Kodi scrapers are the backbone of the open-source media center. Scrapers are pieces of open-source code that can query websites on the public internet that contain media files and links. The new LambdaScrapers Kodi module is a project to help keep these scrapers up to date and usable for everyone.
Find out more information below:
The Need For LambdaScrapers
There are four most common scraper modules for Kodi: Incursion, Placenta, Yoda and Universal Scrapers (which are used for every Jen-based addon).
So, what’s the issue?
Neither Incursion or Placenta are actively under development any more. The Placenta developer, Blamo, has gone offline and away from the Kodi community. The Incursion developer, nixgates, is working on a brand new Kodi addon and is no longer updating his old work.
This means that good and working scrapers from Placenta and Incursion are now left on an island with other non-working scrapers that have died since each developer quit their work.
Enter LambdaScrapers
The project integrates working scrapers from all three sources into a single spot so that Kodi users can find plenty of working Kodi links.
LambdaScrapers Kodi Latest Updates
The latest version of LambdaScrapers is v1.8.2.9 from January. The following changes were made:
- Rlsbb fixed
This is the final LambdaScrapers update from the 13 Clowns repository. Following this, LambdaScrapers is transitioning to a community scrapers package. More details will be released soon!
The last version of LambdaScrapers was v1.8.2.5 from January 5th. The following changes have been made:
- Scrapers fixed/updated:
- scenerls
- seriesonline
- playmovies
- wrzcraft
- Scrapers removed
- 2DDL
The latest update comes from a fork of the Lambdascrapers module that is located in the 13 Clowns repo. The original lambdascrapers repo has not been updated in a while. If you install the 13 Clowns Kodi addon, then Lambdascrapers will be updated in all of the addons that use it.
A previous version of LambdaScrapers was v1.4 from October 8th, 2018. After the initial creation of the module, the following improvements were made:
- Settings have been added and providers can now be enabled or disabled
- Duplicate scrapers have been removed and broken ones have been updated.
- Putlocker scrapers updated (the only spot to get working PLocker links is in here)
- Added some community submitted scrapers (these are ones that were not in Incursion, Placenta, OR Universal Scrapers.
- General Scraper housekeeping
- Removed/quarantined scrapers with duplicate self.baselinks (each website is now only queried once)
- Removed/quarantined scrapers that returned 404s or 503s.
- Added Modules directory
LambdaScrapers works with any Exodus-based Kodi addon, which is any multi-source one you can think of in Kodi.
Sounds great? Follow our instructions below for how to install and integrate LambdaScrapers today.
But first..
Disclaimer Note
Everything found in LambdaScrapers is open-source python code and can be reviewed. The module only knows how to go onto a website on the internet and search for media streams. Neither LambdaScrapers nor any Kodi addon hosts any files or knows how to distribute copyrighted information. Any and all media questions should be pointed towards the websites.
How to Install LambdaScrapers Kodi Module
- Download the LambdaScrapers Repository and save it somewhere you can access in Kodi.
- From your Kodi home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Zip File and select the repository.lambdascrapers-x.x.zip file you saved above and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
That’s it?
LambdaScrapers is a module dependency and doesn’t need to be installed like regular Kodi addons. Once you perform the above steps, the dependency can be imported into any addon.
As of October 1st, Gaia has also included support for LambdaScrapers. You can enable them in the addon settings. We also recommend DISABLING the Placenta and Incursion scrapers at the same time.
How to Import LambdaScrapers Into Any Addon
Any multi-source Kodi addon can be altered to use these new scrapers instead of its own scraper set. So for addons no longer being developed such as Placenta or Incursion, you can follow the instructions below to get things updated.
Open up the addons/script.module.incursion/lib/resources/lib/modules/sources.py file. If you don’t know how to get to your Kodi addons folder, the official Kodi foundation has a guide for each operating system. Note that the addons folder is one level up from userdata.
1) In the sources.py file, find the following line that (around line 322):
try: sourceDict = [(i[0], i[1], control.setting('provider.' + i[0])) for i in sourceDict]
Comment out that line by adding an asterisk at the beginning like this:
#try: sourceDict = [(i[0], i[1], control.setting('provider.' + i[0])) for i in sourceDict]
On the next line, add the following:
try: sourceDict = [(i[0], i[1], control.addon("script.module.lambdascrapers").getSetting('provider.' + i[0])) for i in sourceDict]
Incursion will now use the provider settings stored in Lambdascrapers instead of the provider settings stored by Incursion.
Next, open addons/plugin.video.incursion/resources/settings.xml
At the end of the settings.xml file, the last 2 lines should be:
Change this to:
<category label="External Scrapers">
<setting label="LambdaScrapers Settings" type="action" option="close" action="RunPlugin(plugin://script.module.lambdascrapers/?mode=LambdaSettings)"/>
The will add a tab to the Incursion settings called “External Scrapers” that will take you directly to the Lambdascraper module settings.
And there you go!
Let us know on Twitter or Facebook if we can help you out!
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no help here!
seems to be all porn
when clicking the ext link in new settings tab in incursion nothing executes…