How to Install Kodi Phoenix Add-on Guide

Get the latest news and information on the Kodi Phoenix addon below, including where its gone and how to install it.

NOTE: The Phoenix addon has been reborn again as “Bennu”. Click here for instructions on how to install the new Bennu Kodi addon.



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About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

229 thoughts on “How to Install Kodi Phoenix Add-on Guide”

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  3. Same thing as the people above. Phoenix new update not working. So now I don’t get phoenix at all. The icon still there. It’s in the add-on and system. Anyway to fix this problem?

  4. I keep getting (Could Not Connect To Repository) on Kodi whenever I try to install any Video Add On. Also I cant find phoenix add on in TvAddons anymore. Please help. Thanksl


  6. Yes, what has happened to Phoenix, it was there last night, now gone. What is this Sorry, and forever in our hearts? Has it been closed down?

  7. Phoenix is a great add on i love watching the Arabic channels on crusader 88 but lately they only come in for few minutes and shut off,i cant seem to get them to work.Thank you for your hard work keep it up

  8. phoenix tv category is not working. one of the radio channels in there i put in favorites (and that still works) , i just wish i made more radio channel favorites :(..

  9. I have been having issues as Phoenix for 3 days I have gone in and updated everything I can find but for some reason the only thing that is working on movies I cannot stream any TV shows at all can you please help me

  10. Yea what happened to Alpha Reborn, how am I gonna get my Core De Force fix, unless anyone else can suggest a different add on. Thanks.

  11. Just Putin Krypton 17.0 and put in Phoenix Live Baseball not working on any streams…movies work though …HELP I WANT BASEBALL!!!! Thanks

  12. I am having trouble getting the Pac 12 links to work with Phoenix. They had all been working great for a long time. Any issues that I am not aware of with Pac 12?

  13. Hi I have been having problems with Phoenix since Monday. I cannot get into incredible Tv and other links. What should I do?

  14. Hi Having some issues since yesterday with running acestreams through phoenix, Have noticed that i get no game listings inside acestreams sports or acestreams football? Both are empty with no links.. I have another box upstairs and that is running the same verion of phoenix but phoenix acestreams works fine on that box with full game listings? The only noticable thing is, that the working box has a different looking phoenix with blue icons ect but the one thats empty has a newer gold icons? But both are v3.2.9.. Wondered if anyone can help solve why im having issues loading stream listings on one but not the other? Both are on v16.1 jarvis and v3.2.9 phoenix.. Thanks rich

  15. I have been watch Nashville on phoenix and all of a sudden I cant watch it anymore. It says unplayable stream. what can I do to fix this?

  16. My Phoenix Football replays are not working…….!!!!!! I have tried to up date or re-install Phoenix but is not working……. I’m missing a lot of GOOD Football Game…….!!!!!

  17. Missing a step between :
    Select xbmc-repos > english > and wait for the Add-on enabled notification

    Select Get Add-Ons or Install from Repository (on Isengard) > XBMC Hub > Video Add-ons > Phoenix > Install

    There is NO Get Add-Ons or install after you wait for the xbmchub to installl

  18. Can we get the Canada channels back up ? Phoenix was my go to for them after Channel Pear and CCloud stopped updating CTV and Global TV. In the Canada section the 4 links to CTV stopped working this week, for Edmonton, Lethbridge, Regina, Yorkton ? Also would like to see more live channels from Canada added, maybe Global Tv links from major cities ? Thank you all

  19. Very sad to see porn menus on One242415 now. Can’t seem to find a way to eliminate them. Will have to un-install ALL of Phoenix because grandkids are always watching. Any suggestions?

  20. I downloaded Phoenix through the addon installer under programs in Kodi but it did not add a thumbnail under the videos section. I can only find it if I go into add ons. How do I get a thumbnail under videos? Thanks! using 16.1

  21. Hi, I always use Phoenix too, and seems recently the content for Cartoon Crazy/Anime is not updated with the latest ones? any idea if there’s an issue? I’ve already tried reinstalling the add-on and clear cache but the content is still old ones?

  22. Hi, I use Phoenix for about 90% of my streaming needs, however, Live NHL does not seem to work anymore. When I select it nothing happens, no errors, no list of games show up, in fact it stays in the current menu location. I have the most recent v3.1.17 installed and I also notices a few other odd behaviors. Some links, mostly live sports, freezes my Pi3 and needs to be rebooted.

