custom and advanced settings loaded into your system.


Why is a Factory Reset / Fresh Start Important in Kodi?

Kodi is not an application that requires no maintenance and upkeep. Addons and repositories regularly change addresses, stop working, and change functionality. Leaving your Kodi setup with orphaned addons leaves you prone to several bad possibilities:

  • Kodi will be slower. All addons are regularly checked for new updates. The more dead content you have, the more work your Kodi system does with no benefit.
  • You are prone to malicious content. There have been a few cases, most recently with the Entertainment Repo, where the original developer has given up his GitHub account and somebody else has taken it over and pushed an update for their personal benefit. Kodi addons simply point to a web address on the internet and it doesn’t know whether the content it is giving you is right or wrong.
  • Over time, you accumulate a lot of old Kodi repositories that are no longer active. Perform a factory reset to clear the deck and only install current and active content.
    • Some examples of some old and outdated repositories include: PodGod, tknorris, lambda, Blazetamer, Echo, Metalkettle, Mucky Duck, Xunity Talk, Noobs and Nerds, Entertainment Repo.


This method does not require any type of manual deletion or re-download of Kodi! The Fresh Start Kodi addon below makes things very simply to restore things back to original state.

Curious to perform a Kodi factory reset? Read on:


How to Perform a Kodi Factory Reset (Delete Everything)

  1. From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
  2. Type the following EXACTLY http://dimitrology.com/repo and select Done
  3. Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like dimitrology and then click OK
  4. Go back to your home screen.
    • ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser 
    • ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
  5. Select Install from Zip File > dimitrology > plugin.video.fresh-start-x.x.zip and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
  6. Navigate into your Program Addons and find the new Fresh Start addon you just installed.
  7. A popup will come up asking you if you want to reset your system back to its original state. Click Yes. 
  8. It will take a few minutes for Kodi to clear. When it is done, you will be asked to restart Kodi. It is recommended that you hard reset your box completely by pulling the power from the back.

When you boot up Kodi again, everything will be gone and your Kodi factory reset will be complete. You now have a fresh start to install fresh and new Kodi addons and repositories.


What Next?

Next, you may want to install some Kodi repositories, addons, and skins. If your box came pre-loaded, this is the perfect time to do some reading and learn!

Our home page contains new addon updates you might be interested.

We also have a setup guide for new Kodi users!

Questions? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook if we can help you out!


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About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

6 thoughts on “Kodi Factory Reset Delete Everything”

  1. this is out of date. Just followed the instructions only to find that the fresh start plugin is not compatible beyond (python ver.2.x.x) and needs to be updated to Python ver. 3

  2. Why not just delete Kodi then go to Play Store and re-Install Kodi again? Seems to me like that would work better. What am I missing?

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