Exodus not working for you? If you are having trouble with the Exodus Kodi add-on, click here to find out if there may be a widespread issue with the add-on and if there is anything you can do!
Having issues with Exodus not working on your Kodi box? The reason is because the Exodus Kodi addon hasn’t been maintained or upgrade since May and the addon is now obsolete for support.
Exodus is one of the most installed Kodi addons of all time and many casual Kodi users are still trying to use the addon. While some users may still be able to retrieve links in Kodi, some key pieces to the addon are not working, including:
- Special categories and sections such as “People Watching”, “In Theatres”, and the other playlist areas within the addon do not work anymore. This data is pulled from a service called The Movie Database (TMDB) and the API key for Exodus has expired. This means that you need to manually enter in your own TMDB Api Key into the code or else this will never work.
- Some website scrapers used in Exodus to retrieve streams. Remember, Kodi does not host any links within its addons. Exodus relies on its “scrapers” to retrieve information and since the addon hasn’t been updated since May, any website who has changed code since May will not work in Exodus.
If you find Exodus not working for you, there is luckily a solution. The direct replacement for Exodus is the Covenant Kodi addon, which is found inside of the Colossus Repository. Covenant has some of the same developers working on it that worked on Exodus and is regularly updated with new features and bug fixes. Click here to learn more about Covenant today.
If you are reading this article because you are having issues with Covenant not working in Kodi, here are some common issues and solutions that other users are finding:
Common Issues and Solutions:
- Problem: I only see videos from the year 1970 and earlier (or year X and earlier)!
- This means that you have not set up the time and date on your Kodi box. Please make sure that your date and time is set to today’s today. It will default to 1970, which is why you don’t see any new sources.
- Problem: I am getting “no stream available” when I watch anything.
- Before asking for support, read this article and see if you fall into one of the categories described. There might not be any working streams on any public websites.
- If you want access to more obscure audio and video files, Easynews is a Usenet client that gives you access to private servers containing millions of files. These private servers don’t go down and files aren’t deleted, so they contain almost everything ever uploaded. Click here for more information or click here to sign up!
- Problem: When I click on a show or movie, I see the “working” symbol but nothing happens.
- This problem has been reported by users who use BT as their internet service provider. If you use BT, disable your “home hub smart setup” and see if this fixes your issue. Alternatively, you can sign up for a VPN service like IPVanish and make yourself appear as if you are from a different location and ISP. Click here to sign up for IPVanish.
We will update this post, as well as Twitter and Facebook when everything is back to normal again!
When Covenant is working normal, there are some other reasons why you might find Covenant not working for you:
Covenant may not work if your Kodi is outdated. Covenant is only designed to work with Kodi Krypton (17) or higher. If you are still using an old version of Kodi, you will not receive any support for Covenant issues.
Sign up for a premium Kodi VPN and access the internet unrestricted. We offer exclusive discounts for IPVanish and NordVPN, the highest respected VPNs in the Kodi community. Both of these VPNs have some great features for users:
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If you look closely, they are basically interchangeable.
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He became a regular on Sid and Marty Krofft’s Sigmund and the
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Gibson and Kurt Russell, but experienced creative and personal
differences with director Robert Towne, who later described her as
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The next day in group therapy Abraham told the rest of the cast members, “You guys think that I’m purposefully and intentionally lying to you but it’s like, you know, I have a lot to lose. So I would tell you the truth if I could, if it were safe. If it wasn’t gonna f k up my whole life, then I would tell you the truth.”.
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Margaret’s tough little roommate Adrian is played
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Diaz, who hurt his back launching a two run home run on Tuesday, did not start on Wednesday but was available to come
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April 20, 2012 Donaldson believes the relatively low attendance at the
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Absolute shit !! Bring back Betamax !!
[email protected]
Can get anything to download and watch. Keeps saying check error log. Please help
Flossy, if you’re using a build, that might be your problem. I have a build ony fire that won’t load anything. So I used my other box which has another build and my covenant and exodusis working fine.
I’ve got both exodus and covenant, they are both doing the exact same thing which is they will let Me click on movie and then year but then when I click on a year ( it downstairs matter what year) it will show the loading symbol and not load anything, it doesn’t show any movie names it just stays on the year list screen. I’ve updated it and uninstalled it then reinstalled it nothing works. Can you hellllllp pleeease, it’s very frustrating :0
Whay device? Normally when you go to update and install from unknown sources or settings should pop up
We are currently on kodi 15 and need to upgrade the problem is that it doesn’t give us the option of ‘unknown sources’ from which to search. How can we upgrade so our tv works again?
I got my mom a firestick and did every install for her and she likes to watch soaps and none of them have no stream available is there any specific reason I’ve tried every tutorial video to fix it
If you want to use Kodi on Android follow https://www.ytechb.com/install-use-kodi-android-without-root/
I’m installing exodus and convention. One it installs and works but when I go to play something I get the loading circle but nothing happens and nothing plays .. I logged into my router and changed the settings in my router to secure and made sure to disable firewalls ??? What else is left ?
As of today I can no longer watch Exodus on my digixstream box! It keeps saying error and check the log file? I don’t know how to do that or what that is how do I fix that? Do I need to reinstall it back to factory set or what do I do? Please help?
Antonio. Where did you install it from? Do you have the Exodus zip and have you tried updating instead of uninstalling.
I am getting a exodus error message and then tells me to check the log. I am not sure how to check the log and I have uninstalled exodus and re installed but still having the same error message pop up.
when I tried to download from zip file, the option OK is blocked for me. I dnt know why! any help?
Downloaded Covenant. But tv shows are buffering too much to enjoy. Anything I can do ?
Thank you very much that fixed my problem
It’s not Exodus, it’s the sources. You might want to mention what TV Show you are trying to watch but that’s the sources problem, it happens, especially on the older or not very popular TV Shows. As long as you have any streams
Can anyone help?
99% works, however the 1% that allows TV or Movie to steam just doesn’t work.
For example: load Exodus, TV, People Watching, select a show, select an episode and then I get the streams available. It’s at this point that nothing happens… I select a stream, but it just stops..
I have updated KODI and Exodus
I have cleared cashe and providers
I have followed all the online recommendations
Also, contacted my isp who have said that they haven’t blocked my access???
Check out the list of Best Free VPN for Kodi in 2017 To Install Any Restricted Addon : https://goo.gl/S5H5w4
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new EXODUS 4.1.02
Install from Zip File >>> repository.exodus-4.0.0.zip
Updated to the new kodi. It was working fine at first but now when I search for a movie a blank page comes up and in the top left corner it says. Videos: exodus | watched. Why is it searching in the watched section and how do iget out of it? Please help.
Never factory reset your box unless totally necessary, not because kodi isn’t responding. You can clear the cache or force stop in settings the apps you’re trying to use.
Is the box not responding in kodi or everything? Try all the apps. Which kodi are you running on that box? If it was Jarvis, the factory reset could have disabled it. Go to Google play to see if you can reinstall it
I RESET MY BOX (Rominetak T95 m 4K) took it on a trip, didn’t use it. Got back home and it was acting crazy. Wouldn’t let me see some movies, shows, So I factory reset the box now i can’t go past opening. Did I mess up my box or what. Thanks
My problem with kodi is it used to work flawlessly with no problems and then one day I was searching through movies and then it did this loading thing which made it disappear so I had to install it back and then now whenever I play a movie especially the newer ones I went from getting a full page of last links to a few episodes not so much.. anyone help? I’m using the mini x h8 plus help please I fear my box has been outdated?
Colossus…Exodus…Covenant…nothing works???? Help!!!
If your exodus is not working and want to reinstall exodus you can visit helpful and easy guide: https://buff.ly/2yvqPSr
I’m wondering if there is a place to find Diva Den that used to be in Phoenix? Or is there a place to watch recent Hallmark movies?
Why can’t I watch Stephen King’s It (1990) 🙁 🙁 🙁 no matter what add on I try it says NO STREAM. ( I can watch other movies/tv shows except Stephen King’s it!!!
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Certain new movies dnt show up on any of my add ons. For ex. Spiderman , war of the apes, big sick . For sum odd reason they dnt even show up .
@Mark. Kodi isn’t dead, addons are but there a ton of new addons that works absolutelly flawlessly, including Exodus. All you have to do is google it
Kodi is essentially dead. Phoenix had the only really good content, but when it went away, so did everything else. Filmontv, exodus, cloud.. all just empty shells that show a spinning icon and return nothing.
No addon advertised here or anywhere is returning content. But I’m growing more and more suspicious over the swarm of secure firewall ads playing prominently next to the solutions-that-don’t-work.
Very sad
@Johnson. It’s not working anymore
Amazing! Its truly awesome piece of writing, I have got much clear idea concerning from
this article.
Exodus recently updated their streaming source. If you have an outdated version of Kodi, first you need to update to the latest Kodi and then update the exodus source. Here is some useful resource regarding the Exodus’ new source http://www.thetechtoys.com/exodus-not-working-fix/
I got my exodus back after updating the Exodus Source.
Everytime i try to click on a movie it says exodus error and then says check information log i dont understand
My friend Daniel has an android box that is about a year old; he had no problems with it, but suddenly last week movies started disappearing from the list and he can’t even bring them up when he searches for them by name. We updated him to the newest versions of Kodi and Exodus, but they still aren’t there. I have no problems with my movies list. How can he get those movies back?
I reset my tvbox and now is doesn’t appear exodus in the menu. It’s nexbox model A1(S912, 2G + 16G) he lo please
I tried to update kody. It wouldn’t let me? HELP!
It’s says working then nothing happens. HELP!
Been trying to watch anything through Kodi and while it may show hundreds of sources for a show or movie, only two or three will actually load, and only for a few minutes before it gets stuck on buffering. Frustrating as hell.
I have always had problems with exodus , maybe someone on here can help. I have the newest update on everything.
Sometimes I have to select a server that doesnt have “HD” next to it. I have found that those constantly buffer and screw up the show.
Sometimes when I click on a server to watch an episode a third party window pops up and says something like ” Cannot find file, please visit http://XXXXXXXXX????? you have 30 seconds to sign in.
its getting annoying. what can I do?
Exodus is not working for me. I will click on any movie or show and then any and all streams available, what then happens is the stream starts but with no video showing, I can hear sounds for a solid 5 seconds and then nothing, if I click to enlarge the screen to show the video playing in the background then I get nothing but a lag of the mouse that will end up showing me about 100+ mouse icons from the movement of my mousepad. I can then hit delete which will take me back to the main screen without issues. I have reinstalled, updated and done everything I can think of. Any one else have this issue?
Why is my ‘search’ not working?
Kodi hasn’t been pulling hardly any sources… people are all having the problem… is not clear cache either… updated to 17.1… still hardly any sources…is it a new law against sites or does exodus have an issue finding sources? Or did they just get shut down … I just want to know whats up
I recently tried watching a movie and it skipps all of the quality providers (HD, 1080p) and goes down the list to the worst provider. This happens both in auto play and directory modes.
I then tried watching a movie that I had just watched a couple of days ago and have the same issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
til day before yesterday my kodi was working just fine.. but now it isn’t responding well, i can’t even see the lists of movies now. can someone suggest me ways to fix it?
I can’t actually get to any movies or shows. It’ll allow me to go as far as selecting year or genre with movies but never pulls up a list of movies. Just the spinning indicating it’s processing and nothing happens. Same with tv shows. Anyone else have a similar issue? If so what did you do to fix it?
I updated exodus and now all tv shows won’t work. Movies work fine. Please help.
Was on Exodus 16.1 just updated to most current version (17?) anyway. Only reason why I updated was when I searched for anything it would say “working” then just stop. Still doing it after the update. Anyone else having this issue?!?!
@zemelya yea :/ the newest version for sure just bought the thing 3 weeks ago. Firestick kodi exodus
@Jenelle. Kodi and exodus version?????
@Christine. You are welcome, wasn’t much
Cant watch movies I’ve searched before and watched before again! I followed some directions that said go to the search button > search something > press the left button to open sidebar. But when i get there i dont see the button to filter the ‘unwatched’ to ‘all movies’
@zemelya thanx for all the advice, you are most helpful
@Christine. Well, I would go that far to call yourself like that but yes, you need new KODI and updated Exodus version. However, I check the Cinemax and it didn’t pull anything. There were a couple more that didn’t work but HBO, AMC, FX,ABC,Amazon, Netflix,Starz worked and I stopped after that. I am not sure why you care so much about this option? Just add anything you want to watch to Trakt or IMDB watch list and you are done. Anyway, that’s what I am doing
@zemelya sorry, I feel dumb, haha. I have Exodus 3.1.11
@zemelya Kodi 16.1 Git:2016-04-24-c327c53
@Christine. What version of Exodus do you have?
@Jessica for me, Cinemax doesn’t work. I can’t search for the Tv show, Outcast
@Jessica. Which network and tv show?
Movies work fine for me but….TV shows don’t. I click on the specific network, show, and then the episode and it says NO STREAM. What is going on??? This is driving me nuts!
@Bob The Builder. They went after addons that use “live” streams directly from networks, streaming movies and TV Shows is fine but some of streaming movies and TV Shows addon’s developers drop out as well. Plus the whole TVAddons went down since they are suing TVAddons as the whole company. They are not going to be able to do anything ,Dish and the other but they brought TVAddons down. They’ll be back but it will take some time
@jams Exit KODI and come back and it should show up. You need to watch a YouTube video on how to install Ares project repo
Downloaded kodi 17.3 than added on exodus through ares now my exodus has no names on any categories (still has pics) and movies and tv show still show up and work once you find them went into settings and there are no words in settings bit can still change them any ideas?
I uninstalled exodus just because nothing was showing up on it and now it won’t allow me to reinstall. Is anyone else having this issue or knows how to fix it?
I still don’t understand how any company could possibly do litigation against the creator of an addon, when they don’t host a goddamn thing. We have laws in place that are supposed to prevent this from happening.
You can’t arrest someone, for example, just for stating a fact, such as “sometimes, you can get hookers down on 42nd avenue”. They didn’t say to go buy a hooker. They didn’t force anyone to buy a hooker. All they did was say where there were hookers. If you can start throwing people in jail for that, then fuck, we’re all completely screwed, and a lot worse than any of us even realized. Where the hell are the nonprofits that usually fight this stuff? This is clearly in violation of so many rights it’s ridiculous.
Netflix has no right to even claim anything against an addon developer. This is just getting rigoddamndiculous
JUst a thought but I tried everything when I couldn’t search on exodus. After 3 hours and a lot of frustration I noticed the date was set to 1977 which is why I wouldn’t search anything. I changed the date and it works fine
@TOASTER,@Narelle . You can always search for the movie or TV SHow in Trakt, add it to your list and it will be available in Exodus. We should feel lucky that the addon has been foxed to watch anything at all
Same problem with v 3.1.19…
If you know what movie, go to people search and look the actor up. You can locate your movie there
I have the same problem like Narelle. I can watch my movies/series from the favorite tab, but when i search anything nothing happens.
I have v.3.1.16 and the exodus repository doesn’t show a newer one.
Do you have a solution?
@G.Rakic. Well, there you go. All you have to is to Google it, there are quite a few repos that work
Nice article thanks for the sharing..
Hi when I try to search for a movie nothing happens. When we first starting to use it it worked fine. How do I rectify this as it is quite annoying having to scroll through all the movies or TV shows to get to the one I want to watch.
Finnaly working !!! 🙂
Could you be so kind to give us repo for 3.1.19
10x in advanced
@Nebber . You are wasting your time, nobody does that here. BTW, Exodus is not dead, there is another version 3.1.19, works perfectly, just can’t get it from fusion repo but there are quite a few other repos there you can get it from. I using it for the last 2 days, works great, just like it used to be
@Adam. Which repor you’ve updated your Exodus from? Try to clear cache and clear providers, exit Exodus and come back
@Chris. You KODI hasn’t shutdown properly last time you used it. Go to your Android Settings-App-KODI-Force Stop, then clear cache there as well and it should do it
So my Exodus will show tv shows and I can watch them but just hangs on the movies filter menu, and will not show any movies what so ever.. I’ve updated kodi; update exodus manually; and turned of my isp’s firewalls. Yet it Still doesn’t work.
I click on kodi, and get just a blank screen, help!!
why doesn’t tv.addons work anymore? how else can i get exodus on my firestick?
@Anonymous. Don’t have AmazonStick so cannot help you. I now that there is something special you need to do for KODI and addons to work on AmazonStick, that’s why I would never use it even if I get it for free(no offence). You have to realize that AmazonStick is a product from Amazon and put all kind of restrictions on it. I got MI BOX 4K, 3 of them and have absolutely 0 problems with KODI and they cost less than AmazonStick. A half of the problems people here have come from using AmazonStick.
Both devices are Amazon Firesticks, running both the same builds of Kodi & Exodus
@Blaine. What version do you have and from which repo you are updating it?
@Melinda. What version do you have and from which repo you are updating it?
@Anonymous. What the hell is wookie ??????
@P . What other devices???? You need to be more specific!!!
Im using wookie and i got the same problem as holly. Cant use the search button. I can watch any shows but i cant search for em…
When I try to update Exodus it says failed.
For some reason I can’t play anything it says exodus error please help me
I’m a little baffled after reading some of the recent comments.
I’m having issues with Exodus on one Kodi Device, however the other is working fine.
The one I’m having issues with cannot load anything via Exodus, same issue as;
Holly on June 19, 2017 at 7:12 am
The other is working perfectly fine at this very moment however.
If I can figure out why one is working and why the other is not I’ll keep you all posted.
It just stopped on me this afternoon…won’t search or load anything…says exodus error check logs which I haven’t yet. Any idea what’s going on or how to fix appreciated
@ Cindy–Check prior comments
Since 2 days exodus does not work and it has been working perfect before.
It says: exodus error, see you for more info.
I don’t know what to do. Please help…
@Mia xx . Yes, he confirmed that. Oh, well, I got an update from another repo, thank you
I am subscribed to his channel. he sent it out yesterday. I didnt check his repo last night, I had already done all my updates and exodus had automatically updated. I forgot which repo I used for exodus. I only used fusion for the porn repos and Philippine repo
@Mia xx . Well, there are other repos that do the same thing. All I need from him is Elysium and Exodus update. I got Elysium but not Exodus but I can get them both from other repos. How do you know about caz? Where have you seen this?
@FifoFonzi. What repo did you use to update Exodus?
zemelya.. Sad to say, but Caz just signed off of Kodi. He has been threatened and he said that he can’t take a chance on a lawsuit. His repo will remain, but with only his Christian programs. No more addons. If anyone used it today, you’re lucky. He will also be deleting his videos
Confirmed!!! After 4 days without Search or People Watching sections, I’m back after updating to 3.1.18
Complete manual update and you’ll be back up and running with the missing features.
JC!!!! Are you even reading any posts at all??????? TraktTV deleted Exodus and SALTS API, that’s why Trakt integration stopped working but I’ve heard it came back, Exodus I mean, it’s updated to version 3.1.18 with TraktTv and RD links, haven’t try it though and from different repo(not cazwall). But cazwall should work, he does the maintenance, too many users connected. Just calm down, ya all, give it a few days. AHHH, nobody reads anything anyway, why would I even bother to says anything?
if you have the repository from tvaddons.ag, they are down. you must use another repository to install exodus
Guys I dont know why but Exodus file can’t connect to network to install into Kodi. Is this because of the huge companies attacking non official files like Exodus?
netflix can’t shut down kodi. netflix can only attack some addons that are not official, like exodus.