    Thank you


  23. Just installed Kodi on a new minix u1 and than through fusion tried to install Phoenix but got the message: “addon installer error”. Other addons installation (like exodus) works well. Deleted Kodi and started all over again, but problem remains.
    Anyone has an idea?

  24. i cannot reload phoenix onto media box. when reset to factory settings, its didnt have as many options on phoenix, so deleted and cannot reload it. not on ap list, nor could i follow instructions given on kodi sit. last instruction it would not do. even though connected to internet it wouldnt update as saying not connected when is. i get same problem with trying to do system updates. help please.

  25. Help I accidentally uninstalled Phoenix on my Firestick instead of disable and can’t get it back on to work
    – tried reinstalling from add ons
    – did fusion again through programs ( nothing)
    – saying failed to install dependency when I try to install.
    It shows it in programs and sits at 2% but never loads
    Please Help!!!!

  26. Hi,
    I have amazon fire tv stick and installed kodi and phonix and exodus
    none of them is working exodus shows no stream available, phonix shows unplayable stream message.
    Any suggestion would be great.

  27. I loved working with your written instructions. This novice has a hard time following video installation instructions because they are too fast. You are now my go to source.

  28. Martux I have also lost Her Place. I was in the middle of watching something and the sound went off, so I paused/play/fast forward/rewound it and still the sound didn’t work. I then pressed the back button and Her Place was no longer there. How do I get this back?

  29. When I try to view sky sports or BT sports through Phoenix addon nothing happens but all other options work, it’s just the sports that don’t. Is there a fix for this?

  30. Try:

    Phoenix > Phoenix Sports > Cosmix Sports > Sport Channels

    From there it’s a matter of trying each option for your desired channel (SS1 for Sky Sports 1…and so on). I was having the same problem trying to access Sky feeds via Phoenix Live TV.

  31. Using fusion to install Phoenix you have to select
    Select fusion, Select xbmc-repos, Select english

    THE PROBLEM !!! is is MISSING.
    Tried the ADDON INSTALLER in PROGRAMS, still
    PHOENIX cannot find host to install.

    Wondering why “” was removed. Or maybe just a temporary bug they have to work out. Cannot update or install PHOENIX.
    Sept. 9, 2016.

  32. When I try to view sky sports through Phoenix addon nothing happens but all other options work, it’s just the sports that don’t. Is there a fix for this?

  33. Tried to update, got as far as the step before “Select Get Add-Ons or Install from Repository (on Isengard) > XBMC Hub > Video Add-ons > Phoenix > Install” – Can’t find “Get Add-ons” anywhere. – Does anyone have any ideas?

  34. Use to be one of the best. Now none of the channels that were stable work. Let’s just start with fox news. Hasn’t worked in months. Still doesn’t work.

  35. TVaddons use of Cloudflare is breaking the repos for VPN users. Many stream hosts are doing the same. And they dont even bother to tell you that you are wasting your time. This is so goddamn stupid. Fuck all you cloudflare dickheads.

  36. I downloaded Phoenix and try to watch live sports none of the channel will open. Click on a link and it says working but nothing happens. How can I fix this?

  37. The Phoenix add on does not appear to reside in TVAddons repository anymore. I tried on a new android box a few times to install but it is being very elusive. I have to guess it has been removed for some reason.

  38. Has anyone had any luck with the TV shows that used to stream non stop? I haven’t been able to get any to work now for about a month. Running Kodi 15.2 Compiled Nov 19 2015, openelec 6.0 unofficial on MX2 GBOX.

  39. My app and Phoenix add-on are completely up to date, but any time I try to watch ANYTHING, it says “opening stream” and then the box disappears and nothings happens. It’s almost like it’s blocking a pop-up or something…does that happen?? In the bottom right corner it will say “working” with the loading symbol and on the bottom left corner I’ll see a ‘play’ button, but then those disappear also and I’m left with the list of channels or links that I cannot play. HELP PLEASE!!!

  40. i have just reinstalled Pheonix, and none of the sports channels are loading sky/bt/euro/premier. very frustrating

  41. sorry guys but if you can’t Cartoon Crazy going again, you might as well just shut Phoenix down altogether…and with this new “update?” I see NO improvement…Its working worst then ever. I hope you guys can step it up and soon

  42. No fix for Cartoon Crazy yet? Updated to latest version of Phoenix but still can’t play anything on Cartoon Crazy. Brief “busy” notice and then nothing, every time I click a link.

