Kodi Gvideo links are some of the most reliable and popular HD links found in Kodi add-ons. You may have noticed that Google Video links have been missing lately, which is due to an API change from Google. Find out how to fix Gvideo and return more high quality links today.
Kodi Gvideo links not working for you? Gvideo has long been the chosen web host for Kodi users because of a few nice advantages:
- Gvideo is powered by Google and has one of the largest server networks, ideal for large HD files.
- Gvideo upload and download speeds are higher than other free hosts, allowing for quicker uploads and buffer-free streaming.
However, a recent change by Google to their service now requires a login in order to access unlimited Gvideo sources in Kodi. So if you want to fix Gvideo in Kodi, then you need to follow the guide below.
The Google Drive Kodi addon can be installed directly from the official Kodi addon repository. Once installed, Google Drive will connect to Google’s API service. The addon allows you to browser your Google cloud storage, content shared with you, and other content you’ve started.
In addition, popular resolver dependencies URLResolver and ResolveURL are configured to properly use the new Google API to return/resolve Google Video links within addons. When connected to the Google API, you have a better chance of having Gvideo links resolve for you in Kodi.
So, if you want more Kodi Video links, follow the guide below:
How to Fix Kodi Gvideo Not Working Links
- From the main menu of Kodi, navigate to Add-ons > Add-on Browser > Install From Repository.
- Select Kodi Add-on Repository > Video Add-ons > Google Drive > Install and wait for the notification that the add-on has been installed.
- From your Video addons, launch the Google Drive addon. Click on Add an Account.
- Navigate to the page listed on the screen (on any device connected on the same network): https://kodi-login.herokuapp.com
- Input the code into the website and click Next.
- Enter the email address of your Google account and then click Next.
- Input the password of your account and then click Next.
- When you are prompted that the addon is not verified yet, click Advanced, then select Go to drive-login.herokuapp.com (unsafe) to proceed. Alternative link: kodi-login.herokuapp.com
- Click ALLOW to finalize your syncing and then you can exit your web browser.
If everything works correctly, you will now see your name listed in the Google Drive Kodi addon.
How to Enable GVideo in Kodi URLResolver & ResolveURL
To enable Gvideo links in the two popular resolver modules for Kodi, follow these instructions below twice (once for each addon).
- From the Kodi main menu, navigate to Settings (cogwheel) > System Settings.
- Make sure the settings level in the bottom left side of the screen is set to either Advanced or Expert.
- In the Add-ons tab, select Manage Dependencies.
- Select URLResolver/ResolveURL and then click on Configure.
- Under the Resolvers 3 tab, scroll down to GoogleDrive and enable the Use external GDrive addon if installed option. Then click OK.
After following the steps above, you should have a better chance of resolving Gvideo links in Kodi.
Note that your Kodi streaming information will be synced with your Google account. You may want to consider protecting your connection on the internet by enabling a VPN and using a throwaway Google account. Refer to the Kodi VPN information below.
Let us know on Twitter or Facebook if we can help you out!
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How do you get this to work if you are on a different network, I have a raspberry pi 2!!!!
Installed described procedure, but still no Gvideo links show up.
In Placenta, and Death Streams RD, the Gvideo link in not listed as a source or provider in the settings!
Forget it. Use an apk app instead of Kodi.
Hey, great article/guide/help as always.
I followed each of your steps but I still do not see any gvids. Can you provide a very specific example: [meaning if you use ‘this addon’ and search for ‘a specific source’ you should see x amount of gvid links]
This would be helpful….
A bit of both I expect. People at Google andDCMA are smart enough to eventually reali9ze that unlimited storage accounts host the majority of links – and take appropriate action.
No such thing as a kodi gvideo link.
Every post saying debrid is a scam never describes the alternative and how it’s a scam. Weird. Either you’re right OR you are so broke you can’t afford 10 bucks every 3 months. Stop being poor.
I honestly don’t know which of you pirate cucks are the more shameless. The ones pushing the debrid scam or the ones running the constant ads for the fake “VPN” service, which is really a data collection front for myself and my friends at the MPAA.
Oh by the way… memo to Ajit Pai…. you’re getting one HELL of a bonus check in your Xmas card. Thanks again for giving us complete control of the internet, you sneaky Hindu bastard!
You realize that on an android device you’re logged in on your google account right…. I mean that was a trolling comment I’m now taking to seriously right?
This guide is a load of bull, as I can run gvideo links on my android pad, but the same links don’t play on the computer.
So how do I ever login information?
bigo live
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OisSVzw-xOo Great help with add-on installs.
Real Debrid links can be removed also .
Get real-debrid. Problem Solved
So if I can see HD content in my list of feeds but they just get skipped over does that mean the feed is down or unavailable? I always wondered why the feed was listed but wouldn’t play.
Gvideo is the only stream that I can get to work consistenty on Exodus. Can’t find it anymore
install it from NaN/portal
how can I get Zen to stream?
This is not true, the real reason is that Google deactivated THOUSANDS of accounts (the unlimited storage sold in some places ) mine included, that most uploaders use. Nothing with DMCA this time, the reason was that resellers created personal subdomains
Great article, answered slot of questions I have had for a long time, thanks