Kodi is currently under attack by Netflix and other huge companies. (They can’t afford this profit loss ;)) Netflix is in the progress of shutting Kodi down, was good while it lasted folks.
Exodus won’t let me search anything!! It’s so frustrating, I can go on the categories and watch things that way but I can’t search for what I want to watch, it just goes back the search option e.g movies/tv shows/people!
Please is there anyway of fixing this?!
I can’t reload exodus on my android box? Every time I try it says installing failed☹️ Can anyone help?
@PD. Elysium is the only good addon that has everything working. No TraktTv but there are watch lists and everything is working as far as I can tell. Used it on Friday and Saturday, no problem
What are some add-ons that offer a wide variety of TV shows and Movies that has a functional search mechanism please?
Has anyone got a fix for the not searching yet? I have a box not a computer.
I get exodus is free but its becoming worthless. I use to use viptv.net and pay $30/month and it was completely reliable. The old saying is true.. you get what you pay for…
I cant search for TV shows.Does anyone know what is going on.This is a real bummer.
I cannot search for movies or t.v. shows either. It was working fine until a few days ago.
While the tv show search function does not work, you can still search your favorite shows by ACTOR. This function is still working. Good luck!
Exodus will not let me search for tv or movies. Did up date and still not working. HELP PLEASE
Same… no searchinh on exodus!! Major bummer…. any ideas when it will fix?
I’m having problems searching it just goes back to search plz help
I just need somewhere to vent. I’m so sick of this not working, some days it’s fine and works perfectly other days I can’t get any streams or streams with potato quality. People say switch to specto and genisis reborn but they don’t effing work either all I get is the no stream availible. Tried uninstalling and ‘re installing so many times now but to no avail. Why can’t it just be consistent. Sorry needed a place to vent my frustration at this
same search function not working for exodus
Same problem here: TVShow search no longer works.
Cazwall is the best. I checked and the years are working. Everyone needs to try and rebuild their programs and see that there are many addons out there to check out. Dandy repo has a bunch of new addons for movies and tv
Exodus Search function stopped working for me-anyone have any solution for this please? People watching also not working.
Nobody can help you with any of these problems. They all true and nobody knows when they are getting fixed. The only thing I can suggest is to install http://repo.cazwall.com/sc.
This repo has every single addon and, if addon developers will fix something, these addon will be updated through this repo since fusion repo is dead or a half dead and nobody knows for how long if ever. Use Exodus as best as you can or use another addon. This is the only suggestion anyone can give to you at this point. We all have to wait and hopefully TVAddosn will come back. Personally, I am leaving this forum until at least Exodus will have a fix of some sort
Since the 16th both searching for movies & T.v. shows has stopped working. Get the loading icon but nothing ever loads. Have tried all solutions listed and still not working, please any1 help this is so frustrating.
Since this morning, a bunch of people are having problems with their trakt account using exodus. The collection wasn’t updating. I tried to reset my trakt account and now it won’t let me activate my account– no error, just keeps returning to the same screen. Some have tried to ask for help in the trakt forum, but they say that they don’t provide support for Exodus, and we have to contact “them”. Anybody can help?
Can’t search anything! I can play the shows amd movies already listed, but when searching it does nothing! What can I do?! Please help.
Also, make sure that you 1) Click enable 2) Click update on the ADDON as well.
**NOTE** You might run into this issue, I did. When you attempt to access Elysium you receive the message (Failed to install dependency) This is what you have to do. Keep clicking UPDATE. You will notice the percentage go from 2% then a few more file will get added. Click it again, now it 5-6% and some more file will get added. Keep doing this until it downloads completely.
Like many of you I have been having the same issues getting Exodus, Phoenix and many of the other TV.ADDONS that people have been suggesting. I have tried many of the fixes called out in these comments and again nothing has worked. I’m sure that is the case for many of as well. It appears for now many of the repo’s we have been using all this time simply won’t work because of the lawsuit or whatever the case it. This morning I searched for alternatives and found Elysium. I installed it and after some messing with it, I got it working and watched a tv show on it.
From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
Type the following EXACTLY http://noobsandnerds.com/portal and select Done
Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like “NaN”. and then click OK
Go back to your home screen.
ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
Select Install from Zip File > noobsandnerdsrepo_repo.zip and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
Select Install from Repository > NoobsandNerds repository > Video Add-ons > Elysium > Install
Wait for Add-on enabled notification
Same issue with search not working. Short fix (i hope) is locating shows/movies thru genre
Same here as many others. Search feature not working across multiple devices. Have Exodus 3.1.15 on all devices and have Kodi 16 on one device updated to 17.3 on another device and still having the same issue. Search and nothing populates.
used to be a fix, but the lines arent in the movies.py files anymore
Same problem. Search can’t be used anymore. Think the tvdb-key is invalid.
Links that’s stopped working:
“People watching”
Search is unusable all of a sudden.
I can no longer watch a show called Vikings. It’s a series and when I search it comes right back to search. Can you help me?
I can’t search any movies HELP
I can’t search any movies please help
Since I installed 17.3 my mbox has been acting up on all addons. Buffering, audio and no video any ideas how to fix it? Worked fine on 17.1
@Dan. First of all, you need to update your KODI to 17.3. Second get http://repo.cazwall.com/sc
@Snapcase82. Glad I could help. As far as KODI 16.1, it will not work for long wince all scrappers will eventually move to https. Get MI BOX 4K, cost $70.00, the second best Android box after Nvidia Sheild. Also get Elysium addon, as good as Exodus but doesn’t use TVAddons fusion repo so it will work with TVAddons down
I just used the cazwall repo method, worked brilliantly, I’m still running kodi 16.1 since my box doesn’t support kodi 17. Thanks zemelya.
TV Addons is shut down
My fusion.tvaddons.ag download is blank, there’s no repository to install. A few days ago, I was getting the urlresolver error others have been talking about. What’s going on? I’m running the newest Amazon fire stick and kodi 17.1
The radio add ons on kodi are working but the movie/tv ones don’t seem to be. For example, in Exodus, I will choose “popular movies” but I never get a list of movies. If I try a search option, nothing happens after I type in the search term.
I’m completely lost. It was working until recently.
I’m trying to install exodus on kodi by when I get the the fusion part after entering the link on the it tells me unable to connect: couldn’t retrieve directory information. The spelling is correct and yes my fire stick is connected to the internet. HELP?!
For the last two days when I try to watch tv shows they show up as options with streams but then when I click on one the show never plays. Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it?
Caz keeps all his zips updated. Great repo
Go to repository, then repository simplycaz ull find the exudos addon
I updated kodi and uninstalled and reinstalled exodus and my tv shows won’t stream i seem to have no problems with movies, just shows. Any ideas???
@John Miller. I had the same problem this morning. What is that other folder?
@John Miller. What other folder under Exodus zip?
@Justin. Try this repo:
I haven’t tried it myself but people says it shoudl work ahile TVAddons site is down. Try it and let me know if it works
I still seem to be having trouble running exodus. After I add source of http://fusion.tvaddons.ag I go to install from zip which is says it was successful. I then got to install from repository where I am running into the problem. It will come up with an error message that said can not connect to repository. Can someone please help out.
Jennifer.. Are you running a build? Is anything else working such as on the movie option, have you just clicked on recent or whatever movies instead of searching? Are your other addons working? Is the temperatures gauge showing before the shut down?
running on 17.3 kodi on the firestick, for the last 24 hrs. when I search for a movie or tv show on the exodus app after a while my screen goes black then my firestick will restart, it happens constantly it’s annoying, I don’t know how to fix it, a little help will be much appreciated…thank you
Turks has signed off. Use exodus repo from cazs repo or kodi Israel
When I try to install Exodus I see the error message: “The dependency on script.module.urlresolver version 3.0.0”.
What is wrong?
– I installed the script zip files under the fusion setup. Also , for good measure, there was another folder on the exodus zip and I installed what was in there also. It does take about 2 minutes for the script zip files to install. After that exodus loaded no problem.
I just installed exodus 5 minutes ago. It is now working.
When I try to install Exodus I see the error message: “The dependency on script.module.urlresolver version 3.0.0”.
What is wrong?
Exodus won’t connect on respiratory I have the new amazon fire stick with Alexa 2017. Also TV turks playlist has disappeared. Metal kettle I can’t find in zip file for TV turks playlist. Help before I throw the fire stick out of the window😂
When trying to watch a movie using Exodus it try’s to play a stream but it just says “working” and then nothing happens.
In my case, under file manager I am seeing begin here, lodi-repos and kodi-scripts. But when I clicked on begin-here its showing big updates coming in next few days 🙁 . not sure why it used work fine. I just rebooted my kodi and start facing this issue. Any help??
Note: My kodi version is 14.2.
I am not able to install exodus on kodi repo. Please help me
Hi. I have an older 4.4 android box. When I try to add exodus to kodi it errors every time I try to add from repo. Any ideas?
Am running kodi 17.1 on Openelec OS, when i open exodus and go to series, the seasons are not shown updated, help plz.
Also, Exodus is not all that, just FYI. There are other addons out there that are much better and dependable. I don’t know how many times I have tried to look at a tv show episode and had to go elsewhere for sometime now.
I was responding to a comment about Phoenix, so keep your shirt on
I NEED HELP,I’ve been at this for 3 days now! I was able to get two firesticks loading and working,the third one I have reset and done everything right but Exodus will NOT download,or it will complete one download and not the 2nd part, PLEASE HELP! I’m ready to scream , is the system down? I saw it as down the 7th has it come back up? I had it all downloaded this morning and played a show and movie to make sure, they worked, when I took the firestick upstairs and tried it, it said no stream available, wouldn’t download anything, movies worked and tv shows didn’t ! I got rid of all tht and tried downloading exodus again and I’m at step one AGAIN! HELP
What is that all got to do with Exodus???? This is the link to install exodus from fusion repo:
Fusion repo is supported by TVAddons, not super repo. It has everything asnybody would need, ever.
Takes 5 minutes and always works. I am using KODI for almost 3 years, used Genesis and then Exodus almost exclusively for TV Shows and Movies. Don’t do sports, can’t say about that. I don’t know who and what is shutting down but if you want any info on all these addons, visit TVAddons forum, everything is out there
I never use fusion. google super repo or the exodus repo. You can install that way. If the repo is in a certain source and it isn’t updated, sometimes it wont work. It ma install, but not work.
And Castaway is no more or CCloud. Phoenix is checking out also
Phoenix is shutting down or is gone. Only thing I got working the other day was the pre-recorded tv shows, such as the Sopranos, my favorite. google Phoenix and you will see that the developer if shutting the addon down. Sportsdevil hasn’t worked. Some addons are being shut down because of the new laws over seas.
These guys are providing great content for free, but are being threatened with fines of $100,000 or more
@nancy. Don’t use Indigo, use fusion repository
@justin. No, repository seems fine. Can’t load from repository sounds like the site was down, I had the same thing two days ago but yesterday it worked
@Denika Harder. What kid of box, what are the specs? What is your Internet download speed? It sounds like you have a buffering which most likely your Internet download speed
@justin. They have the site down a couple of days ago but it was OK yesterday. Are you sure http for fusion correctly? What about your FireStick, does it allow unknown sources as well as the same setting in KODI? You don’t need other ways, I’ve done Exodus from fusion a million times. Make sure your KODI says that it’s connected to the Internet. I don’t have a firestick (and frankly, I am not sure why people even use it, there is something special needs to be done for them when installing KODI) but I’ve done 5 installations during the last 2 weeks, all of them worked
sorry forgot to put my name. ↑↑↑↑↑↑ that is me
By the way this the only option that I get when I go to install from zip file.
Maybe that could be the problem since you said you are running Exodus 3.1.15
@zemela. I have loaded the newest version of Kodi on my stick which is 17.3. Then I go to file manager to add source which is http://fusion.tvaddons.ag. Then when I go to install from repository it says something like can’t load from repository. I also try to install indigo which I have done multiple times in the past and even that will not load. It is not the wi-fi connection either because I have a strong wi-fi connection. Do you have an alternate way to load exodus or an alternate way to get the add ons that I normally use, like; Phoenix, Castaway, sportsdevil and One Channel. Please help. I have done several of these sticks the same way that I am doing them now, but now it will not do it. Thanks in advance
Hello. I am using kodi 17.3 on a firetv. I have installed exodus through the indigo app. When i launch exodus the menu comes upbut there aee no title on the menu i just see blocks on the main screen and on the left area i see the icons. When i go in the menus i can see options then but when i try to watch something a box comes up in the righthand corner that has an i and exodus. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and even tried updating. Nothing seems to work.
So I recently updated my Kodi on my Android box that I just received in the mall 2 weeks ago and downloaded the exodius and every movie I start freezes every 2-3 minutes no matter what source I choose. And some movies say no sources available. If someone can please help me fix this problem before I feel the need of returning my box and getting my money back.
@Robert And you immediately assumed that the problem with addon. Have you tried another addon? Does you KODI even connected to the internet? How strong is your internet? I am using this addon every single day, movies and TV shows, old and new, never had any problems for at least a month, nothing. Had a problem with piece of crap Android boxes, yes but not with addon
@Justin. “it won’t let me”, that’s a very detailed explanation of the problem. Have you tried it today? How you are installing Exodus? What repo are you using?
@Anonymous About big her 6
I got 22 HD Read-Debrid links, 4 of them 1080, rest I am assume 720
I got 4 HD links non-Real-Debrid , one of the 1080.
If you have a most current version of Exodus 3.1.15 with Real-Debrid account, try to clear Exodus cache, clear Exodus Providers, then exit KODi and clear KODI cache from Android.
If I have these links and you don’t, the problem is not with addon(which 99% of the time never is) but something on your side. Could be the device you are running, I don’t know, not enough information.6
What about other questions? Do you have a rel-debrid account? Have you tried it on other addons?
Ok like kid movies and kodi 17.3 big hero 6 is the main movie we are trying to watch
What KODI version? Do you have a real-debrid account? What movie are you trying to watch? Have you tried it on other addons? You need to be more specific, nobody can reed your mind
I am having an issue with not getting hd or 1080 streams anymore on exodus trying to watch movies any help I’ve tried all the fixes on here?
So, I take it we need to go and spend some quality time with our friends and loved ones and enjoy the outdoors until this Clusterf*** is fixed sometime before Kodi 18 is released?
I have recently downloaded the newest version and have done several with no problem. Just today I downloaded 17.3 just like I have the past week and had no problems. But when I try and install Exodus, it will not let me. Same thing when I try to download Indigo to get my other apps such as One Channel or phoenix or sports devil. I have tried several times with no luck. Anyone else having this problem or does anyone know how to correct this problem.
Mine is not working can’t watch no movies just keeps loading
Hello, i think that i saw you visited my site thus i got here to return the prefer?.I am attempting
to find issues to improve my website!I assume its adequate to make use
of a few of your ideas!!
Offshoregit servers are down. I cannot find any repos anywhere that will work for fresh installs. DONOT UPDATE OR REFRESH YOUR DEVICE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
Here is a list of repos we may be able to use… click on one and go down to comments for updates.
Fusion repo, needs to be installed first obviously.
is there anywheres to download the exodus install besides offshoregit i thinks its down
Hey g
@Andrea Check your hardware acceleration in KODI. What kind of device you are using to run KODI? And what version of KODI?
What kind of Android do you have? What about your ISP you are using for the tablet? Are you in USA?
I use Kodi to watch movies on Exodus thru my fire stick at home but went out of town and downloaded Kodi on my Nexus tablet and thought I had everything working but when I pick a provider it looks like it’s about to work but then nothing. Does Kodi work on a Nexus 7 tablet?
I have a problem with streaming shows and movies but only the sound the video stream great. Could it be because I’m not using a VPN?
Nothing shows up with any search. Using kodi 17.3 running wookie Jarvis, fire tv with fire OS
Was using kodi 16.1 same issue which simply emerged without any change by me. This is when I fully uninstalled and installed 17.3
nobody can help you if you will not provide any details about your hardware and environment. You can argue with me all day long but at this point, there are absolutely no issues with Exodus and/or KODI 17.3. If there are any issues, it’s HAS TO RELATE to your environment and setting or whatever you want to call. I am running KODI 17.3 and Exodus for the last 3 weeks every day and the whole day on Saturday and Sunday and have absolutely no problems, none for what I am watching. A ton of 1080 streams, 99% of the work. BUT I know what me environment is: my hardware, my ISP etc
Same issue as many previous to me. Cannot get the movie list from “In Theaters”, “Year”, etc. when searching for movies.
Sheesh! Hasn’t anyone read the top of this blog? Android 4.4 no longer works for Exodus.? Talk to me….
Same issues as everyone else and it’s driving me insane! Updated to 17.3 and all was well until Friday night when all hd streams went from tv shows and now I’m not getting any streams at all. Wish I hadn’t bothered with the update as all was fine before that!
No stream avalible bs
Hey all.. So im running into an issue where ill try to click on new movies..and it will load…but nothing will happen. Then i try to click it again and it will load for literally 1 second and nothing will happen .. Or ill be searching in a movie folder and try to go the next page and it will load for a min. Then quit.. What could be my issue?
Same issue as all above, selecting a category, I see a loading cog briefly which then disappears and nothing happens.
Tried clearing the URL Resolver cache in the exodus settings but to no avail (this fixed it in the past).
No HD content on tv series. It was there a few days ago. Any ideas
We downloaded kodi 17.3 and when we click on a movie or series it loads and gives the sources but when we go into the movie or series it doesn’t work. It starts with the intro and then goes back to the intro the whole time. It plays for about 3 seconds and then goes back to the beginning. Please help
Kodi folders wont open loading icon comes up when clicking the folder but nothing happens. Any ideas?
Do you mean you tried to run the program or open the video addon?
Same problem as Greg and Jenn!
Help!! Iv got krypton17 and all was fine! Now exodus has disappeared. Iv tried getting it from repositorys but it says it’s installed but I can’t click the run button! Argh!
muh dik: omg lol
You have blatenly given away to much intel for these softwares online, and now the developers are getting squeezed, no updates for cetain types of kodi were needed, they were spybots, to get your ips, track and block listen when something isnt broken do not always run to see if you can fix it, the hollywood industry doesnt want you infringing dudes and dudeets, gospel is this they are cracking down do not fool with your stick , if you have no issues,only issues i encountered was moles, a spybot tracked and blocked my ip , if this hapeens to you , clean out your stick of all files and stored memory, then always notice the file that starts giving you shite about going to there site and downloading there updated files, its a trick, they get your Ip, track your every move after ward and will freeze you stick after many errors, do not stream Torba, as they are the ones that began this problem for myself, i instantly knew what was up, stopped erased all data hard booted, didn’t use torba anymore an have not had and issue,they are tracking people to pay now, and causing people a lot of issues, another quick tip hd is as good as 1080 p , and do not always use the very first file, and again Torba is a mole site now to stop pirate infringement, thats all i will say, more Hollywood oppressors are hitting these sticks hard you want yours to last keep your business private to people educated and experienced in privacy, peace Godsmack
I am having the exact same issue as Greg above me. Any ideas?