  43. New fresh install and Cartoon Crazy works with a few shows but not others. Was watching Duck tales with niece but now episodes will not load since update. Shows working in bottom corner as it tries to load for a second then stops and im back to the episodes list. Windows 7 64 bit with fresh latest version of Kodi installed and everything.

  44. Live US tv no longer working. Also E channel and comedy central and all the news channels. UK tv plays for a couple minutes and times out. Used to be one of my favourite add ons. Now it’s pretty much useless to me. Btw is anyone from Developer actually reading these comments?

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  46. I just updated phoenix as well and wanted to watch the Fox News Channel. Instead I see Fox channel 5? Wrong feed?

  47. just updated phoenix, not many of the live tv channels are working. especially the movie channels, any clue?

  48. Just back off holiday and when i launch Pheonis all I get is file list?? No longer displaying movies, live TV etc. any thoughts please??

  49. I had similar peoblems with Phoenix not opening, so I switched on my VPN and set the ocation to USA (I’m in the UK) and hey presto, Phoenix works again.

  50. Hello. I have been having issues with Phoenix for a week. I have installed exactly as it’s been stated, I get exodus and all over video outlets to get the update and work. Phoenix is he only video source that won’t update it’s the default load that won’t give me access to any tv. Valhalla, her place etc …none of them are updated and when you click, they won’t open. Please help if you can

  51. Hi guys. Please can someone help, I’m using the add on program and installed ice films etc but the Pheonix app says add on installer error, check log

  52. I couldn’t install the Phoenix on my Kodi Android Jarvis

    It throws Dependency error on Live Resolver. Anyone know how to fix it?


  53. I enjoy Fox Sports 1 for football in HD, however the link to Fox Sports 2 doesn’t seem to work. Any updates as to when Fox 2 link will be operational? It’s then only channel that streams
    Football in HD

  54. Yeah I tried to play dinosaur train this morning for my son and none of the episodes would play. I did not have time to try other parts of the add on. It was working fine last week 0.o

  55. A few of the addons in Kodi won’t play and I have the newest release. Cartoon Crazy–no cartoons at all will play. There is an amazing selection, but when I click on any of them, nothing happens. Please help.

  56. Hi, live Premier league football stream is soo bad. Its start very good but after few seconds the picture is too bad. Please help.

  57. New update looks good, but as per Dave, no football streams listed anymore. They used to be under live tv, but now you have the channels listed and not the games. Will this be changing or are the listings elsewhere now?

  58. Anyone Who Has Been Having The Capcha PRO Let The Solution Is Upgrade Your Kodi To V 16 Jervis. The opening steam box is no longer in the way. All channels working perfect!

  59. Hi
    I’m having the same problem as others here where the opening stream box is on top of the capcha pics. Can’t see the pics to select the correct ones.
    Has anyone figured this out yet?

  60. Can’t install Phoenix as I can not get past step 4. There is no install from zip option in Settings>addons.

  61. hi all

    When accessing some channels there is a Captcha box which appears asking for validation of pictures. I cant select the pictures as a Phoenix dialogue box is ontop of the pictures but disabled so cant move or clear it…thus making many channels unuseable as I cant get past the security check. Any ideas anyone on how this can be resolved?

  62. Really good revamp with the vast majority of links working. Excellent work and thanks for one of the best apps around.

  63. Elie
    Woody is away for now that’s why your not getting it
    But if your getting the rest then your broadband is ok
    The best way for any info on these is Twitter

  64. good day
    i am using kodi on an android tv box. Kodi Phoenix add-on was updated to 2.8.6
    i am missing woody . there any way to get it back?.
    Mucker. can you explain to me please the issue some info about(click on browser app and do a search (say news) then click on news and it took me to broadband supplier) can you post the link please. i am a new kodi user. thank you for help

  65. Spike it may be your internet supplier blocking it I had to click on browser app and do a search (say news) then click on news and it took me to broadband supplier which in my case is BT
    Then it give me the choice to turn of parent control even know I did have it turned on
    Then went back to Kodi and all worked

  66. Can’t get any football on android box at all – only reason I bought one – any ideas how to get it??? Also when I want to watch movies loads say problem check log – any ideas in that – thanks❓?