I just updated to kodi 17.3 on the fire tv box and downloaded exodus from the steps provided from the tvaddons.ag web site. Exodus no longer works for me on this version and was working perfectly fine just an hour ago. I can pull up exodus and click on the movies tab to pull up the next menu. If I click on “in theaters” the loading cog pops up on the screen and does not load any movie titles. Another example, I click on year and from there, click on “2017” or “2016” and it does not pull up any movies from those years. I’ve reinstalled the exodus app, restarted the kodi app and nothing works.
Sure, no problem. Unfortunately, I am using Android for my streaming. I have it on Window but not using it. I might try it, if I’ll have the time. Real-Debrid account does make a huge difference. Frankly, I am not sure all these issues are Exodus issues, unless you tried another addon and it’s the same thing
Thanks for the Tips Igor, I’ll give them a try. For the record I’m on the newest 17 (17.2 or 3) and not on a firestick or android box, using on a windows 10 setup and one on a windows 8.1 setup. I do not have a real debrid account, which from what I’m reading would probably make a big difference. I just find it’s been a hit or miss addon recently (around the time lambda started stepping away) but it would be nice to isolate an issue with my configuration if that’s all that’s causing the weaker performance.
I’m updated to 17.3 on amazon box and windows, Exodus is up to date as well. Most movies that had plenty of sources now have 1 or 2 (repeated a few dozen times) that don’t work. I can’t recall from the last update, but is there just a delay in things cycling back around in regards to sources showing up again?
Run box????? Man, we cannot read your mind. What is the Run box????
Hi guys! I just updated my Kodi – 17.3 and I’ve downloaded the new Exodus and loaded it up and updated it. But the Run box is gray and won’t let me click run. Does anyone have any ideas?
Yes, that is correct and TVAddons developers are aware of that. Personally, I don’t see a big deal, I always install it from fusion repo and it works flawlessly. The only thins appears they cannot fix is the order of the titles in TrakTV watch list . Other that that, I cannot say anything else that don’t work(I am using only streaming), even if I want to
Question for anyone still keeping tabs on this thread. Has anyone noticed that exodus is no longer available in indigo? I went to install it and it’s just not there anymore.
Nice article thanks for the share.
Boycott Exodus and go use the AryanMovie addon. It has ALL movies in HD and will even recognize if there are niggers in it.
I can’t get any of my add ons to work??? I just recently updated everything due to message on Kodi stating there was a issue of being hacked. I keep getting a error stating common routines error??
Our TV Show list is empty but Movies are working, anyone have a solution to that? I believe everything is up to date.
@Angie. Need more information. Does your KODi say that it is connected to the Internet? You can’t see any movies or TV Shows at all? Have you tried another addon. What kind of box do you have? More information, please
@Frankie Twosteps. No, I have no problems at all, running on at least 4 different android boxes. It used to be a problem due to the TraktTv API issues but those issues were on all addons, not just Exodus. The problem is that I don’t have a FireStick or Fire Box. Based on what is going on on TVAddons forum, there is a separate forum for the KODI on Fire TV/Stick. I would stay away from the KODI 18, it’s still an alpha version. As far as KODI 17, the only thing I would suggest is to clear cache and providers in Exodus, clear cache on KODI(not from Indigo addon, from the Android OS) and try again. Also, I keep asking for more details, like if you, guys are using Real-Debird Service. Exodus used to have it’s own Real-Debrid authorization, now it should be authorized in KODI URL Resolver. Other than that, everything works absolutely flawlessly. Last week I was on vacation so I used KODI heavily the whole week every day and used only Exodus and had no problems whatsoever. Again, it might depends on what you are trying to watch but I watch older and newer TV Shows, few new movies, not even a single glitch.
Got my new box yesterday I’ve downloaded Exodus 17. When I go into the Exodus Add-On, and choose for example, Movies, all I get is “no information available”. It’s the same for TV Shows. Any advice please
@Chus, exactly the issue I’m seeing across multiple setups…just another Exodus downswing. Out of curiosity, are you having these issues Igor, or is everything sunshine on your end?
Every menu works for me except People Watching in Movies. Must be a bug… same error in Kodi 17 and 18.
I’m using Kodi 17.1 on an Amazon Fire box. There aren’t as many sources as there was a month ago. I was on Kodi 17 and thought upgrading would do the trick but it didn’t help. In addition the streams that are available have issues (freezing, lots more buffering, etc). Anything I can do to fix this?
@Amy. Try to clear the cache, clear providers, exit KODI, clear cache in KODI and then go back and try again. Also, you might want to try another addon to see if it works
Exodus when I go to
My tv shows
Collection it does nothing the load circle spins for a few seconds then it’s done. it worked last week then just stopped we have current version and I have updated Trakt.
The only way I can find my shows is doing a search.
What can be done to fix this?
I use trakt and have lost everything on one tv but exodus is updated and I am still signed in. Is there a limit to how many tvs can be on one account or anyone know why this happened and how to fix it please?
Rebooted and reset only movies working are in my trakt it all other movies have 0 for the year. Yes my box is on 2017 and up to date. Only movie that shows up under people are watching is Snatched 2017.
I am having same issue as others. When I click on TVSHOWS then click on NEW EPISODES in Exodus I get NO populated lists. That little wheel just turns for a few seconds and then disappears. I’m left with the exact same page – no lists of NEW EPISODES. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Exodus many times. and still not working
Hi meant in Android. Can you browse any recent movies or TV Shows? What is the version of your Exodus? Also make sure that you are connected to the internet in KODI System Information. Sometimes your box is connected but KODI says it is not. That KODI ,what is the version of it? Has it been installed on this box when you bought it or have you installed it yourself?
Hi Fernando – Thanks for responding.
Do you mean the date in Kodi (yes – I checked, and it is correct) or in Exodus itself? Having a hard time figuring out where to go for that – General Settings doesn’t have an “other” section (or a time and date section).
Still can’t figure this out…
Make sure your date is correct.
Time and date
Good luck
Totally new to android boxes and Kodi. I’m setting up a MINIX U1 box – have new versions of Kodi and Exodus. BUT:
When I click on ANYTHING in Exodus – for example, “Movies” then “People Watching”, I get NO populated lists. That little wheel just turns for a few seconds and then disappears. I’m left with the exact same page – no lists of movies, etc.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Exodus many times. I’ve cleared the cache and cleared providers. Changed the settings as per numerous YouTube videos. NOTHING is working. Please help!!!
My firestick will pull up movies in exodus cycle thru but never play. Help plz
@Kelly. What???? Are you saying that using Exodus to watch older movies, it is asking you to pay money????? This is not possible and I refused to believe it
Hi so I can watch all
The new movies on Kodi but when I ask for old shows or movies it aks me to pay 3.99 like on amazon and i was able to watch everything when I first got it but I got a new tv plugged this in and I can’t get any old shows If I ask for chevy chase it pulls up all his movies but wants me to pay to watch them ??? Please help
AND everything is updated
All of the issues continue
I at least feel better knowing I’m not the only one with streaming issues.
It either says no stream, or the circles turn and then nothing happens.
If it does play then it keeps stopping, starting, fast forwarding, with no sound.
All the connections are good.
Nothing else at all using bandwidth.
Internet speed 30.16 Mb/s according to the Kodi test.
Actual internet speed is way faster using other tests.
I would make a donation, as I am sure other people would if it actually worked.
Billie, I think it’s because the app had an update all you have to do is re-enter your trackt info.
Hi, I have trakt for exodus and all my tv shows that I have saved have now all disappeared on my exodus. I have a fire stick if this is any help.
My problem is the links pull up but it will cycle through all of them and none play. Its the same on zen and specto. Any advice
I am having trouble with the volume. Sometimes during movies/shows, the volume with fluctuate. We have tried numerous different ways to try and fix it with no avail. Please help me fix my issue.
My tv shows won’t come up in HD
My KODI isn’t populating any movies at all and the tv shows aren’t allowing me to watch them.
Glad to see I’m not the only one seeing this; been happening for a while now. Sometimes this thing works beyond perfect for a while, then you come on the next day and all HD links are gone and nothing plays…this is becoming classic Exodus
Well I see that Kodi is back to its classic working fine one minuite then just stops working the next. God I’m so sick of this
@Terri . The issues is with TraktTV API, not with addon. This issue affects practically every single addon because almost all addons are using Trakt for something
Help, Im just a novice but installed Kodi with Exodus & a couple of others , but the weirdest thing is I can download lots of Add-ons after 9pm but during the day cant load a thing! all the stream numbers come up but after the line gets to the end stops without loading, I also have an earlier version with bags more stuff on it & loads & plays almost every time, any help would be truly welcomed.
Good grief I’m so lost!!!!!!! Yesterday there was an update and now everything is efffff’d up. I’m having buffering issues, my Trakt is whack lol nothing is in alphabetical order, I can’t even get my movie collection to appear. When I finally do get through buffering it only plays for about 10 minutes and then kicks off. I don’t want to be bald PLEASE HELP!!!
was watching a movie yesterday for 22 minutes on Exodus and it keep kicking me out to mane menu did this agin today 5 times please help i have a real-debrid account to
Nice article thanks for share..
Every time I try to play a TV show or movie on Exodus the audio plays but there is no video. It stays on the screen to pick a provider then the screen starts to shake. My Exodus is up to date and I cannot figure out how to fix it.
Sorry my bad…android box connected to old wifi network after I reset it. Reconnected now to BT network and the problem is fixed.
I’m on BT and have turned off the smart set up but still have the same issues. Nothing comes up in search yet I am able to go through favourites to the things I have saved. I’ve tried resetting the HUB too, but still the same. Any ideas? thnx
@Diana. Watched TV Shows last Sunday for 9 hours. Do you have a rel-debrid account? TrakTV account? What show do you trying to find?
Exodus problem here. Just updated Kodi 17 worked great for a few days. Now can not find any tv shows. Search brings up nothing. Can go to movies and watch movies but, nothing comes up at all for TV Shows. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
Exodus seems to still work fine for streaming however, I cannot download anything as of yesterday? 17.1 – it simply states “No Response From Server” when I try to download. I can stream the same movie or tv program just fine? Any Thoughts would be much appreciated.. Thank You !!
I am not good with techno at all so don’t know if it is something simple but I cannot get get anything to come up when I press on a genre on tv shows and when I click on most popular nothing appears other than the words along the lines of file/video add on (turned it off now so not sure of exact wording) everything updates automatically I believe and it was working fine all week and this morning! The thing I can click on is what people are watching and the search doesn’t even work. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I’m having the same problem with exodus as everyone else. Now I can’t install it on koi. This started to happen when I upgraded to kodi 17.1.Jose ro
My Exodus can’t search correctly. (New version of Kodi) When I search for movies it checks only Watched movies so that’s all I can find. Even other searches like People Watching or Most Popular, the only results it returns are the ones I already saw. I get an Exodus: Watched message at the top left after the searches.
For those wishing to download their films: As well as enabling the downloads and setting the directories, the playback default action needs to be set to “Directory”.
Took me ages to work that one out 🙂
Thanks in favor of sharing such a good idea, article is pleasant,
thats why i have read it fully
@Kodi Mcminn. Not a lot of information, don’t you think?
@Peter. Well ,it happened with me as well but with Watchlist, Collection worked. Yesterdau on Specto Fork it took very long time to open Collection but it did it eventually. Maybe it’s TraktTv site was slow
Is anyone else having issues with viewing the TV Shows Collection? All of a sudden, when I try to open the Collection folder (of My TV Shows, using Trakt.tv account) it tries and stops. Its acting like the Trakt.tv account isn’t activated and in my case it is.
The My Movies folder in Collection is working fine though.
My kodi box isnt workin help me
Did something happen in 1st April to Exodus / Kodi, all working fine until then, we are on the latest versions. Movies work fine and live Tv, but if you try to watch a programme after original broadcast it co de up with no stream available
Kodi is shit “no links” I’m now looking into IPTV on zgemma which is loads better
Hello all, i am looking for some help. Every video in every addon wont play. For example, i select the istream and bring up the big bang theory. It finds the links and i selt the one i want, but then nothing happens. It says working or connecting and then goes back to the page with all the links. Any idea what can be going on? I am very new to this device, but think something is off as it stopped working all of a sudden last week with no notice and nothing being changed.
any one now how I can get the new kodi to work on my pc as for some reason only 15.2 will work non of the new builds
I have Exodus on Kodi on LibreElec, I change display & audio settings, Exodus does not remember the settings, how do I set my settings as default.
Just started having issues with Exodus TV shows. I loaded my sisters fire stick and she can’t get her soaps to play . Says no streams available on Exodus and Specto. I have the latest Kodi installed.
Does any one even answer these valid ?s cos I keep getting no stream available all up to date.
I have the latest versions of both kodi and exodus yet some links seem to work and some don’t. Sometimes I get a “no streams available” pop up and sometimes it will take me to the link page and they will load and then not play, can anyone help me out?
My kodi says” Lost connection to DVB and it wants to pair on the links I choose. I pressed cancel and 60% The time the movie goes on but I can’t get HD or 1080 I could only get SD 720. The movies don’t come out to good on exodus. Anyone has any info. I appreciate if anybody can. Jay63
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after installing kodi 17.1 and a few addons it only streams for a minute and then stops on EVERYTHING!!! worked fine before upgrade and new install of kodi 17.1 on my pc.. 8gb ram 65mbps ..
Exodus taken off my firestick yesterday.
Exodus Movie trailers will not play after upgrading to Kodi 17.1 and the latest Exodus?
Prior to upgrading Exodus worked flawlessly. After the upgrades everything seems to work with Exodus except it will not play movie trailers? Does anyone else have this problem
why isn’t my EXODUS offering a download option
New version of kodi new version of exodus. Watching shows the tool bar doesn’t work. Tried re-installing and still doesn’t work
I see many are having issues. I have a preloaded android box and picture and sound keeps going in and out. This has occurred in the past but was static within the hmdi cable and fixed right away. Is there something else I can try as this is not working to fix the problem. Thank you for any information you can provide.
I just updated my kodi 16.1 on windows to 17.1 and now i cant even get kodi to open, iv uninstalled and reinstalled multiple time and the program just wont open or run. what can i do to get it up and running?
Cannot get Exodus to download movies or tv shows to usb. Any solutions?
ever ytime i try to play anything in exodus it crashes kodi
kodi 15.2 linux
Since i update Kodi, I can’t watch anything anything at all on Exodus kodi version 17.0
No TV shows no movies, everything says “no stream available) 😠
Anyone else having problems with Kodi/Mobdro not loading anything at all? Every channel we click on says “offline”
There are less links on the new version of Kodi 17.1 for exodus. I can’t get any HD.
There’s TV channels on exodus that wont load for some reason. Can anybody help?
did Kodi get shutdown by homeland security?
Added Indigo, agreed to all, chose “rejuvenate kodi”, restarted and Exodus is back up and running after being inoperable for about 5 days…open load is working too
Video dims after you start watching it on Kodi. I have Krypton V17. Only started happening since I uploaded this version.
omg Exodus is horrible lately. I cant stand watching a show when its as if someone is playing cruel jokes on me by playing with the pause button. Also when i choose one of the files to play my show it isnt even the right show, and after trying a bunch of them i just give up and this is on more than one show
I am having trouble with Exodus as well. I have reinstalled Kodi 17, and made sure when I reinstalled Exodus that it was the new update and with the new URLresolver update. I am running Android 5.1 Trakt is working just fine. Alot of the TV show sources wont load, are slow or buffer forever. When I first started using Exodus I had a few glitches but nothing like this. This is hair pulling throw the remote at the TV kind of frustrating. Thing is I cant find an app as semi user friendly as Exodus.
Sounds like Me, Emily, and Angels are having the exact same issue. Logging into Trakt does nothing for me, as mentioned in the previous comments.
And I cannot find an app anywhere near as good as Exodus on here for movies/shows.
I am having trouble as well with Exodus. First the link to the FOX channel wouldn’t work when clicked on. Now the link for “New Episodes” doesn’t work. I can’t remember what shows come on each day to try to go and look for them the a different way on Exodus. We still have Kodi Jarvis. I tried Kodi Krypton on a different device but some people didn’t like that one so we just kept Jarvis on our original device. Not sure what exactly to do to fix this issue even after reading through the previous comments.
I have been having trouble with Exodus as well. I have tried others and they are just fine but I use Exodus mainly and so this is a problem. I do see the list of links they can have but I cannot play them or they take forever to load up. I have the newest Kodi, made sure Exodus was up to date and everything. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling Kodi though it was a pain to set up again. Overall, I really hope that they fix this buffering problem soon. I also am wondering if there is anything else that is similar to Exodus that I could use until then.
Kafka is right. I logged in to the Trakt web site, clicked the TV shows list, then checked my EXODUS collections and it was back!
Strangest thing happened. My Collection of tv shows didn’t show so I logged in to Trakt web site to add tv shows to my TV shows lists instead. By accident i clicked on my collection and voila it started working again.
Same here. EXODUS has been awful for the last week. I upgraded to Kypton and reinstalled EXODUS. Still them same issue. When the movie/show starts, the screen starts skipping or freezing up. Very frustrating.
It’s Apollo I can’t get. Maybe my speed is not fast enough?
has anybody noticed it is very hard to get any good streams for any tv shows ? exodus has been brutal latley so I have tried other add ons but same thing.I click the 1st stream and it scrolls to like the 30th stream
I’m not fluent with the tech stuff, but I tried to update to Kodi Krypton. When at first Exodus didn’t seem to be working, I completely uninstalled and re-did the entire process. Downloaded Kodi Krypton 17, installed Exodus following the steps here: http://www.wirelesshack.org/new-kodi-17-krypton-setup-and-how-to-install-exodus.html – all prompts went smoothly and I received no error messages. I’m able to load Exodus, click the search button or click a few menus deep, but for example, once I click “Networks” under TV Shows, none of the menu items work when clicked. Yet it IS allowing me to at least click up to that point. I can type into the search field, but nothing appears. I am not seeing a “working” symbol or any indication Exodus is just taking time to load menu options. For someone who can follow the basic instructions but doesn’t understand the coding, is there a fix for this issue?
Is there a way to revert back to an older version of Exodus?
I just updated my firestick to krypton 17 and put the exodus add on on there and it won’t let pull up any movies so I uninstalled and installed again and still get the same problem. Can someone please help me fix this?
Same problem here. Tv show streams are very slow and many of the providers are not showing up. Collections is not working also. I have the latest Krypton build and Exodus is up to date. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Exodus, made sure unknown sources was turned on, deleted the provider and content caches, still no luck!
I am running Kodi 17.1 for windows 10 and am only seeing some of the movies from Exodus and also am having issues with loading movies from other providers. I have updated the repository for Exodus to the most recent one available but the issue still exists.
I’m saying you should uninstall kodi. Then restart your device. Then reinstall kodi, reload the fusion repo, then install from zip… then see where you are. I’m going to check that out on my android box on my TV as well because my issues all started when I had my box randomly start saying that the kodi app was not installed, even tho the icon was right there. Then had to reinstall but in that process I of course installed the latest exodus and if it requires an updated version of android to work right then that’s my issue because I’m sure the box is not running a good one. And I seem to recall the process being hard or not always reliable.
It’s become almost impossible to watch any tv shows with exodus on kodi. Same as everybody else, latest versions of each, but just blue circles with no outcome. Krypton has killed exodus, or vsa versa, but which ever, the two just don’t work. All my other addons work fine.
I’ve checked that unknown sources is turned on, so don’t think that is the problem. I uninstalled Exodus and reinstalled, but did not help :(.
Some tv shows will play on Exodus, but most of the sources seem to be messed up (slow or don’t work at all), however on my laptop when using Kodi Krypton it works like a dream – like it always has.
So it looks as though, from my understanding – that exodus needs the new ‘Krypton’ version to be running, and not an older version of Kodi. The only huge pain in the ass issue here is, Kodi Kypton needs Android 5 to run, and I am running 4.4 on my android TV boxes with no idea how to update my android version at all (not sure if it’s even possible with my cheap Android boxes).
Anybody else experiencing the above situation specifically?
I FIXED IT. I reinstalled kodi.but I think I might not have needed to. There is a step in the fusion repository install you make in that you need to go to the system settings and make sure you have unknown sources turned on. I feel like I remember that might have possibly but I am leaning towards probably was turned off on accident at some point before and that’s what started my problem but how that would affect tv and not movies, I don’t know. But you should check that and see if that’s a problem for you before having to uninstall and reinstall kodi. So then I just reloaded exodus like the install page tells you and now I can watch TV again.
I’m having the same problem as A+ and Ian. TV shows from my trakt-collection does not show. Any ideas? The log shows
ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting plugin://plugin.video.exodus/?action=tvshows&url=traktcollection
ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.exodus/?action=tvshows&url=traktcollection) failed
but why it’s failing is a mystery for me.
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Looks like phoenix is working but I forgot its not so good at looking for specific stuff so I tried SALTS and I am getting the same problem, getting movie listings, but no tv shows. So its not add-on specific.
@igor Sandler I get into the tv shows category, then ill search for any show, dragon ball, survivor, wheel of fortune, or I will just go straight to most popular or high rated, and it gives me the load wheel for about 3 seconds then lists nothing but the … to go back a page. However I can search for movies all day and they come up just fine. No TV listings at all. This one just baffles me. I’m gonna switch to phoenix from exodus to see if its that. That might help to know if its just exo or kodi
PS Thanks in advance for any help/advice
I have been having some problems as well. Movies seem to work fine, some tv shows are fine, but a couple of shows we’ve been trying to watch either wont load or buffer like crazy. Ive tried clearing cache and providers, also tried clearing cache in Xunity maintenance. have rebooted android box and modem. I have connected my VPN to servers in and out of U.S. in case it was some sort of geoblock. Have paired w/ openload and others w/ no luck. The main show that has been messing up is Shameless and we had watched every episode til about halfway through season 3 with no problems and this week it just started doing this. My wife also has a show its been doing this with.
I have an issue with exodus and trakt. I have the trakt addon and exodus authorized but when I go to collections my shows will not show. It just shows working then nothing. Same result in progress. Watchlist works but I don’t have all of my shows there and it won’t sort alphabetically.
I pay a quick visit everyday a few sites and blogs to
read articles, however this webpage gives quality based posts.
@A+. Nobody will fix anything here, there are no developers here. In addition to that, the original developer has retired. If you in USA, I can check stuff for you. Are you telling me that you can see the tile s of the show???? I have Android boxes with KODI 16 and 17, both of the show all show titles in my Trakt Watch list. Could you, please be a little more specific in which category you can’t see TV Show titles?
Looks like there is some widespread issue of people being able to see movie titles but not show titles. Personally i have been experienceing this almost 2 weeks on both my android box running kodi 16 and my Pixel phone running kodi 17. Have tried manually updating exodus and kodi and running a different skin because some comment said to try it. Ive made sure the exodus repository updated.
could this be something to do with this UK stream ban? Im in the US but i know theres a lot of sources being affected. Can we get a fix on this, looks like its becoming a thing.
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I was having the same problem with Exodus not working, im not sure what solved it or even if what I did solved it but I installed phoenix and then my exodus started working correctly.
to add: Kodi is working fine with my shield tv using the same network at home. Also tried uninstalling and installing again still the same problem.
I have a problem on exodus. I finisihed downloading it. when I go to movies/tv shows and click popular or anything. It just loads with the blue circle then after 2 secs it wont open. what did I do wrong?
-Same with mine on windows 10
I hope anyone can help… Thank you in advance
I have a problem on exodus. I finisihed downloading it. when I go to movies/tv shows and click popular or anything. It just loads with the blue circle then after 2 secs it wont open. what did I do wrong?
I have a same add-on you all guys said what you have, we tried few times, but my screen goes black. I did not tried a different add-on yet. (I think Exodus might be the only add-on having issues).
I added Exodus a couple days ago, and I have a problem where the new movies in-theaters category comes and goes. I’ve watched two 2017 movies in the past couple days, and now nothing – including the ones I watched. Should I remove/reinstall or is there a glitch? Thanks!!!
A lot of feeds have disappeared from exodus. I have kodi 16.1 and the latest exodus but there are no more HD listings to view on tv shows and movies. The providers have changed I used to trust onemovies all the time and it doesn’t even work. Any ideas?
I have Exodus 3.1.1. and Kodi 16.1
Kodi opens, I go into Exodus and go to Search, type in the show I’m looking for. The little spinning circle comes up for a little while, then goes away…and nothing happens after that.
My kodi box has stopped working altogether, , I made no changes to it, I go to click the app and nothing but a blank screen.
After new update, exodus has become a slow pos; i use kodi 14.2 (pc) because i noticed no buffering/slowdown compared to newer kodi on my android tv box.
I cannot access any rollback option on the addon information; update is grey because its only for update, not rollback.
Great blog right here! Additionally your web site lots up fast!
What wweb host are you the use of? Cann I amm getting your associate link
in your host? I want my webswite loaded up as quickly as yours lol
it is only letting load movie that we have already watched ?
The movie Orphan 2009 is actually Let Me In so cant watch it.
Mark to download exodus movies, click on the movie link until all the stream options appear load like you would to watch it.
You simple hold your finger down on the link and keep it pressed until a pop up menu appears, the top option is download. So instead of just pressing the link you hold your finger down on it.
Just starting with Kodi. Installed app on my Android phone. Then added Exodus. I am able to stream movies without any problems.
Wanted to try downloading a movie. Created a new folder on my phone (“Capture”). Went into Exodus options, enabled downloads, and set “/storage/emulated/0/Capture/” as the directory for both Movies and TV. Under Playback, set the default action to “Directory”.
Selected a movie, and instead of downloading, it began streaming on screen. Changed Playback default action to “Dialog”, still no good. Even changed back to “Auto Play” but same result.
So how do I get the app to download?
Kodi 17.0
Android 7.1.1
The search function doesn’t work properly for example I put in the originals and I get everything beginning with the one option per page
I can see all the titles, but once I select a title it just sits there and has remaining providers and times out around 50 to 70% every time?….I’m running the lates exodus version.
I just installed Kodi 17 and at certain times the working symbol will appear
and will not show any shows at all. I thought maybe this was a internet issue but at this point who knows this is the second day in a row that this happens. any suggestions what I can do to fix this issue.
Regalo: entada y una consumición en una disco. http://hooperrejmdtglvm.unblog.fr/2017/02/08/article-despedida-en-barco-14/
Is there any way to get select subtitles on Exodus. For example, when I’m watching Star Trek and they start to speak Klingon it would be nice if I could get only the translation subtitles. I don’t want to get the CC subtitles which shows all the english subtitles throughout the whole movie when I toggle the subtitle button on. I just want the subtitles when the language is not english. Thanks to anyone who can help.
When trying to play a movie thru Exodus, the movie keeps “Pausing” and the picture distorts. Is it my bandwidth or quality of the movie link we chose?
If it’s the quality what should we look for to be able to watch a movie in good HD quality?
i submitted the comment before this one (just saying) is there any chance that Kodi was taken down by people at Amazon per chance
when we opened Kodi on our fire stick it either came up with a black screen or a blue screen and no matter what we did it wouldn’t do anything else
@Braden Happens with me once in a while but after I restarted even the same source, it plays fine from where it stopped
Have recently had a problem with an android tv box with either kodi or exodus . Will just stop the movie and jump back to provider list ! Does not buffer just stops ! Anyone else have this problem and is there a fix for it any help would be great thank you . Both programs ha e been uninstalled and re installed and are up to date
Neither will people, box office. most popular or any of thr others
i have exodus installed on kodi and i can open it select movies, select year but no year will open. Can you help?
Alss, if your modem is too far from your tv, that would happen too. I had att for 2 days. You can try to reinstall your kodi just in case you’re using an old version. Sometimes those sellers are putting out the sticks 15.2. I would use jarvis. That’s better for the stick.
I used to be able to set the time limit for providers timeout but with the new release it seems like it doesn’t matter if you set a specific time, it still goes past the time limit. Is there a way to fix that?
@Ben Soto. It should work, you just can’t play “heavy” streams, like 1080 pretty much any and 720 with 5.1 Dolby audio. There still should be plenty of HD streams, at least for the newer TV and movies. There are two things I don’t like, to be honest:
1). Pre-insalled Kodi(BTW, which version of Kodi do you have)
2). Fire Stick itself. FireStick is an Amazon hardware and designed for the Amazon in general so there could be some kind of block, not sure.
You can try to go to TVAddons forum and search for the FirsStick in hardware but first, I would check your Kodi version. I can understand you might have some issues with buffering but kicking out of the KODI, this is not good. I would uninstall your KODI version and would install KODI 16
@Igor , I have DSL and I have the Fire Stick…so I guess I’m out of luck huh? Just finished watching some videos on Youtube, did what they suggested, didn’t work.
@Kari. Give me an example. Do you have a real-debrid account?
@Ben Soto. ATT, so you are in USA? Is that a DSL connection? I have AT&T is our house, DSL and very slow but it plays fine as long as I don’t chose a “heavy” stream. What kind of KODI do you have? The thing is that I don’t Fire Stick, regular android box and I have no problem to play pretty much anything.
Just purchased the Fire Stick with KODI, I use ATT internet, I have to literally struggle for hours at times to be able to search and actually play a movie. When I turn it on, it kicks me back to the home screen almost constantly, its like playing the lotto. This cannot be the way it works, I cant search or do anything for a prolonged amount of time without being kicked out and having to start all over again. Any tips? Anything I should do or not do? Please and thank you.
How come so many older films listed but no stream?
got kodi-17.0-Krypton_rc2 & i can’t download any movies R tv shows in EXODUS all i get
queue item.
watched in exodus.
play using.
mark as watched.
play from here.
add to favourites.
I miss Genesis so much. Exodus just doesn’t work. It blocks caching. I have increased the caching in Kodi, and even enabled it for local files. I can watch anything else I play work. I pause it, and it keeps downloading and caching in the background, just like Genesis used to, so even a really slow source will work, I can just pause and wait long enough, but somehow, Exodus has disabled the cache. It will not download and cache in the background. I don’t know if this is a bug or limitation of Exodus, or if it was intentional, but it prevents Exodus from working. If there is another setting that is Exodus specific, I haven’t found it yet. Meanwhile, most streaming just doesn’t work. It constantly pauses and lags.
I have Kodi 16, Im having sync issues, when i’m watching something it’ll go out of sync and stutter a bit every 5 mins or so. I’ve adjusted the offset and it’s not a buffering issue either Any ideas? thanks in advance
force stop it then restart it a couple of times. depending which devices you use, you can also clear the cache
I have to Kodi systems and both of them are frozen as of Sat 1/7/17. They working perfectly. I was listening to music on You Tube and came back and they system will not plan. screens will show, however there is a big red speaker with a line across like I have the system on mute, I checked all my sound buttons and the mute is not on. My other Kodi just keeps blinking on and off and not showing any sound. What do I do I miss my Kodi. Please assist and advise
I’m pretty sure the majority of users realize these streams are far from 100% gaurenteed, just a bad cross section posting demandingly.
Regardless of the issue i think the frustration is coming from the fact exodus used to work so beautifully, and has definitely been slipping for the majority of users lately.
@Chad, I don’t understand why are you immediately assume that I am affiliated with a real-debrid???Don’t you think it is possible that I am simply like the service they provide and therefore suggesting it? I am not affiliated with them, you can believe me or don’t, it’s up to you.
Exodus WAS created to work with real-debrid the best, this is not my opinion or a guess or whatever, this is a statement made by developer of this addon. If you don’t believe me, go to TVADDONS.com form and check it for yourself. Maybe lambda is affiliated with real-debrid or all other debrid services, I don’t know and, frankly I don’t care. I had canceled all my TV services more than a year ago because they cost me around $100.00 just a TV and to me they were complete useless. My KODI set up cost me quite a bid but now I don’t pay nothing except maybe $60.00 per year for deal-debrid seives and $30.00 a year for OROR0.TV subscription. When I canceled my TV service, I used Netflix and HULU for almost a year, each cost me $8.00-10.00 per month and I was not satisfied with them, not mentioning how much did I spend on DVD’s. Now I am 100% happy with my setup and I have to pay some extra few bucks to have what I need to have a trouble free streaming with KODI then that’s what I’ll do. People are spending hundreds of dollars every year for the restaurants or a beer or some other useless stuff but they don’t want to spend few bucks a year for better service, that’s they problem. I am only sharing my knowledge and opinion here, trying to help, not deceive people.
@Igor, I do not believe that Exodous was created to use with real debrid, that came later to access more ports. To add most reviews online for real-debrid are negative. Do you work for them, and are trying to add customers by giving mis-information on this forum in a attempt to drum up business?
@Chad. Thank you Chad, finally somebody supported me.Just to add something, first of all this is a wrong forum to get anything to learn about Exodus. There is another, more useful form on TVADDONS.com, where you can get some help form developer himself. I am trying to help here but I am not a developer, just a user and since I was sat the some position, without any knowledge, where I started, I know how frustrating it can be so I am trying to help but I cannot help when the problem is not with addon itself. As far as a a hardware, I have no idea why people are getting Firestick to use with KODI. It’s an Amazon device, design for Amazon, why make more problems for themselves? I have 5 regular but decent Andorid boxes and NVidia Shield. Boxes cost me from $60.00-80.00, pretty much a cost of Firestick and I have no problem with those. Anyway, just my opinion. I can pretty much guarantee that probably 90% of the users with problems here are from Europe. I am in US and we don’t have any blocking by our ISP, not yet, at least
@Jakob ok, “BBT” season 7 episode 15, I confirm that PUTLOCKER|GVIDEO and MOVIESHD|GVIDEO have wrong TV show and the next, third stream PRIMEWIRE|ESTREAM has a correct one. The thing is, however that, since I have a real-debrid account, my first 54 streams a RD stream and they are correct, at least those that I tried. Again, I repeat myself that this addon has been design to use real-debrid streams, whether you like it or not.
As far as Exodus being GOD or incapable of errors attitude, I never said that. All I said was that 90% of the problems in this form are not related to Exodus. They are related to either streams availability(which has nothing to do with Exodus) or users hardware/ISP problems or features that I do not use, like downloads. Sure, there could be some problems but for me, using streams, it always works. And if it temporarily doesn’t, I use another addon.
As far as the “fixes”, check the change log, most of those updates are related to providers updates.
The bottom line is, majority of these posts here and quite negative and demanding, which is 100% wrong, this is a wrong attitude, simple is that, considering that this is a free stuff. And a lot of time these posts are lucking details, which makes it impossible to help or check them out and that’s all I can do is to check them out, if I know what to check. So far every issue I checked, works for me. Not sure what else I can add.
you can tell everyone got android tv boxes or fire sticks for Christmas because this forum has been super busy lately. I can say that most problems on here could be fixed by watching a tutorial on youtube, or your isp could be the culprit. All streams are not 100% guaranteed to work.
Try “Big Bang Theory Season 7 episode 15; that one and the last 4 before it have majority of the links as an episode of Beverly Hills 90210.
The whole Exodus is God and incapable of error attitude just isn’t helpful or really the case. If Exodus never had issues, we’d never get an updated version with a log showing us all the “fixes”.
@tom warner. There are no good stream available yet, give it more time. And if don’t don’t have Real-debrid account, you will have limited amount of streams
@Chad. Out of the theater doesn’t mean there are streams available. What movie you are trying to watch?
Well, I disagree with you on that. I don’t have any problems with Exodus, at least with a main features like direct streaming. If there were any problem with addon, I would have it as well and I don’t. Logically speaking, the problems then are outside of Exodus, you have to agree with that, simple is that. Either it’s a hardware or a ISP blocking. Every time I’ve checked the problem listed, I don’t have it. Tell me what the problem is and I will check it out
While I understand having a Real-Debrid account seems to make a world of difference, the majority of users simply don’t have it. The wrong link thing seems intermittent, and the more I looked at it, Gvideo and Ymovies did seem to be the main culprits.
That being said, literally every user I know personally has some issue with Kodi, across a multitude of devices/equipment. This isn’t to say it’s useless, because for a free program it’s immensely useful. It just seems like whenever someone has an issue with it, it’s always the users fault and never Exodus itself having issues as a response, which just isn’t the case.
Hi I am having problems with exodus I can bring up a New movie that is out of theatres and it will not play it will say no streaming available and it takes so long to load up.
I tried playing I.daniel blake a new movie, but all the sources playback other crap including bloody cartoons
I don’t think you can watch anything from “Theater” section, it’s just a reference. If the movie is still playing in the theater, nobody has a stream, except CAM quality
@Jason Bux
Just tested season 5 of Game of Thrones, all episodes are find, in order.
You have to understand that all Exodus does is building sources. What’s in those sources, Exodus has nothing to do with. Think about Exodus as a DVD player: DVD player will play what ever disk you insert. If the disk has a wrong movie, player cannot change it or fix it, it’s impossible.
The only stream that busted is YMOVIES|GVIDEO, it almost always has a wrong title in it.
I am using Exodus pretty much since the day it has been released. It had some issues at some point, a while ago but for a very long time and don’t have any issues with it at all. I only stream, have very strong equipment, 4 different devices, very strong internet(TimeWarner) and I never have any problems to watch anything with pretty much highest quality(1080 HD with 5.1 Dolby audio), have Read-debrid account. Cost me quite a bid to build all that, paying $120.00 for the Internet alone but I am very happy, used to pay $160.00 for the Internet and TV and the last was useless. I am sorry to say but all or almost all issues I am seeing on this form have nothing to do with addon itself but with either equipment or your ISP blocking stuff
Can’t even get mine to change over from tv to Kobi box been 2 days now
Half the movies I try come up as Minions or Jurassic World! WTH?
I am trying to watch an “In Theater” movie but whatever I select comes up either Minions or Jurassic World.Scarpezio
Nothing downloads for me on Exodus. I set it to my external sd card and it is the right one but it never downloads onto the file. The same thing happens with velocity and ice films. I did it with files that have streams available and are compatible. It showed that it was downloading, but when it said succeeded, there was no files in the folder. It didn’t work on my Samsung tablet, or my Kyocera Phone, both running on android. Please Help!
Game of Thrones seasins 5&6
@Jakob. OK, give me an example?
He meant in reference to the issue Exodus is having where the majority of a seasons links end up playing the first episode of the season. Usually have to sort through up to 30 to find the proper episode.
@Jason Bux. What the hell is a “re”??????
@anonymovie. Never had a problem with any movie unless it’s too new. Which one?
alot allot of the movies on exodus have come up as no stream and doesn’t seem to be working as well as it use to for new movies. anyone?