  67. Almost all my links do not work in the last three days. I have two boxes and have the same problems. Two weeks ago everything was working great.

  68. Joe c thanks for that I have now joined Twitter and have had a look at Kodi will take a while to see how Twitter works also I have had a look at that link and heard of that before about them blocking so will give it a go cheers again

  69. And for future reference everybody don’t even waste your time posting problems here. Have never seen anybody get back to anybody here, just a waste of time. Join Twitter and start following kodi tips, kodi community and the whole Phoenix gang. You’ll just about get a response everytime you have a question 99% of the time. And you’ll be informed when there are problems, etc..

  70. Hey mucker, I’m not any way affiliated with kodi tips but what your explaining especially with the famous bt that I’ve heard in Twitter is that indeed sounds like they are blocking. And Phoenix is one of the ones they always affect. I’m going to try to find a link that talks about that for you

  71. Anyone getting NHL games to play on the traditional nhl section. Haven’t had any playable since the recent updates. The ones in huddle sports work, but the nhl section ones were cleaner

  72. Update my mate now can get Kodi but it is the same as Barbie above a limited Phonenix is there something what we are doing wrong are is there something blocking this from our internet provider
    Any thoughts please

  73. I got my mate an Android box with Kodi on it
    It works ok on my BT but when he has it in his house
    He can’t get any channels through Kodi but can on Showbox
    He has The same BT broadband as me
    Can anyone help thanks

  74. Yesterday, 3d content was working in Phoenix. Today, its not, saying unplayable stream for every movie I tried. Hope its fixed soon.

  75. Not sure if its been answered yet or not but i notice huddle up sports is gone from woody this evening. Any idea if we will see it again? Really awesome quality for the sports lover!!!

  76. I’m experiencing “unplayable stream” on some of the 24/7 shows and also on occasional sources in Staael2014.

    I’m experienced with Kodi and the 3rd party add-ons but haven’t been able to figure out a fix yet.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  77. Can you please put the link back up in sports replays for the Rousey fight?
    Additional previous UFC fights would also be appreciated.

  78. you have to start installing kodi any version, and after install the source starting by fusion. you can find every think you need on the forums.

  79. finally i just get the update made. and i do have the2.7.7 and a lot of Arabic channels are not working any more. can some one fix this issue please.( MBC MASER,LBC SAT, aljadeed link 2. MTV LINK 2 and NBN) those channels was working great and after the update for a new version its stop working.

  80. Tred solutions on yur link joe. still no luck.
    tried roll backs. reloading from proper repository. still dead.
    i’m sure i’ll stumble acroos something soon enough.

  81. I set up a new pi 2 using Xbian and it installs phoenix and vinman java updates. I have set up everything in services but I can’t get it to play anything in the NHL section. Anyone else have this problem since the update. I set this up on my other pi 2 before the update and it works fine.

  82. Trying to watch NHL replays but only get sound with no picture. Using KODI on Gbox Q latest version. Can anyone help?

  83. Sorry cooper wish I could help you. The posters of this website never respond to anyone which I found out myself so the way to get a response for any questions 100% is to get a Twitter account. Follow kodi tips and kodi community, etc…. Then tweet your question and it will be answered guaranteed

  84. Having an issue where my downloaded files are not showing up. I tried to specify my downloads to be directed to my sd card: “/storage/extSdCard” I’m really not sure what the problem is…I have the same issue on both my Samsung S5 & Note Edge. Any help would be appreciated

  85. Perfect. I’m glad it’s working again. ??. Twitter is great cause you can find out anything and what is going on. You’ll like it. And people respond usually pretty quick as well

  86. Awesome thanks Joe c all fixed and running smoothly ? thanks for the advice ive now opened a twitter account??????

  87. Phoenix 2.7.5 has just been released. Update your addon and see if it fixes anything. If not tweet one of the Phoenix guys for help. Also the maker of cartoon crazy has added anime crazy to this update as well.

  88. @ anonymous, I think you should download the Twitter app, create an account and start following on there. You can start with searching and following @woody_is_back. That way you can ask the maker of woody directly. Or you can even request stuff. That’s the best way and is why they have Twitter so the people can inform them with issues, etc….

  89. Well that’s a whole week without an explanation or answer to why woody live tv isnt working when working awesome when not it’s a huge let down.