Help re season not playing all episodes. Only episode one
when i try to download a movie from exodus it only downloads like a few minutes
I have the dolamee too and I installed a lite build on it. try to restore to factory settings or reinstalling the exodus zip file. sometimes when I press on my kodi, it does not respond. I just did the update on my box this weekend and it is working, but the box is asking to install the update, but it was already done. I actually bought 3 of these boxes and the other 2 were given away and I don’t use this one because it was given away too, but the girl couldn’t get it working, so I am using it now periodically since I have 3 other boxes. I had to do a factory reset on my MXQ and it is working fine. Since the dolamee is new, maybe you should send it back for a replacement. Mine have a year warranty
I have loaded Kodi on y Firestick then Exodus it was all there but wouldn’t play any content read your guide you mentioned BT as an ISP causing a problem, went into the router – advanced – connected devices and changed Smart Setup up to no that sorted it
Thank you
I just downloaded Kodi 17.0 on my parents firestick with Alexa. I started by doing a factory restart to make sure there was nothing blocking on the firestick. I downloaded Kodi no problem, downloaded fusion with add ons no problem but when I tried to get to exodus to download there were no add on apps available. I tried to reboot and multiple times and did the whole process with factory reboot 2x and still stuck at that screen. Any ideas why NO apps (Exodus, movies 4k, nothing) came up? It just gives you the square with the arrow for going back but nothing else. TIA for any help
Hahahaha Too much eggnog… Some people just don’t have a clue… They probably bought their firestick preloaded with a build that’s now outdated… Can’t work out how to use the remote without trying to buy movies on prime…. And say “Why does my tv not look like yours” (Because you have a different build Dad)…
@GIVE US BACK GENESIS. What the hell you are taking about???? Instead of screaming like a little kid, maybe you should explain what the problem is. How many times you need to be told that Exodus doesn’t give you anything except stream source???? what in those streams Exodus has nothing to do with. Oh, and BTW, there are no programmers here, wrong forum
Exodus says every movie has no streams in every menu
addmon master down so exodus down too
try reinstalling the zip
I’m trying to install Exodus but when I get to the final steps
Select Install from repository
Select Exodus repository
Select Video add-ons
Select Exodus <— is not there. It's blank, with no options. I can't figure out why!! Can you please help me??
Just installed Kodi on a new minix u1 and than through fusion tried to install Phoenix but got the message: “addon installer error”. Other addons installation (like exodus) works well. Deleted Kodi and started all over again, but problem remains.
Anyone has an idea?
Thanks man!
My Kodi has been updated but after the initial search it won’t load anything. Seems to be a system problem based on comments above. Anyone else having issues?
not with bt and i have vpn and and still get the working…
Every since I changed/updated from XBMC to Kodi the search engines, on any of the apps, doesn’t work. When clicked, it stalls the system and the message box Kodi Has Stopped Working appears and i have to reboot the system. Any suggestions?? Everything else with the rest of the Kodi upgrade seems to have taken but this never did. Much obliged.
Hello, Mia, I have the dolamee android tv box as well, and the box had an update, after it updated my kodi would not work. so i did the reload as it says on the web site, but the same thing is happening with mine.
reinstall the zip file from the source
thanks, after 2 days / 16 hours of installing on a firestick and some programmes work ok [zem , uk turk] , and some not [exodus / phoenix] , this tip off your guide jsut fixed it .
if using a firestick on bt internet you need to turn off smart set up your hub . heres a direct link . my god , one click just sorted a 16 hour job . wow now it works !
Can anyone help, I have an Android box, Kodi was working fine, then I had to turn it off and disconnect. When I went back on nothing would work, so I reset it to start again. Now when i follow the steps to reconnect, it goes right up to add exodus repository and then the system tells me that it cant connect to the repository. I have checked and rechecked all the steps but wont go further, so then you cannot access the movies and/or tv content.
Problems I’m experiencing…
-Any stream Real-debrid related just gives me a black screen or times out.. WTF?!!?!
Or when it does stream…
-When using Real-Debrid the movie only buffer when its paused.. when I resume the stream it stops buffering all together..
Free streams work just fine, only premium accounts streams giving me this headache!
Anyone had problemswith exodus on Vodafone fibre just can’t get it to work at all
You serieusly think a movie will come op after 1 day?
Can take weeks or months for a good version
How do I get new movies I had the stick for a week now and newer movies came out Friday when will it update
Having problems watching any movie, all saying no stream available? I have recently changed internet provider kodi is latest version and so is exodus as I have re installed it, this is only happening on movies as I have no problem watching the shows!! Please help ps I’m using a firestick thanks
Looks like Exodus may force me to upgrade from my good old Mx2. I can’t run higher than Helix 14.2 and get good streams even with the latest firmware update on the Mx2 which I believe is 18_1.2
Genesis is still working but no artwork so harder to recognize movies in searches.
Anyone have different results?
Is G Box Q the only way to go.
There is an error in update 2.0.18
Mine is not working anymore!!
I’m new to Kodi, can anyone explain why I can only download 2 episodes out of 8 on Discovery in Exodus, the other 6 episodes I get ,No Stream available ??
I’m i the only one with the skipping problem?
Its only on my laptop with 16.1
Works fine on my Pi2 with 17 alpha
What device are you using? Some people had this problem with the fire stick
\hi \there
\i just got a new A95X andriod box and for some reason i cant get any of the addons to work, including Exodus. the box is on version 16.1 and exodus is on the mst recent update. please can you help?
Annddd skipping sources again
Lainy O’Leary on October 16, 2016 at 4:51 pm
I had Exodus on my firestick and it broke. Got a new one with the voice feature. Followed all of the steps to install Kodi, fusion, and Exodus. Indicated that installations were successful, but when I click on Kodi, only a white screen appears, then times out to the home page again. Is there something in the new fire stick that won’t allow these apps?—————-
Seems that way. I loaded 2 sticks with Kodi and a build. Both worked, then one just stopped working. I bought another and Kodi downloaded, but when trying to install a build, keeps getting kicked out to home screen. Then tried a new build, it worked, just longer to download. I will post back after finishing my 3rd stick to see if it’s working consistently.
Also, how did you load Kodi, thru ES or Apps to fire? I use apps to fire now. Maybe I will try ES next time
I just updated exodus was working fine now won’t load movies ,says script not updated. How do i fix
I tried to put my kodi on yesterday and it keeps asking me to put in my WiFi details again and it still won’t work,anybody else having this problem
I’ve had the same no coverart issue. also I have noticed that in my IMDB collection there is only one tv show available
I noticed there was an update…has anyone else been getting no cover art in the search results (they show after you click on the show and get into seasons)?
Exodus not working for me either today Mk19. I tried at about 6:00 pm eastern time.
Exodus is not working. I tried to reinstall and it wont work
When I go through Exodus and click on TV Shows, it says working and then nothing ever happens. Doesn’t matter if I click most popular, newest, etc. The movies works perfectly, but not the shows. Help Please!!
I had Exodus on my firestick and it broke. Got a new one with the voice feature. Followed all of the steps to install Kodi, fusion, and Exodus. Indicated that installations were successful, but when I click on Kodi, only a white screen appears, then times out to the home page again. Is there something in the new fire stick that won’t allow these apps?
when I click on t.v. or movies it says it’s loading and then nothing pops up. Help please
New to this Kodi only working with sound no vision ,any ideas would be helpful
I have not been able to start Channels on Exodus since last week Friday on my Android Tv running on Kodi 16.1. But when I hook up a media player with wookie installed the Channels /Exodus selection starts normally . Other selections like Movies and tv shows are ok on both Tv and media player.
I notice this problem started the same time when my Filmon Tv UkLive selection going out of service with a message saying “Film on Tv error Check log .”
Any solution as to what is blocking my Tv to start the Channel selection?
I heard that fusion has been removing some of those apps from their repo. I dont know if it’s true. If you installed thru fusion, then reinstall from the exodus repo
I have two fire sticks with kodi and my main one was working fine and when I turned it on the next day my exodus disappeared, does anyone know what could of happened.
Exodus working well until today now no content showing at all have followed instructions for update but has made no difference
how to fix with starting or get error GUI …i have already setting monitor and already set users + ova + app data +roaming + kodi +userdata and delete profile but still not work … already uninstall kodi and install again still same problem …
hope friend of kodi can help for fix my problem
How old is your wookie build? You may have to switch to the wookie lite for the correct version of exodus or download a new build. I am using fire guru. Similar to wookie and just as fast if not faster
i am having trouble watching anything through wookie on kodi
I am using exodus on Kodi I got it working great but I had it hooked up thru localcast.when I watch a movie it disappears or even if say I LOse connection between Chromecast and localcast.i can’t find the movieno more on exodus
My movies are limited to 2:00:00 when I know some are much longer. Why?
Hey, my Exodus is working fine, but when I download movies to watch later it is missing off about 10 minutes at the end. SO frustrating, any ideas what could be happening as it is on all movies.
Figured out Exodus was out of date, and was not updating itself. Manually removed it, and installed the latest edition from .zip and it now works fine.
Hey first of all thank you for all of the hard work. I recently have been having an issue where exodus just won’t play anything. It goes through all the sources and everything and sometimes pops up a loading bar like it’s going to play something, but then does nothing. There is no errors, I have it linked to a Real-Debrid and trakt account and even the real-debrid links won’t play. Other addons have no issues, and exodus has been running issue free for a long time before this. But now it will not play anything, and most categories in the menus will not load. I tried uninstalling Kodi completely and reinstalling, and I tried FreeTelly as well but Exodus still doesn’t play anything. Any help would be great.
Ive got a weird issue that when im un the list with streams and select one. It goes search again for streams and is very slow.
I hate to complain about these services. I am very appreciative to the Devs definitely.
Last night, my Exodus stopped working on my firestick, but not my g box. This morning it was back up somewhat, but I didn’t have a chance to scrutinize it before work.
Hi. I am not getting any episodes in TV shows. I can see the shows and seasons by the episodes are blank. is there a fix for this problem. The movies are working. Thanks.
Can someone tell me how to reload my providers please as I deleted them in error and am now unable to obtain streaming. Thanks.
am i doing something wrong but i am trying to watch an old horror film “the manitou” on some streams they give me “the driver” with Ryan O’Neil or not available even though they show the pictures that show the film when advertised
Followed the download instructions, can’t add on with the error message “incompatible”. What do I need to do?
The developers from exodus added/fixed sources but sometimes they don’t work well
Am I correct to understand that exodus generates new providers(sources) on updates?
Am I correct to understand that exodous generates new providers(sources) on updates?
more sources after the update butt its still skipping some
Hey guys regarding Exodus : i’m also having the same problem since updating my build from TT ( Awsome builds by the way TT).
Exodus slows down when looking for streams, major delays. Only way around this is to gointo Tools / General settings / Playback and change Defaut action to Auto Play !
Unfortunately this does not get rid of the high picth noise in the back ground on some shows ( game of throwns)
Tv shows and movies that showed a week ago, are no longer showing up. what’s up?
And what’s up with that little dude dancing around showing up?
Guys, been searching everywhere for this but the Downloads category in the main menu list does not appear in Exodus.
I’ve got the whole set up done correctly and mapped to NAS. I can download from context menu and the download completes. At this stage to view the file I should have a ‘Download’ category in the main menu list but nothing appears in TV Shows or Movies.
Any thoughts ? All advice on setting this up correctly has been followed and mapped to a NAS drive.
Any assistance would be appreciated. Just need the Download category to appear so that I can the watch those files within Exodus.
The only issues I have with Exodus is the (w) keyboard shortcut doesn’t work when trying to mark a file as watched/unwatched. I have to use the mouse in order to do it as Exodus doesn’t mark things automatically when you have watched a full episode or movie. Being able to jump to Pheonix and watch my movies on there and jump back to Exodus it would be a lot easier to manually click what I’ve watched via the other addons with a single button instead of having to right_click scroll down all the time and 9/10 you get thrown back to the start of Exodus and having to go all the way back in where you were to mark the next one you watched.
Thanks for yhe info, had issues of Exodus on new 2nd kodi player, found it was bt smart set up enabled on home hub.. disable..Switching Smart Setup on and off on the BT Home Hub 4 or Hub 5Click on Advanced Settings.Enter the admin password. …Click on Continue to Advanced Settings.Click on Home Network and then Smart Setup.Click the appropriate radio button to turn Smart Setup on or off and then click Apply.
Just found out that U -verse internet users are having problems with their amazon fire tv. Does anyone know anything about this. We’re in Chicago
when i first used exodus it had all the shows from all the networks such as adult swim or nick. nick had old show from way back in the day like mighty bee or Danny phantom or chalk zone. i tried showing this to my brother but when i went back they only went up to the most recent or popular ones like Henry danger or pig goat banana cricket. i looked everywhere to find it i even searched for it but they were gone… please help with this situation
Yes! I am havin the issue where I look for a movie, example Free State of Jones, in “in theatres” or “new movies” and it’s not there. Except when I search for it, it comes up. Same thing with networks for tv shows. I’ve been watching Six feet under on HBO for mi the now and when I go into HBO, only 1 page of tv shows are coming up, none of which include six feet under. But if I search for it, it comes up. Is there a fix for this??? Please help!
I am using exodus 2.0.4 and everything I try to watch plays a 1980 music (never gonna give you up) for 15secs saying “you know the rules, and so do I :)” follow by a screen stating this website has fail to follow our terms and conditions … Or similar to that . Anyone getting this???? This started today.
mine is doing the same thing sara I go to genres comedy and nothing new is showing up only old and can’t search or find popular shows like game of thrones, breaking bad… any one have suggestions I have kodi 16.1 and exodus 2.0.4
This problem is happening in Exodus and also 1Channel.
My only problem for the last few days, has been that if I search for TV shows that I have always watched, no results are found for that show.
For example, in the reality tv category only two shows are listed, and any shows in that category can not even be found by search. Anyone had this problem? I have uninstalled and reinstalled. Thanks!
my kodi doesnt work at all if anyone can help me i will appreciate
Before any one makes any big changes you have to check this easy fix for No-Stream on Kodi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH3XZ8u-q-Y
On my android box i did the new update and now i cant get any search results when looking for an episde of a favorites show. A couple come with with just some HD links but none of them work ther just say no stream available
yep new update is jacking up again current episodes are playing streams from last week examples dark matter and robot wars says 8-4416 but episode is from prev. week and network still are not fixed example syfy only has 9 listings lot more shows than that on syfy
I been using genesis and exodus since the first days.
Now when I play a movie it goes half way through it and stops and says its too slow or something like that. Never have had a problem before , Its Krypton both beta 2 and 3 are doing the same.
Dunno why it would be doing this now , nothing changed.
Mine has been working fine since the update.
Wondering, though, certain things that should have streams for example, Bad Moms, it still says no streams available. If I search from my computer there appears to be streams. I only watch on my android box though so I don’t know if what is coming up on my computer actually works. Can someone tell me if there are streams for it showing up in their Exodus?
While watching anything on exodus there is a background noise that is always there.Is anyone else having this problem.
Aaandd its skipping sources again… why release this after 2.0.4??
After 2.0.5 the Dutch language is gone, why?
Hi been using kodi on may devices since Xbox days. Recently started having issues with playback on streams. Plays all streams for about 15-25 min then stream freeze and crashes kodi for 10-20sec then goes back to stream source selection. Tried all devices and they all do it. Tried freshstart, new install, updating and downgrading also tried changing URL resolver…. None of which work. Hope some of you out there may be able to help me.
@igor much appreciated for the update and your comments, now I can click on networks and find the networks I like and their shows, finally we are back in business 🙂
It should be working by now. I even checked the networks last night and they’re back working too. Did you do the update? I noticed that on one of my devices I was using an old wookie build and a new build on another. The wookie wasn’t working correctly and the update was only for 1.03 on that build. On the other, the correct 2.03 update was there. So check the update options on your build. If it is not 2.03, then you may have to update your build
Thank you Jeff….I appreciate the help and it works, you are great…..:)
2.0.4 is out. Language is finally back in Dutch!
SOurces looked fixed
I have a XBMCMART box as well and Exodus didn’t work today so i watched the video above and though the format is different, i did learn more about the Kodi Box…. I went into video-add Link from main Kodi page and Exodus will work for some reason but won’t work from the Kodi Main page for Movies or Tv series for some reason! NOW to the confusing part…. I have two boxs one is the T8 Plus Smart Tv box and the XBMCMART and both would not work. I was able to get it to work on the T8 without going into the Video-Addon but i be damn if i can figure out what did it. All i can suggest is try going into settings and update the programs if possible only thing i can think of besides the depository which did let me update on the T8 but not on the XBMCMART. I know i wasn’t much help on the issue but try the Video-addon section and open it and report back.
Uninstalled & Re-installed to fix:
I have a XBMCMART box from Amazon and Exodus isn’t working hasnt for two days….any ideas thank you
I’m not having any problems at all. I know the network short cut wasn’t working but in 3 years I’ve never used that feature. I just put all my shows in Trakt. Other than that no problems at all with playback or anything else.
Right now Kodi over all is a mess and everyone I talk to is having the same issues with the buffering and being unable to watch a show doesn’t matter what they’re using fire stick Mac windows or how good their Internet is it just isn’t working well right now hopefully this will change soon I know a lot of people have Stopped using it because they are so frustrated
@David. Network is working with the yesterday update
It’s OK sorted my issue…. Wife or kids messed with settings…. The system was filtering to WATCHED movies instead of ALL MOVIES… Panic over!
Same here I used the Network category more that any on Exodus, it’s just easier to browse through the Discovery or discovery id programs. I hope its fixed soon.
Hi… Using Kodi 17.0 Alpha2 on LibreELEC 7.9 and up until 31 July everything was fine with Exodus. As of 1 Aug any of the Movie menus show nothing or just videos I’ve watched but no others. I’ve tried a reboot.. checked for updates and cleared cache but no joy. Has anyone experienced this before or know what it might be…. Thanks
@Jay. It suppose to be either acceleration by hardware or software, don’t remember which one is correct. I think software so the KODI will handle that rather than your OS. Just play with those, it should work. Do you have windows OS? I have 16.1 installed on 3-4 laptops and never had to mess with it
@David. Based on what I’ve read on TVAddons forum, the developer is aware of this issue and working on it. What I was trying to say was that I don’t have cable either and I actually like to go through the list of the TV shows and pick what I like. I mean, if you don’t know what show you are looking for and what network it was on, how is that section will help you? Anyway, hopefully it will be fixed soon
hi i’m using the latest version of kodi on my laptop but i seem to be having a problem with it, when i click on links there is sound but no picture, i googled this fault and the conclusion i got was to change the acceleration settings, but as shown on YouTube video’s there are 3 options on the expert mode but on mine all is shown is “DXVA2” I’ve tried turning this off but still no joy, been searching for a week now has anybody else got this problem or can someone please point me t=in the right direction!!
To Igor: the network functionality is important to keep the shows divided by networks as I cannot always remember what show is on what network and I do not want to scroll through 50 pages to find something. If it is part of exodus, don’t you believe it should function properly like it did before 202a and 203. I know I can search but since I don’t have cable (which is why I am using exodus) the network portion would list new tv series shows I may not be aware were on tv. Not seasons but new network tv shows. Maybe this will help or if someone knows of a better add on for koi I can uninstall exodus and go with that. I have SALTS and PHOENIX already but used to like exodus better as it functioned better but now they all have bad flaws now
Starting today 30.07.2016, there is no NEXT PAGE button, when searching by year or genre! Was working fine until now… I have everything up to date, kodi ver. 16.1 exodus 2.0.3………………
@Igor, yes they are all working again!
What i was wondering: Why are Torba sources never working unless you go to the link?
I know its just Torba thing and has nothing to do with Kodi and exodus
@Wesley. all HD should work now
@David. I don’t know, but personally I don’t understand why this category is so important for you. I am using this addon from the start, never used network category. Any show I want to watch, I go to trakt tv site, chose what I want, add it to the watch list or collection and there is it. What is so different in in the network categories so it’s so important to you?
@Wesley. Yes, there was an issue with HD links, none of RD worked, not just for “Mr Robot”, all TV shows but that was apparently an issue with RD site and it should be fixed now, need to check
Is anyone having an issue where their “in theatres” movies look odd? Many movies have been taken off and older movies, from about 6 months ago (which used to be on the 4th or 5th page) are now on page 1. The sequence is jumbled.
Let me break it down a little better or try, when I go to exodus, tv shows, networks,and choose any network item…A&E…CBS, BBC one, Discovery Channel etc, they all have the same show listing pulling up. Mr. Robot, Game of Thrones etc are in every network listing and not sorted out by their proper network. Hawaii Five-0 should only be in CBS and no other network listing. Gotham should only be in Fox as examples. The database is corrupt in the new 2.0.3 version. Hope this helps.
@Wesley Bakker. Movies by year works for me, tried it several times. As far as Mr.Robot, I can check
For ecxample now: the latest episode of Mr robot, its skips over 2 1080P sources and 15 HD sources. Never had that before this update
At movies, years are not working. More people with me. Lot or sources just skip to the next…
All after 2.0.3
@Wesley. I don’t know, works fine for me. “A lot of functions and sources don’t work” means nothing to me, need specifics. Frankly, I just don’t understand what the problem is? I am going to the movies and can pull anything I want, same for TV shows, People, Networks. I don’t use downloads so cannot comment on that. My exodus doesn’t disappear, all my devices work, what is it: 4 Android boxes, one NVidia and 2 laptops. I’ve never uninstall anything, just waiting for updates, meanwhile using other addons. Maybe people have problems because they are running old stuff. boxes or KOID, I don’t know, nobody specifies any details, just “disappeared”, “don’t work” and stuff. You said earlier “Lots of 1080P and HD sources are broken last days” Which ones? For what title?
Try disconnecting your box. Sometimes m box does that too and my amazon stick
When I turn the box on after the home screen then I press kodi and it keeps going back to the same screen press kodi again goes back to the Sam screen….????? ALOHA
Its not. I a tip was given to uninstall and reinstall. when I did, it wouldn’t install again, so I wiped the build and installed in a new one. Now its working, just the networks are not organized for series, but everything else is intact. try to wipe your build and reinstall it or an updated build.
My whole exodus add on is gone as if someone deleted it. Haven’t been successful downloading it again. I’ll try again later. Have no idea what is going on with it. Been using velocity for the moment so I don’t think the box is the problem
true. I got some sticks working, but the networks are showing the same thing whether you click on HBO or AE, but it seems they are all working. Specto is hardly working and phoenix too. when I click to update exodus in wookie, it’s not even offering the option of the 2.0.3, only 1.0
Igor, don’t deny there is a problem with 2.0.3.
It is just a bad one. Lot of sources and functions are not working.
Because you maybe not have the problem doesn’t mean it doesn’t excist
my exouds works for movies and stuff but when i go to tv shows and go to network to watch a tv channel like HBO OR ABC something it dont work!! i cant watch any movie channels how can i get them to work!!!! please help!! My kids try to watch cartoon network or disney xd nike jr but nothing seams to work!!!!!!
yea this new update SUCKS my older boxes were working just fine now their jacked up too :/
@Dennis. Do you have KODI 16.1?
Me exodus has disappeared and not letting me download. Pretty new to this so not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
Me exodus has disappeared and not letting me download. Pretty new to this so not sure what to do
im have the same problem as tony is
Oh and it is asking for pin numbers for some of the adult sites, don’t know about that yet.
I did a new build on my customer stick and exodus is working almost fully. I noticed someone mention networks, I didn’t check the network function. The build is the Gorilla build. http://www.freeitvonline.com/gpub. A temporary fix. I do not like this build personally. I use tech guide and Eminence. Hope this helps
yeah 2.0.3 is a disaster! Hope for 2.0.4 soon
This addon is driving me nuts…had always been slightly flaky but last 2 updates it hardly ever works. Finds sources but ill go through 10-20 and none will play, just “working” then nothing happens. Ive even gone in and prioritised the good sources, I’m only streaming max 720p (crappy tv) but still usually the SD links are the only ones that will play. I know there are sources for what im watching ill check the stream site where they will play perfectly, but in Kodi and particularly exodus they wont play.
Frustrating! Ive taken to downloading again which through kodi is slow I may as well go back to torrents.
2.0.3 made it worse….
Lots of 1080P and HD sources are broken last days…
Im having the same issue with all the networks being the same. Everything else works great.
After I made my post earlier today, I went back and uninstalled Exodus and then kodi. Restarted my firetv, then reinstalled everything back and made sure exodus was ver 2.0.2. Was still having issues, gave up. Came back after 6pm and everything was working now expect for networks like Tony posted on but I can live with that. Not sure if there was an update patch or what but the Ver. is still showing 2.0.2. Just wanted to share and (not sure if this gets to them on this link but thanks to the creaters of kodi and exodus for taking the time to keep programs like this up, working and with updates.
@Drew. I got more than 1 pages for 2016 movies. Don’t you have “Next Page” and the end of each page?
Im not even offered the update…. is there a certain way or just wait.
2.0.3 has some bugs still when you go into 2106 in movies there is only 1 page of movies.
My Exodus is back up as far as looking up content. The only issue I seem to be having now is when I look for a tv show under the network category every network is the same. Anyone else with this issue
I fixed it by downloading owen passmore’s zip file to my dropbox and then downloading into kodi with the dropbox program and then installing it as a zip file. thanks owen! you can also update it to 2.0.3 after downloading the zip
Ok so I see a lot of us are having the same issue with exodus and certain categories. I have uninstalled and reinstalled.
Any way to fix this?
my categories in exodus will not work (genres,most popular,highly rated) it say working and does nothing. is there a fix? i uninstall it and reinstalled it. i even wipe spinz complete out and took it back to the basic kodi where there was no app at all but when i reinstall spinz. it keep all the app that was there before. please help.
Fails to install
You’re welcome. And I heard there may be an update coming 2moro. (Rumors) But for now that Drop box link is a fully functional Exodus plugin
Thx @Owen
Great. I will check when I get home
Thanks so much!
Yes the link is a zip file. It will work on firestick and android boxes.
This will work for the firestick?
Latest version meaning Exodus 2.0.2a
You can use my dropbox link to download the latest version to your android boxes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q6u9q6640nuxrw5/plugin.video.exodus-2.0.2a.zip?dl=0
thx owennnn … working like charm in my tv box android
Ok. I didn’t know that. There must be another way. I don’t use onedrive so I don’t know anything about it.
onedrive cannot be loaded to the fire stick. In my amazon account, it says that is not compatible.
I got it working on my phone (galaxy s7) so it should work on firestick too. Gonna try it when I get home.
Download working on PC, not on firestick
Look at my above post.
plugin.video.exodus-2.0.2a.zip can not be downloaded from link 🙁
it takes me to a facebook group which is closed
Newly working Exodus 2.0.2a is at the OneDrive. I have confirmed that it works to find working streams. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABTb4Fwo9b8-lkA&cid=1F05924374DCEB09&id=1F05924374DCEB09%212059&parId=1F05924374DCEB09%211708&action=locate
Same problem as allen. What’s up with the firestick hd getting full? So strange. Need help!!!
Using kodi with exodus addon on my fire tv, yesterday got a error message out of space. kodi was using up all my space, not a problem, Cleaned data and cache. Had to reinstall exodus and couple of others addons the ones I used the most. Now having the same issues as Nate and Mart. Under Movies the only content menu working is people watching, everything just sits on working for 2 to 3 secs then goes back to that menu. TV is the same as movies menu, people watching and airing today. I have tired to uninstall it and reinstalled still same. Checked exodus on my desktop working fine, MY ISP is a no limit on use (50Down & 25up), not aware of my ISP has changed with adding blocks because PC still working just fine. Any suggestions?
update from zip file working as of 3-45pm 27 July UK time thanks
Have same issue as Nate, use the icon based system get to year then nothing. If I search for a move it shows film icons and works. Seems issue with the short cuts any ideas guys? Genesis, UK Turks, and others work fine just Exodus using the menu system with icons. Strange. Have all latest version, uninstalled reinstalled etc. Help appreciated. PS running Kodi on clean windows 7 install.
when i go into Exodus, click on movie, click on year, click on 2016, the working sign shows in the lower right corner then disappears, but no movies are showing, just the list of years to choose from. How can i fix this?
thanks Lee that does make sense since my older firesticks still work just fine but anything i install now is giving me this same issue so their is a problem… “igor”
Movies I can find alternatives when bored like searching for series I’ve never seen on my favorite networks and exodus is only tv add I know that allows you to search for shoes via a network shortcut . Funny though in different groups I’m in a handful of people claim all of they’re shortcuts working fine but I doubt that’s possible being issue is at the source shouldn’t matter what device, build, etc you are using if it’s down its down . Kodi tips just posted an unofficial work around you can install from zip file but I think I’ll wait until true fix is done hopefully soon been over 24 hours now. I got home at 5 eastern yesterdsy it was working watched an hour long show and it wasn’t . Assuming was on my end did reinstall ( which made me have to renter passwords on my paid adds) only to see everyone complaining within the next 30 minutes
units i set up week ago work fine its my freshy installed units that dont
I tried to uninstall from the repository, but its not letting me. Only in the addon.
I don’t have Fire, just an Android box running Kodi 16.0 and Exodus 2.0.2 I have no idea about settings for my modem but if anyone has any clue what settings should be used please share!
Ok so ive tried a complete fresh reinstall of kodi then several builds through ares.. each time clean. Using vpn too.. allowing kodi usual update… exodus plus multiple other video addons are showing the same issues as described here… the only commonality i have seen so far if they all use TMDB as their information scraper…. and it appears this was updated 23/07/2016.
There is a high possibility that this is the key issue as the source code of the effected addons are not able to retrieve the information on movies from the TMDB for genre, year, now showing, box office etc as TMDB provides tgis info, yet it doesnt provide poplar movies and is not used when searching by name… kinda explains why only certain shortcuts dont work and its the same shortcuts on several other addons in many kodi builds (pulse ccm and duel, appollo 6, 7, tv fire guru, merlin all showing same issue in same addons all with latest TMDB and latest relevant addon update… now im not skilled enough to tinker with the code but i think those that can, should…
Hopefully this issue can be sorted as, from many forums, is becomming a major issue quite quickly.
To everyone again! I am not able to answer to everybody but I just checked Exodus categories, main categories all work:movies by year, genre, these two should be more than enough. Tried “Independence Day”, works(no HD, only CAMS but it works), “Warcraft”, a ton of HD, works fine ,”Deadpool”, a ton of HD source, watching 1080 as we speak. Now, I don’t have FS (and frankly, I don’t understand why so many people are obsess with it, I have about 7-8 Android boxes, never had a problem unless the addon has a problem but whatever). I am running KODI 16.1, Exodus version 2.0.2, the latest as far as I know. So, my point is: there is absolutely nothing wrong with this addon. So, I would suggest to check your environment: your ISP blocking, your modems, Wi-Fi etc. Sorry, not much help but I cannot help if it is not broken of me. Oh, I am in USA
Aghh!!! Me No Exodus!!!! Me angry!!! Me want to watch Movie but Me can’t get it to work right!!!! Help!!! Me need help!!!!
To everyone!!!! Everybody just calm down for a while. Obviously, something is wrong with addon, let developer to fix it
tried repair for exodus and reinstalled again
still not working lamdas link just flashes
any fixes please?
I found enabling trakt helped increase the content. Still nothing happening when pressing on certain icons though like comedy under genre in TV shows. Says working then nothing happens
Is everyone who is having problems using an Amazon Fire Stick/Fire TV? I downloaded everything last night on AFTV and have the same problem. Only thing I found working was what others are watching.
I’ve read through this entire thing, tried everything here, as well as trying to update/configure URLResolver, change buffering in easy advanced settings….nothing has worked. About 85% of content says no stream available now. SALTS as well. Help!!!!! Chill out Scott.
Any solutions??? I am having the same problem with Firetv boxes and Sticks I can only use search or click on people watching in both movies and tv. I have tried everything it’s on their end now.
So is there a way to downgrade back to 1.3.2 ?
I have the same issue as above with no solution unfortunatelly, maybe it’s time to say farewell to Exodus :/
Am having the same problems as everyone else with exodus. Followed the guide to uninstall and reinstall exodus from the rep and problem is still present. The solution given seems not to fix the issue.
Also, one of the things that makes me wonder if it might be part of the cause is that in the past, when using Fusion to install the add-ons, there has been an option for Amazon Fire TV/Sticks, and that option was no longer present when I installed it yesterday so I selected the standard Android option. That is the only difference I can think of between when I last installed and when it stopped working.
So, I took my AFS that has had all the add-ons for a while and used ADBFire to make a backup. I then took the new stick and restored it with the backup from the old one. Everything is working fine now on both. So there has to be an issue with something in the install process, I would assume. I am running the most current version and it works perfectly now after cloning it from the older AFS.
What is really odd here is that the Fire Sticks that I had set up prior to yesterday are still working fine but the ones that I tried to set up yesterday are both having this issue where they can only access the “people watching” categories.
I have version 1.3.2 on Kodi 16.1 and it is working fine. however My 2.0.2 is not working as mentioned above.
Nothing works on Exodus for me. On Specto some movie filters work and some don’t, tv shows work fully as far as I can tell. I keep getting “working” and nothing happens.
My box doesn’t even open anymore it goes to the home page then I press kodi and it goes right back to the home page…I turned it off f tried again same thing…what’s going on this is the 2nd box we got…
So it seems the Exodus API issue is still acting up?.. We have two other fire devices and they are running just fine playing whatever we think to try… but on the newest one I just set up, nothing is loading in the content area and I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled, the repo fixes, manually updating…etc… the only area that loads any content is in “people watching”… is there a “fix” for it or is it a sit on my hands and wait thing?
I seem to be having a similar issue to the comments above. I just got my android box today, but I am familiar with it because I have family that have them. I am running Kodi 16.0 (I tried to update to 16.1 but it tells me I already have the current version, which is wrong because when it boots up it says 16.0 – Jarvis). I updated Exodus to 2.0 (it was 2.something, I’m not sure exactly). I can go into movies, select “in theaters” but then it just says “working” and nothing happens. I actually got “people watching” to open and successfully played the new Purge movie, so I know it is working. I just don’t know why “people watching” works and “in theaters” doesn’t.
I get the same thing. Not sure what’s happening. I did update to the new KKDO 16.x Not sure if it’s related. Let’s hope they fix it soon. Boris, it not because you are on wireless. I am and everything worked a few days ago. It really great!! Thanks for the hard work!!!!!
i’m getting the same probably as the recent comments, i’m getting stuck on the year option. it says “working” but nothing happens.
I’m having the same issues as the guys in the posts immediately above me. I can no longer
access movie or tv content. In movies I get as far as selecting a year, when I click on the
selected year “working” appears in the lower right corner of the screen for a few seconds then goes away. Nothing happens after that, the screen with the list of years remains displayed.
The screen is not frozen, you can still highlight a year but when you click on the year all that
happens is the brief appearance of the “working” message.
Same here Exodus “movie year” search is not working anymore. It times out regardless of the year i select. Please help.
lost exodus tried to re-install all I get is listing but nothing after that tried several times.
I’ve been using exodus for a while and now it isn’t loading categories at all. Example: movies>year>2016 and it just says “working” without loading.
Hey guys im need to this and i was gonna ask you , i have a problem where every movie or tv show says ” working ” and nothing loads up do you think its because im on wireless ?
@Wesley Bakker. See? Didn’t take that long, did it?
Igor, great to see a lots of 1080P en HD sources are back!
@Cass. You might want to be a little bit more specific. There is no login in Exodus. Make a note what stream do you use, maybe a stream source is asking for login. What is that you are trying to watch?
Hi my exodus stop working it says sone thing about my log in. I tried to view movie in it won’t work. It was working 30 minuets ago. Please help me
Please help I went to use my mqx pro 4 k today and went to kodi app and nothing there blank picture then it went back to were the other apps on screen the I go back to kodi app and still nothing what do I do to get kodi back I’m clueless to this all please help me get kodi back
Exodus is not showing season 3 of power on my andriod box. but it shows it on my pc. Why’s that
@Scott To talk to you it is like to talk to a radio. Why is it so hard to understand that you cannot complain about anything that has been given to you for free????? If you think that it’s a crap. Just don’t use it, just keep downloading whatever you download. I really wish you post this on TVAddons forum so you can see that what I am telling you is a like a baby talk. They would unleash a storm oat you there. And guess what? They will be 100% correct. I am waiting for a decent copy, it’s not like I am going to die from starvation.
so now we have 252 streams of the new purge film with burnt in hard coded chinese subtitles
it’s lucky that i can down load from my pc on to flash stick fron kat or a similer site. you guys seem to think that we shouldn’t complain if we are given free crap it’s ok well it’s not
i think it’s you who need to wait for decent copies and not this crap.
@avtech. wow! That’s a lot of resetting but as long as it works for you
@Igor. I got it all working on my Android box, I did a factory reset then re-installed Kodi & Exodus and everything works as before.
@avtech. Paul, OK, try it on android box. Maybe you need to reauthorize your TrakTV on Exodus or something, works fine on all my boxes
@Igor – When using a a mouse/keyboard, I press and hold the left mouse button then the sub menu pops up with ‘Trakt Manager’ 4th item down the list and when selecting this the popup box disappears, whereas in previous versions the Trakt Manager pops up allowing me to add to Watch list etc.
In desperation I uninstalled Exodus and then re-installed it on my PC and now it seems to work as before! I will try this on my android box later when I get home
I will update here tomorrow
BTW – Thanks for the reply
@avtech What do you mean “no longer work”?
@Nebber . No kidding!!! Like somebody owes then somewthing
@Anonymous. Reboot everything: your modem and the box(unplug the box,reboot your modem)
@Shabee. What version of Exodus do you have? And what were you trying to watch? Most current version of Exodus is 2.0.2, I have it running on about 7 different devices, works perfect
Have to laugh at people complaining about CAM versions of movies lol… Why don’t you all come up with a better way of watching the latest movies for free…
I can’t get Exodus or any of the respos in Fusion. Every time I try to connect to the fusion link it comes up with a error message saying cannot connect to network. When I check my settings it says Connect but at the bottom it says Not connected to network. I have no idea whats going on but its started when updating kodi.
Plus, I have tried to do a complete reinstall afresh on my Android MBox… But the problem persists…. Plz help!
H Guys, Veteran Kodi user here. Have S905 64K Android TV box for some time now. Was using Exodus like every day to stream 1080p content. Have Real Debrid to support that. Am running 16.1 Jarvis. Everything was working fine untill this new update came along.
Please let me know how to fix this… Or will the developer do it in his good time?