  90. Sorry about typing error in last message it’s say install 2.7.5 when available when will this be available as 4 days without live tv is getting annoying now

  91. Woody live tv not working saying unplayable streams for the 4th day now this addon is awesome when working but come on 4 days it’s saying install 1.7.5 when available lol so when is it going to be available please?

  92. Phoenix not working saying unplayable stream on woody live tv for the third day any news on fixing it please?

  93. Since the new update and phoenix tv being replaced by woody none of the live premier League games works. Woody sucks

  94. This was my favourite addon as it was so easy to watch live premier league. Why has the football been removed? Will it be readded?

    I no longer have any use for this addon 🙁

  95. @Jimbo I noticed that as well. You can download from the website which seems to have all of the content, or you can install the kisscartoon addon for Kodi. It seems to have a lot of options but I had some stability issues with it.

  96. Cartoon Crazy seems awesome. I’m new to Kodi. Is it not possible to DL any of the contents? It isn’t an option in the context menu.

  97. I’ve also noticed that cartoon crazy did the same thing tonight as last night. Close to the same time as last night it’s doing the same thing. Search pulls up empty along with a lot of the categories empty. And when you find a random movie in a category to try it’s empty as well. Looks like this awesome folder might not be so reliable as was hoping for. Which is why I’m curious to try out the kisscartoon add on. I wonder if it’s just me, but cartoon crazy is still down. I’ll check again in 29 min

  98. Oh, no problem. But I can see that there is a kodi add-on called kiss cartoon which has all the content from the website you mentioned. I thought the add-on is what you meant. I read it’s good.

  99. Hi G, where is the “” located in? I noticed a lot of the movies in cartoon crazy have that logo on the top. Thanks in advance

  100. Yes, Exactly theres no Live Football games anymore no more live games from the UK. This was the best app before gone from 10/10 to worst

  101. What’s happened to English premier league football ?
    No links what so ever, gone from the best on the net to nothing ?

  102. Ok cartoon crazy is back. Guess it just needed an update. Thank goodness cause this folder is awesome!!! I hope this stays around for a while. And a good replacement for animated movies that were found in dubstop which Has been down for a little while now.

  103. Cartoon crazy was up and running fine till now. Went to search and its pulling nothing up at all. A lot of empty contents. Even movies I just played this morning

  104. upgraded from 2.7.1 to 2.7.3 and lost the context menu with download links etc. Now its just non-phoenix options like add to favorites. Any ideas?

  105. Really missing not having the phoenix tv icon for live premier league games! Is it avaiable anywhere else or can you add it to another icon please?

  106. Phoenix got updated, since the update nothing works, movies that I watched yesterday today they get a script error. Help please….

  107. Hi, great app as always but with Phoenix TV being replaced by Woody (welcome back) where is the “live football games” section listing UK Premier League games.? Far better user experience when the games are listed rather than just “Sports HD” or Zona Sports HD” under HD Sports

  108. *SOLVED* Regarding my previuos post, the update installation failure was solved by stopping running java processes on my Win7 pc and reinstalling phoenix!


  109. After a quick check, loving the new Vinman radio. Instant streaming a great sound.
    Phoenix has become my #1 Repo as Film, Sport and now radio streams have been excellent. Thank you guys.

  110. Failed update to 2.7.1 running Kodi 15.2 on Win7 … trying clearing cache, reinstalling Phoenix. No luck. Any suggestions?

  111. On Phoenix the site for Racing UK is presently occupied by Motors Tv which is also showing on its own site.
    Lets not get into the American assumption that racing only means motor racing.

  112. hi ive got kodi running on firestick but for some reason I cannot get phoenix to show anything other than the NHL section ?? But when I plug stick in on different network they are all there. Is it a router blocking issue perhaps

  113. Followed the lengthy procedures and cannot get the image to mount in linux deploy. Quite frankly the avg Kodi user is not going to be able to do this. There was no troubleshoot offered either. Not everyone who uses Kodi is a coder. Hence “Open Source”.

  114. When I opened Phoenix to watch live HD baseball, it played in HD quality then shut down with no error….then when I opened the EXACT same stream it said unplayable source…wth?

  115. When I try to update Phoenix … I get Update failed

    Any idea as to why??

    I’m running Kodi 14.2 on Windows


  116. Hi it’s a great site but the last week when I’ve installed it on new mxq box’s on phoenix sports TV I only get sound and no picture please can you help me I’ve tried most things I know

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