So here is what’s happening now: I select a movie or TV thumbnail, lost of links appear and when i click them, they start to attempt to stream one by one untill all links are attempted and then I get the message ‘No streams available’. This wasn’t happening before, like never. I used to stream full 1080p before without buffering, so my HW is rock solid. Have a 50 Maps connection with no blocking… Am able to stream Phoenix well even now. I know the settings well enough it to miss anything…something is wrong with Exodus.
My box was working fine now it not coming up on TV, box has blue light on all the time can’t turn it off or do any think with it try unplugging it still comes back on blue light , TV says no signal any ideas
After update 2.0.2 the Trakt manager for Movies and TV Shows nolonger work
Have tried this on Android box and PC, both are running Kodi 16.0 (Jarvis)
@Wesley Bakker. Here we are going again!!!. Have it ever occurred to you that maybe there are some people that are OK with CAM? Do you think it’s a possibility, you know, considering how many people are using KODI? And again, this addon belongs to a developer, he can do whatever he wants with it. Tomorrow he can say:” You know what? The hell with HD sources, I will not add them, only CAM sources only. and he can do that BECAUSE IT IS HIS ADDON, NOBODY ELSE’S!!! Why is that so hard to understand? I mean, he is not going to do that but hypothetically speaking, he can. And here is another suggestion to you and Scott: go to TVAddosn form, register there, there is a thread for Exodus addon and developer involved in replying to it, ask this question there exactly the way you’ve asked it here ,see what’s going to happened. You cannot demand ANYTHING, it’s a free stuff, for Christ sake. You can suggest and the developer may consider it or not, it’s 100% completely up to him. You know that there are some people that asking developers to make their addons to be compatible with Kodi FRODO? It’s pretty much new addon, developers are trying to make it work with the most recent KODI so the majority users can use it and this guy wants it to work with 100 years old KODI version. People, this is a free stuff, nobody can demand anything. BTW, maybe thi addons settings has a filter of the lowest quality to be allowed, maybe you can check it out.
Yeah, but better don’t upload that CAM shit
@Scott. Listen, first of all, it’s not “you”, there is no developer of this addon here so you are talking to nobody. Second, let me remind you that this addon is a free stuff. Free, means you didn’t pay a squad for it so quit complaining about quality of anything. If you don’t like it, pay $30.00 for a theater ticket or $100.00 for a cable company and wait a month or more to see it in HD on cable. I cannot believe some people!! It’s like somebody gave them a free ticket to a game and they are asking what kind seats do they get!!!!. If you don’t like CAM quality, just wait for a couple of weeks until you get HD source, what, do you need a college education to figure it out? Or better yet, create your own addon and get a HD source for this movie. Oh, I am sorry, you can’t, can you? So be thankful when somebody gave you for free what you cannot create even if you had a million dollars!
well some people have standards and you have labeled it SD is this a joke SD is very good this is shit.
@Scott Who are you talking to???? If you don’t like it, don’t watch it
please spare us the cam shot version of the new independence day film the quality is worse than VHS.
**FIX** Also fixed here.
According to the info page in OSMC (Rasp. Pi version) Exodus is at v 1.1.1 on Kodi 16.1 and never stopped working.
According the info page in Kodi 16.0 on my FreeBSD Laptop, Exodus was at 2.0.1 and not even starting. Manually selecting update found no updates and autoupdate was on. I uninstalled Exodus then reinstalled it through Addon Installer. Same version but now loads but can’t find any streams. At some point this afternoon Exodus auto-updated to 2.0.2 and all is well again.
***FIX*** Exodus disappeared on Kodi from my Fire TV. Follow the below youtube toutoral for the fix. I had to bupass the uninstall portion (begining of the video) because Exodus somehow uninstalled itself. This was very easy and its up and running again.
@Buzzard. What do you press on the remote?
You can still get to the Movie Info and trailers by highlighting the movie and pressing “I” on your keyboard (also works fine from the remote). Sucks!
Why is Exodus not in Dutch anymore?
Same here, both Exodus and Stream All The Sources fail to start at all. Just a file list window with “..” as the only entry.
To all: You need to update Exodus to version 2.1. It will first install Exodus Artwork addon and then Exodus itself and it all should work fine after that. As far as tv/movie info, that option is gone from the contents menu and is not coming back. Well, maybe it will, if the developer will decide to do that. He had to clean up the contents menu in order of this addon to work with new KODi 17.0 Krypton. In Exodus version 2.1, there is a new “tool” option to set a view mode. There is a view mode that will display tv/movie info
Movie and TV Shows information missing ???
My Exodus app just wont open, everything else on Kodi seems to be working but when I try to open Exodus it doesn’t even load. Help?
Exodus issue here, too. The icon disappeared literally while I was in between watching shows on my Fire Stick. Theere was a little “Exodus Update” icon flash across the bottom of the screen and then no more Exodus icon. It’s not in the Add On folder either. Running Kodi Jarvis 16.1.
@hplar Same issue here, No Movie and TV Shows information option when right clicking. Phoenix has the option but displays no useful information. I liked this feature because it game a brief description and the rating of the movie. If anyone knows a fix for this please respond.
@hplar . You can’t get it back. You can still use it on, say Specto Fork
Has Exodus stopped giving out Movie and TV Shows information how do you get it back… I need help please
@SG.Working on my PC???? I have this addon installed on close to 7 different android devices, all of them except one are with KODI 16.1 and so far this addon has not disappeared from any of them. It did change however. I just came from TVAddons forum and lambda said that he changed this addon to be more compatible with KODI 17.0 and one of the changes is a separate Exodus Artwork addon, which I believe will be installed by default but maybe that’s why some of the users have Exodus marked as incompatible and it has gone from their devices. I just watched “Seinfeld” season 4 yesterday and it worked fine. I will check this addon more this weekend but so far I have no problems. Submenu options has been changed, there is no Movie/TV Shows information and Trailer options for the same reason to be compatible with KODI Krypton 17.0. While I don’t understand why create a new KODI that will require such a massive changes to addons, especially when the KODI 16.1 just came out a few months ago, it is not up to us to decide, it’s up to developers to decide what to do with their addons(BTW, 14.23 I not Jarvis, Jarvis is 16.1). The reason Exodus works on your 2 devices with KODI 14,2 is probably because Exodus is not supported on KODI less than 15.2 so your KODI 14.2 Exodus just not being updated.
My point is that I am not a developer and trying to help as much as I can and the only thing I can do is toc check if it works on my devices. This forum is not for a “heavy” issues, there are no developers here, even a creator of this forum is not replying with the help here, he does it on Twitter, where you can type like 15 words, which is stupid but that’s what it is. And I don’t see a lot of posts with the help here is it’s either what I can help with or nothing at all.
Anyway, based on what I’ve understood from TVAddons form, lambda created a new update of Exodus 2.0 which, by mistake, was created to work ONLY with KODI 16 and that’s why a lot of users had that addon disappeared. Today, according to him, he released ver 2.1 which was fixed to work with KODI 15.1 and higher. Again, the chance is that there is now a separate Exodus Artwork addon(not the program addon, like it was before) and in this version(2.1), this Artwork addon will be installed first and then Exodus will be updated. So update 2.0 was broken for KODI 15.2 and version 2.1 fixed that issue. Here is the comment from the developer of this addon, posted today at 6:30 AM, USA time, I guess):
“i have pushed an update (version 2.0.1) that makes the installation optional
so the addon will get installed
it’s not because of a missing file (default.py)
the artwork has been been converted to an image resource, it’s not a program addon anymore.
the reason for the conversion is that i don’t want it to be shown in home menu of krypton
it would be shown if i kept it as a program addon.
the same applies for SALTS betas, the artwork of SALTS is also now an image resource.
the difference is that it’s not a requirement that could abort installation
i did the same on version 2.0.1”
So, to summarize all that: Exodus version 2.0 worked only for KODI 16.1 and higher. Update 2.1 has this issue fixed and version 2.1 should work(and some of the users have already confirmed that on TVAddons form) should work for KODI 15.2 and higher.
Can no longer watch movie trailer or seek movie info in latest update of Exodus 🙁
Igor, the problem that many have been attempting to resolve is that Exodus appears to either vanish, or simply doesn’t work on many of the Android boxes. I tried pointing out that 3 out of 5 boxes that I have in my direct possession (same hardware, same location, same wifi, etc.) stopped working at the same time, but you seem fixated on the addon working for everyone because it happens to work for you on your PC. …BTW, I’ve found the 2 boxes that still work are running on Jarvis 14.2, where the others are +v.16… Does this really seem like a hardware issue to you (taking timing of issue and patch updates into account)…? I appreciate you’re trying to help, so keep in mind there seems to be more of a wide spread issue than you’ve been acknowledging in your frequent posts.
Has Exodus stopped giving out Movie and TV Shows info… When i hit the 3 stripes button i now get a choice of Watched or Unwatched, and the info choice has gone…
@Dietmar. You sound like somebody is obligated to give you an answer. I am running Win 7 and I have no problem with Exodus. I would recommend to go to TVAddons forum and ask question there or google it
Still no answer about why I can not find Exodus on my Kodi 16.1 for WINDOWS.
I Run Windows 7-64 Bit. If Exodus is not available, is there another FREE add on that will do the same thing? If not, there is no point to leave Kodi on my computer with Windows 7. Help…
Nope, I’m running the latest 16.1 or whatever of Jarvis. Latest update possible. Exodus is literally disappeared from kodi.
I’m pretty sure if you are running an older version of Kodi, once exodus updates, it will not be compatible and uninstall the add-on… A bunch of my associates who purchases fire sticks on-line with 15.2 all verified that it is gone. Needless to say they are sending me their firesticks for upgrading.
EXODUS IS GONE. My addon is just not listed anymore. I try to go install it again and after telling me it’s added, it’s still not listed. WHERE DID EXODUS GO???
I am using latest version of Kodi on both my windows 10 tablet and my android tv stick which were both working fine up until last week now they are just constantly buffering or just not loading, I just don’t know if this problem is temporary or permanent. I have started using my fire tv stick which has Kodi 14.2 Helix software not a single problem.
I use windows 7 64bit and can not see TV or movies and can not even find the exodus program on add more either in videos or system or anywhere. What am I doing wrong?
@Matt. I cannot tell if this is a Fire Stick(which I hate, most of the users having issues are using Fire Stick) issue but if you allowed RD at the time you set it up on Exodus, everything should work fine. Basically, if you are able to run RD source(regardless of the buffering), then it’s active. I use RD all the time but it’s also buffering if I choose 1080 HD, especially with 5.0 Dolby sound. That’s is not RD issue, this is your hardware, which brings us back to your FS. One of my devices is Nvidia Shield with 300 MBDS and Ethernet connection top my modem and I can run pretty much anything, RD or not without buffering. But I have few more Android boxes with 2 GB RAM and RD and they wouldn’t play the same stream so I have to choose like 720 HD with preferable 2.1 audio. And those boxes are on the Internet but WI-FI, not the Ethernet. What kind of Internet do you have?
Hey everyone, I successfully installed Exodus and enabled Real-Debrid; all RD sources are at the top. However, there was never a step requiring my specific Real-Debrid login and thus I don’t think I’m getting the premium sources I paid for; constant buffering with strong internet connection. Any ideas? I use Kodi on FireTV. Thanks.
@SG. Right and wrong about what???? If the same adonn works on one box and doesn’t work on the other, this has nothing to do with addon but the box. There are hundreds of thousands people are using Exodus and it works for them perfectly. My point is: the problem is not with addon but with user’s environment(for those that it doesn’t work). Why, I don’t know. The only way to find out is to illuminate one piece of the environment at the time: the Internet, the modem, the hardware. You said it yourself;’ it’s working one one of the boxes and it doesn’t on 3 others, does it sounds like a faulty hardware to you? Because it does to me. So what was I wrong about again???
KayRock is right. Igor (while means well) is wrong. There is an issue. I bought 5 MBOXs in 2015 (1 for myself and the rest as gifts) and continue to be pulled in to act as Technical Support. …Exodus still works on my MBOX! Exodus no longer works on 3 of the other MBOXs (I’ve received them back and have been trouble shooting). I suspect the latest update is the culprit – while noting Kodi no longer directly lists Exodus and Genesis (Exodus’ predecessor) is also barely operational. No solution yet, but suspect that if I can upload the prior version it may work. Or just move on to a working app/addon…
@KayRock. Well, if one of the boxes is working and the other is not, I think that’s the answer. Browsing Internet and using KODI is not exactly the same thing. All streaming on KODI require buffering first, browsing Internet is not or not as much. If you can get how much RAM is on two boxes, that might answer. All my boxes are on 2 GB RAM at least, except 2 (I got like 6 of them plus NVIDIa plus laptop). From those 2, one works not bad but I am on 300 MBPS download speed and this boxes is connected via Ethernet. But the last one is not very good, pretty slow. Has to be a box. My persona;l opinion, since I am saving on useless TV services close to $80.00 per month. I’ve invested $200.00 into NVidia, $250.00 the laptop and around $300.00 in Android boxes plus 3 extenders and Lynksis modem, a good one. Some cables and stuff and I have the most powerful Internet I could get, cost me $120.00 per month but… I have no problems of any kind and in the year it will be all compensated. On my NVidia Shield I can run pretty much anything I want(also connected via Ethernet to the TWC modem), 1080 HD streams with 5.1 Dolby sound and it wouldn’t even flinch running 7-8 hours straight. So unless the addon is broken, I got not problem and all I using ix Exodus and Specto Fork
I’ll get those specs – I have to reconnect the box. Remember, though, when I replaced it with another box, the new box works fine. That box is also running KODI, so I don’t think I need to load kodi on the PC.
I don’t think it’s zero connectivity because I was able to download a file from the internet on the Element. It will access sites. Of course, my internet app is outside of Kodi on the box. However, also, the inventory of shows updates on various add-ons on Kodi, and it even will give me a list of streams when I select something, it’s just that they won’t play.
At the price of a box, I’m not sure if it’s worth pursuing, unless it would help someone out. My current desire is to just take it outside with a sledgehammer and work out my frustration on its tiny little plastic giblets.
@KayRock. Kay, OK, lets do this: why don’t you install KODi 16.1 on your PC, add Exodus on it and try. If it’ll do the same thing, then it is not your android box. If it’s going to work on your PC then it is your Android box. I am trying to illuminate your Internet out. Since you are in US, nothing should be blocked. My son is in LA and everything works fine for him. Works fine for me as well in NC. Now, can you tell me your box specs? What kind of RAM and what kind of Internet download speed do you have? The way you’ve described, it’s like there is no Internet get’s into your box, could be your box Internet connectivity is not working. You can check it in Android settings, see if it’s connected to the Internet. If you still want to submit error log file, this is not the place, you need to go to TVAddons forum and you can post the log there, there are instruction of how to do it there and hopefully somebody will reply to you.
@Dave Chiger. Check your Internet and/or modem. Either you don’t have Internet connection or your ISP or modem are blocking something.
Igor, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, there are a few problems.
1. Southern california is kind of the antithesis of Europe. It’s a little too shiny and superficial.
2. My modem seems to be working fine, as I can stream things from my PC without trouble. As far as it being “blocked,” I suppose I could dose it with immodium, but I think it’s pretty good at keeping up on its fiber.
3. My ISP is also not blocking anything. I unplugged the Element and plugged in an MBox. Added Exodus from the add-on installer. Boom. Everything streams fine. I think if the ISPs down here started thinking the P stood for “Police” rather than “Provider,” thousands of customers would slam their bongs down and call a fiber-optic provider to change service.
4. Kodi does update. In fact, since I owned the box, it updated two versions. But more importantly, things ON the Kodi boxes update all the time. Since I have not made any changes to the box, SOMETHING updated itself on there and fubared the entire box. Everything has dependencies that aren’t met. No URLs will resolve. The interminable “working” spins and spins in the corner until it gets bored and quits. Or things hang with a buffer of 0% forever. Yes, i know that the box is comprised of operating systems, GUIs, “add-ons” (their own cutesy little name for apps), and various helper objects. It is merely for the sake of expedience that one would call it a Kodi box. The box updates all the time. I could call it he magic box (our own family nickname for it) and claim that the magic box updated and screwed everything up, but that might be even more confusing for people.
Since I know I had done nothing to change even the slightest configuration prior to the great kodigeddon of 2016 I am experiencing, something must have caused the careful balance of 1s and 0s inside the box to shift from external influences. Most likely an update. From somewhere (wouldn’t want to blame the overly sensitive Kodi operating system). Maybe gremlins. Maybe terrorists. Maybe Donald Trump. Something nefarious like that.
If someone who can help troubleshoot based on facts and is willing to teach me how to post a log generated from a box hooked up solely to a television, I will gladly hook back up the evil Element and tinyurl a log here. Or, more hopefully, if anyone else knows why a box might suddenly commit suicide, I’d love to know. Because the remote on the MBox only works at a distance of 29 inches. I measured. I hate walking across a room just to hit pause. I’m lazy and cantankerous. I know I’m taking over an Exodus thread, but Exodus is the GOD of the streaming world, and all the cool kids hang here.
Before I left for vacation Exodus was working fine come back five days later and Exodus is not working when I try to play a movie or TV show it spins and then in the top left corner it says “Exodus, no stream available” whats going on?
@KayRock. Nothing is crewed up in KODI or any addon. I am watching Exodus as we speak and has been for a don’t even know how long on multiple devices, all different. From what you said, it sounds like either your modem is blocked or your ISP provider(I bet you live in Europe) is blocking it. Why don’t you google these issues and see what you can come up with. And, just an FYI, KODI is not updating anything, they create a different versions and the latest so far is 16.1
Forgot to mention I also cannot update Phoenix or exodus. Dependencies not met. What on earth has gone wrong in kodiland and are those who screwed it up making any efforts to fix it or do we all have to go in and reconfigure our devices from scratch? Yeah yeah, I’m sure it’s just my box that committed suicide (although I made no changes to it before it all went to hell). It’s always the user.
I have not been able to play anything on Kodi for a week (on icefims, more like a month). SALTS, exodus, nothing. Using real debrid or not. Either I get “working” spinning there for five minutes, then nothing, or it loads but remains buffered at 0% indefinitely (that’s mostly exodus), or the URL fails to resolve (SALTS). URL resolver just updated yesterday. I had previously tried to download the fusion URL resolver everyone talks about, but the download remained at 0%. Clearly someone sent out some horrid update to my Element box that ruined everything. Should I throw it away and get a new box that might not be so screwed up or does anyone know what’s happening? I know, I know, post a log. But unless someone can tell me how to do such a thing from a box that is only hooked up to a tv, the only log I can show you is in my fieplace. Mostly, why do software developers feel the need to take working software and mess it up in some weird form of pissing on a bush to mark their territory?
Today when I watch TV shows and Movies, they just end in the middle of the show and it kicks me back to the list of streams. I select the same stream, or even a different stream it loads to where it dropped out and I continue watching then it does it again. If did it 6 times in a 45 minute show. Anyone know why this is happening?
@Anna First of all, who are you asking to remove anything from this addon? There is no developer here, just us, users. Second, do you have a Real Debrid account?
I want to point out that many films have no streams especially art house or erotic thrillers. Yet they have a thumbnail. I have started using imdb with exodus lists. Most of the films don’t have streams you seem to only bother with the main stream. If there are no providers remove the thumbnails please it becomes very depressing clicking on thumb after thumb and no stream.
Today i noticed that the usual list of stream when i click on something is extreamly reduced alot of the time ill get the message no streams and sometimes it gives me 3 at the max. Yesterday no problems
@Pwis Frodo???? You like 4 major versions behind. First of all, Exodus will not be supported on the KODI version below 15.2. Second, your Android box is probably pretty weak, so is Android OS. You need at least KitKat and preferably 2 GB RAM on Android box
12.3 frodo it’s an old mx6 box. It seems locked down so I cannot exit out of the launcher.
@Pwis What is 12.3 xbmc??? Is that a KODi 12.3? Install KODI 16.1 and repeat the process
I have 12.3 xbmc on a android box that I got. I downloaded fusion and with it tv addons. Exodus is 1.3.7 and works well except for the search function for TV and movies. It says playback outside exodus isn’t allowed. Searching by actor is fine. I tried deleting and reinstalling but nothing. What should I do?
I tried to get logs but the log app is broken too
Help! Exodus has disappeared from my MXQpro android box. I am running Kodi 16. Exodus was working great until a few days ago, now it is gone. When I try to re-install I get the error message “failed to install a dependency” Any ideas?
I have an issue integratig Trakt with exodus. When I click Authorization I get the following url and nothing after that: http://trakt.tv/activate
I have an account on Trat but cannot seem to integrate with the Exodus. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Video how to install exodus
@graeme flounders. Not sure, man. Something is blocking you, I watched Exodus the whole day yesterday. Everything seems fine. Do your Android and Fire Stick on the same Internet and modem?
Hi Igor,
Kodi 16.0 Git:Unknown
I can get it to work on Amazon Fire Stick but no luck om my Android Dropbox MXO?
Any ideas what could be the cause?
@graeme flounders.Kodi version?
Problem:Exodus keeps trying to load streams even when on another add-on or streaming a video.
video how to install exodus on kodi 2016:
installed exodus 1.3.6 and no options open. Shows spinning circle for a short period of time then just stops and nothing happens?
Does this on every category be it TV or movies etc.
Can someone please guild me in the right direction?
@j. Kodi version?
I am having an issue where every single time i start up kodi I have to reinstall exodus. it will uninstall itself every time i shut off my box i have been using it just fine since its release up until this week
shows that ive been watching perfectly keep saying no stream available all of a sudden. ex. i’ve been watching the benny hill show, i finished with one episode and went to move on and it said no streams, then i went to check the episode i had just watched and it said no streams available. i’ve done everything possible, update repositories, fresh start kodi, clear cache, clear providers, and none of it is working, what’s going on and how do i fix it
If you have problems with exodus, you can use specto for the time: https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-specto-kodi/
exodus audio works but video is just flashing lights??
Can’t connect to the movies or tv shows. Says there are no streams
@Anonymous. Sued my ass. What the hell is wrong with you????
@John. What’s wrong?
Anonymous you´re talking with your ass. Exodus is still working very well here. On 2 devices
They got sued so no longer work ever
What happened to exodus? How do I fix?
Yes. I apologize. Real-debrid.com is where I got all three. Love them, except now I can’t use two of the accounts…
@Fernando. Well, you were talking about premiere, there are 3 different debrid sertvices: premiere, real debrid and one more. I got mine from https://real-debrid.com/, is that what you got?
I did. I have 3 real debrid accounts and they are the ones I created in my house from three different devices, etc…but same initial ip address for all of them. I would love to keep my accounts since I just paid for a 6 month subscription about 3 weeks ago…do you know much about all debrid?
@Fernando. You can get a Real Debrid instead to avoid the confusion. I am using it and it works great. I can give you a link to that site from a friend of mine and you might even get some kind of discount by using that link. Also, I think it’s the cheapest one from all.
Thanks. I meant premiere or whatever they call their paid subscription.
And yes, it seems they are basing it on the ip address where the account was created, and not on user name and purchase under the new user name.
Shame. It is not too expensive, I will ask my father to just repurchase and I’ll set it up over skype, he is not too tech-savvy
and I am only a little better than him…thanks again.
@Fernando. Well, I am not 100% sure about prwmiere , I have a Real Debird account. What you might want to do is to give your father one of the logins and ask him to login from his house to the site, if he can do that. It seems that prwmiere is looking at your IP address and since it’s the same, it will not allow those accounts to run on different Internet Networks. You can try to use the program like ShowMyPC which will allow you to get to your father’s PC and you can login to prwmiere from his PC. The program is free but your father still need to get to it to give you a password to his PC, not sure if he can do that
Can anybody help me with real debrid?
I paid for a prwmiere account with them and love it.
I bought an additional two kodi boxes for my father that lives in Mexico and paid for two more premiere real debrid accounts and I set up his boxes. Wh3n he got them in Mexico and started one of them I received a message telling me I was breaking their policy due to my account being used on two different ip addresses. Received a warning with the promise of being banned for life…
But I did not cheat, I paid for three different accounts, 6 months each, three different user names, passwords and even email addresses, but they were all created in my house…same iP address.
Real debrid only replies to my problem by cutting and pasting their policy about using the same account on multiple ip addresses simultaneously.
Anybody else experience this?
If I am on the wrong forum please tell me where to go…be nice
Exodus was working fine the other day. Today it just totally disappeared from my Amazon Fire Tv.
Exodus keeps going missing completely from Kodi on multiple devices. Tried re-installing it but it is nowhere to be found, just exodus artwork appearing. please help.
Everything installs fine with installer add on except exodus. Have tried URL resolver also.
This is a new install.
@GET. Check your ISP or/and your modem, something is blocking all the streams, works fine here, in fact better than ever
if you want find music videos search the movie section.
Why won’t exodus work? i click on tv shows, and it says working-then nothing happens…when I click on movies, it says no stream available?
@Ryan Was watching it yesterday, “Black Sails” and “Vikings” What section did you use to watch the shows: Genre, years?
@Scott Boy. Really???? Can you tell me how to get to music videos there? I use this addon since the release, never seen any music videos there
No TV shows showing up on Exodus. Was working great last night. Movies seem to be fine.
On Exodus? Morons
@Scott Boy. Music videos??? On Exodus?
i notice that you are putting up music videos i tried frank zappa and not one of the titles had a stream?
Works perfectly on minix.
I have gone onto kodi on my fire stick and it is stuck on movies can’t get on kodi menu sport movies tv shows ectopic any idea why
Same thing as Erika reported. 🙁
What’s wrong with Exodus? I was watching it yesterday and today its gone. I don’t know how to get it back if someone could help me please
Still missing HD links
i want to thank you for this amazing software. Thanks to all the people that made this software possible.
@Richard Caul. New update has been released, I already have it updated and according to developer ,all the issues with HD streams should be fixed, haven’t had a chance to test it though
@Sho’nuff: https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-specto-kodi/
I went to Tools on Exodus:clear cache and cleared the cache from there so hopefully that fixes it. Let me know if there’s anything else I should try.
Also, where do you get Specto? I looked on Add-ons but didn’t see it listed.
Can someone explain how to clear the cache? I keep getting buffering and the movie won’t play on Exodus.
Exodus started out well but going down hill. Hardly any HD and Pubfilm provider streaming burnt in chinese subtitles
the screen say PVR connection lost can anyone help i am lost cannot get the kodi box to work
I have downloaded Kodi and within a short period of time it stops working. I have tried to reloading it numerous times and get the same problem with a day or two. Any ideas – am I downloading it incorrectly? I am not extremely computer literate so please bear with me.
When I click on a show “working” appears but nothing loads. I am not using bt as my service provider and i’ve also purchased ipvanish but im not sure how to use it with my tv box/kodi so im still having the same issues.
Ok Igor,thanks.Sounds good.Any help or further info would be appreciated .
George read the fucking comments
Hi Folks,
I have kodi, have exodus installed but I am finding in the main that my videos available for download and viewing are only SD quality. It wasn’t like this before, is there something I am missing or do need to have a clean install?
@Richard Caul. Richard, first of all, I want to apologies for the previous comment, you were absolutely correct, there is a problem with this addon. I’ve been using it every day but just for one TV Show. After you comment, I’ve tested it more thoroughly, movies sections for now and at most of the movies either have no stream at all or have a ton of HD streams but they just don’t work.
However, the point I was trying to make in the second part of my reply is there is nothing you or me or anybody else can do except the developer. This addon was working great just a couple of days ago and not the developer changed something and it’s pretty much useless. It happened before and I believe that he is going to fix it. He does some weird stuff with providers but, in my opinion, if I have 20-30 HD sources and none of them work, this is an addon problem. So, all we can do is wait and used Specto or other addon, like Wesley suggested. The author of this thread or blog, has another blog about the way Exodus pulls providers. Unfortunately the only way to ask a question for the author is to twit him but you have like 15 characters to enter, not much help. I’ll see what I can find out on TVAddons forum.
Yeah, the debrib thing was not necessary til a few weeks a go. Lot of people have the same problem. Install Specto
Thanks for the “advice”, lol
Exodus will not stream at this point I need more help
@Richard Caul. I told you my opinion, you can take it or leave it. You can say that this addon has a problem for the rest of your live,it will not change anything. You can use another addon
This “designed for real debrid” stuff seems like nonsense. Because I’ve never had a real debrid account but I always used to get a ton of hd sources up until a few weeks ago.Now I get basically zero. Am running Kodi 16.1 on android box and android tablet. Have cleared Exodus providers and cache. Got 1 piddly hd source for Deadpool and Hateful Eight and zero for Revenant. Before I would see more than that.Nothing has changed with my setup or ISP.So yeah, it is a problem with the add on.
@Mike. Works perfectly on mine Win 7, must be some kind of settings on Win
Could we have more 720 providers there are hardly any now.
When I watch a movie on Exodus it keeps stopping and I have to keep starting the movie from the beginning. I have a firestick on my tv.
Exodus works well enough on my windows 10 Kodi, but for some reason it doesn’t work at all on my windows 7 machine, it spins working and nothing happens(fwiw many of the popular apps dont work on my 7 machine, but work fine on 10)any ideas?
Hope someone can help. I made a clone of my FireStick for my cousin, everything updated and working fine for me, while he is having an issue with no sources for certain movies/tv shows, whereas a certain movie he tries to play has 1 source (torba) mine returns 48.
The sticks are the exact same so I can rule out software, the only difference is he is on Comacast and Im on Charter. Next step I had him install Kodi and Exodus on his PC and for the same movie his firestick returns 1 source, my firestick returns 48, and his PC install returns 48…
He sends me his stick, I fire it up and it works flawlessly on my internet.
Is there a ISP blocking that could only effect the FireTV install that would not impact the PC setup? (both are on WiFi test as to rule out the router).
Anyone else on Comcast and using a FireStick having any issues?
@Jake. Tried “deadpool”, got 44 HD sources, 1080 and 720. Tried “Cloverfield Lane”, the same thing. “Antman” 28 HD sources, :Cutthroat Kitchen” only SD but this is not very favorite, all this take space and people have limited resources. But SD for the TH Show like this is fine.
@Wesley Bakker. Everybody here? Like what, 20 users? No, man, 20-30 users means nothing. It only means that there is nothing wrong with addon. there is a problem with setup and users environment(hardware, ISP, modem blockage, versions of Kodi/Exodus/URLResolver). That’s all it means.
Like everybody here has problems with it….
@Wesley Bakker. Why would I if I have no problem with watching pretty much anything? I used it every day and have no problems. I am not forcing anybody to use it, I don’t care if nobody except me will use it. I am just trying to help people with problems, that’s all. It’s very easy to criticize something. Can you make something better? I am using tow addons: Exodus and Specto, that’s it, both work fine for me, why should I admit something that it is not true? Go to TVAddosn Forum and see how many people thanked lambda for this addon? If you don’t like it, that’s totally fine, use something else but I will not admit something that I like. If this addon was designed to use RD account, that’s developer decision, we all got this addon for free. I don’t see a problem to pay $50.00 per year, I was paying $2000.00 per year for a cable that i got nothing from, useless service. I mean, what is your point?
Igor, why don’t you just admit that exodus is full of faults?
@Jake. OK. Clear the cache on both Exodus and KODI, ext KODI and come back and see if you HD will be back. Do you have a Real Debrid account?
Anything. Deadpool antman cutthroat kitchen. No hd sources at all suddenly
@Jake. On what???? You need to be more specific, there are some older titles that don’t have HD sources.
Anyone else not getting any hd sources?
@James. Check your Android date and time settings, it set to year 1970, changed it to 2016
Change the date in your android settings not in Kodi!
I don’t know why but it is set in 1970 and I don’t know how to change it? I have just gotten an android box with kodi downloaded and I changed the date two weeks ago and it worked. Any ideas why it isn’t now?
thanks guys!
For some reason after adding my trakt account I can no longer right click anything in the app.
When I download the add on and go into featured or search exodus isn’t there. What am I doing wrong? I also turned it off and on
Searching what, movies or TV Shows?
When I search by genre or Year, nothing ever comes up. someone help please
Genesis is no longer you need to go to programs select addon installer then choose featured addons selet or look for exodus press install then click ok then go to video addons select exodus again install it then go return then go to videos select addons find exodus this replaces genesis
I’ve found recently that I can’t use the Genesis add on. When I try to search for films or even just click categories such as “most popular” nothing happens. I’ve updated Kodi to the latest version and still nothing..
It is an acceleration problem it has happen to me once in my mxq box however when I installed husham repo it automatically fixed the issue or going thru system then video an try removing acceleration or adding an acceleration to it Going back and forth to see if problem is fixed
@Drina. You also can twit the author of this forum on Twitter, I am sure he knows exactly what to do. Not very convenient way to get help but better than nothing. See if changing the setting will do.
@Drina. I think you need to change an acceleration in KODI, I don’t remember exactly where it is, not at home right now. I had this once. I have KODI installed on Dell with Win 7 and it works great, didn’t have to change anything. That setting is set to be used acceleration with hardware or software. change it to another setting from what it is right now and see if it will fix it. You might want to exit KODi adfter you change it.
@Igor I’m still trying to figure out if I did something wrong when downloading kodi or installing the add-ons. I am using my Dell Inspirion notebook with windows 10. I have installed Exodus, SuperRepo, xinfinity, and metalkettle. When I click a show/movie to watch, I can hear the audio, but the visual is just the screen flashing different colors. Can you help?
@RENE. Well, the thing with new titles is that they are show up too son, sometimes there are no streams or decent steams available. You just have to give it a little more time. I always wait until at least HD source is available. Another thing that keep repeating all the time is that EXODUS was designed to be used with Real Debrid account, which is a paid service and all to of people don’t want to pay for anything, which is fine but this addon will not work for them as good as it works for me since I don’t mind to pay $30.00-40.00 per year for the better used of this addon.
Thanks igor what I meant when I said if exudes was down was that I try playing some movies I had previously seen and I get no stream on most however some will play fine u saw d jango yesterday without any issues but when I tried newer ones I kept getting no streams available as well as in velocity, and other addons I use however I was able to go to cartoon section on the beast and they were working fine I am using kodi 16 in an mx111 box
@Fernando. I agree with you that people should reinstall or uninstall anything. I have KODI on about 10 different devices with most of the default settings on KODI and all addons and if addons don’t work, I don’t mess with them and waiting for update. But if somebody has any problems and I check it and it works for me, then it is a hardware/ISP/modem issues. I am using Exodus quite frequently and the only problem I have lately is 90% of HD sources with 5.1 Dolby audio are buffering every 15-16 minutes, which I hate. ANY HD source with 2.0 audio worked perfectly for quite some time, since they fixed URLResover. This is the only issue with EXODUS that I have. I will check all tiles you had specified during next few days.
The problem is that all these guys with the problems are using a wrong forum. This forum is pretty much useless to get a help from. The site is good for information only. I am using TVAddons forum and if there is a problem with addon, it shows up there immediately and developers are replying to the problems.
I am only speaking from experience and f3om what I read online. I am certainly not as knowledgeable as most of you. My kodi/exodus was working perfectly until May 7th. At that point most…not all…my HD sources went away, a lot of the SD sources will not play, once clicked they revert and nothing plays. Many other options show no sources now and an hour later show a lot.
I can see how it would seem like a hardware problem…and it could be…but I have two boxes and a desktop that are doing the same thing. Other add-ons work on some level but all the main add-ons are deficient in some way.
I have had some luck with Phoenix.
Specifics, the 100 at times only season 1 appears, some others all 3 seasons, many links down. Modern family season 2 before may 7th I was watching in HD, now HD is not available and most if not all SD sources don’t play. Zootopia watched it in HD before the 7th, last night it was not available in HD and I quit trying to play after trying the first 10 sources and themthem not working.
Thank you for all your input.
@rene gonzalez Exodus is not down. If you are having problems to view some titles or other addons don’t work, be more specific, please so I can check it for you.
@Fernando. That’s is not correct. Yes, offshoregit server was down and I believe it is back online but that only would cause an issue with installing Exodus, not with using it. I was using it all this time and I had no problem with it. Unfortunately, when people are asking for help with t comment “Exodus doesn’t work” won’t give me much. I am not a developer maybe experienced user at best but whatever is not working, I can check and see if it works on my side and if it does, then there is nothing wrong with addon
Thanks UKturk for kids cartoons working so my kid is happy and out of my hair a bit thanks for info again
I am no expert, but I have read that it will work once it is fixed. I also read ton keep on trying, some shows show no sources and 5 minutes later they show a ton, also many of the links are dead. It is affecting a lot of thebaddons, not just exodus.
Good luck and let’s be patient.
PS..do not uninstall any of the add-ons. There is no guarantee that you’ll be able to reinstall. Some people have been reporting problrms reinstalling exodus, some have been able…very unstable right now. Best you find a show that is not affected and get hooked on it.
Thanks Fernando for info will keep trying
Thanks! will we have to add anything to repository for it to work again or will it work automatically once they fix offshoregit?
It is not your system and you do not need any other shit. It is a server called offshoregit that has been down for about a week now. Less options, less newer content, less HD content and a lot less providers that actually work. No solution, just wait.
Keep trying and leave you system alone, you will make it worse by trying to add or delete or change settings.
@Igor are you guys not aware of what is happening with the offshoregit server? All these issues are being caused by that server in China being down. No streams, very few HD options, selecting a stream and nothing happens. For most of the people complaining it is not an ISP issue, or hardware of any kind.
Be patient…this sucks but be patient.
are several addons connected to the offshoregit mentioned earlier causing addons to not work on kodi will it get fixed?
Is exodus down having trouble with viewing movies on several addons
@Igor Hardware? Sorry I’m not too tech savvy but I’m using a Dell inspirion with Windows 10. I downloaded Kodi Jarvis and downloaded these add ons: Exodus, SuperRepo, Metalkettle, and xinfinity
Im trying download the walking dead season 5 n kodi exodus and the option for downloading isnt even coming up any more. Is there something i can do to get it back up or use another add on?????????????? SOME ONE HELP!! I looked it up on the internet and all Im getting is other shit I dont need
@Wesley Bakker. OK then, I guess Specto is better for you, Exodus was design for use with RD account
The blacklist yesterday (again) for example.
And no i’m not gonna pay for sources that are on other addons
@Wesley Bakker. Be specific, please. What title you tried?? I always have HD sources, unless this is an older title. Do you have a RD account?
In compare to Specto, i miss lots of 1080 and 720p sources on exodus. Changed timeout to 45 but still.
@Sjaan. You need to provide more details. What titles don’t work? I just tried a few,they all work here. 90% of the time, if you have a problem, it’s your ISP or your modem
@Wesley Bakker What exactly doesn’t work for you???? What mess???