Kodi FilmOn Simple Add-on: Free Live TV Streams

The brand new Kodi FilmOn Simple add-on simplifies FilmOn streams to work for the casual Kodi users. Check out more info below on how to get free live TV streams from FilmOn.

September 12th: The FilmOn Simple addon has been updated to v0.1.9. We tested the addon and found there to be a larger selection of free channels than what we saw earlier. Check it out again and see if anything is interesting to you.


FilmOn Simple Kodi v.0.1.9 Change Log

  • Added Movies and Horror section.


NOTE: The free channels have only been tested from within the US, so UK users may need to use a VPN in order to access the free channels.


FilmOn is one of the most well-known free TV streaming websites on the internet today and the new Kodi FilmOn Simple add-on from mhancoc7 (USTVNow, Pokemon) makes FilmOn streaming simple for the most basic Kodi users.

The Kodi FilmOn Simple add-on brings the following features:

  • Stream from FilmOn, one of the largest free live TV websites on the internet
  • The add-on only displays channels that are available in your area. If you are geo-blocked, those channels will not show up.
  • Premium FilmOn channels will not be shown in the add-on. Only free streams are available.
  • There are no options to configure. Simply launch the add-on and watch your streams.

If you aren’t familiar with FilmOn, the add-on is broken down into a ton of sections to check out, from Canadian Live TV, UK, French, Italian, Russian, Indian, Hungarian, Latino, and other countries, as well as sections such as Sports, Documentaries, Movies, Music, Shopping, and more. The UK Live TV section has over 40 live channels to check out.

Click here for support via the TVA forums.

Interested in checking out the Kodi FilmOn Simple add-on? Follow our install guide below:

How to Install FilmOn Simple Kodi Add-on (Jarvis, Krypton, Leia)

ON Kodi 17 Krypton & 18 Leia Only: From the main menu, navigate to Settings > System Settings > Add-ons > Turn On Unknown Sources > Click Yes.

  1. From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
  2. Type the following EXACTLY http://fusion.tvaddons.co and select Done
  3. Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like “fusion”. and then click OK
  4. Go back to your home screen.
    • ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser 
    • ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
  5. Select Install from Zip File > “fusion” > kodi-repos > english > repository.xbmchub-x-x-x.zip and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
  6. Select Install from Repository > TVADDONS.co Repository > Video Add-ons > FilmOn Simple > Install
  7. Wait for Add-on enabled notification


Let us know on Twitter or Facebook if we can help you out!

About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

19 thoughts on “Kodi FilmOn Simple Add-on: Free Live TV Streams”

  1. As of the 9/1/18 we cannot record anything on film on, we have no idea what to do next. We have paid for this service but have had no notification from film on that the service has stopped! Help please!

  2. Cannot watch recordings as of yesterday, keep saying not recorded yet when it is a day old. Also recording already watched will not play.

  3. I paid for Filmon and suddenly today it isn’t working! It isn’t even recognising my email address. Very frustrating!

  4. The addon itself actually works very well. Unfortunately, there’s no channels worth watching on FilmOn anymore. Really am going to miss the Canadian CTV channels when football season starts. Really prefer my NFL games without big pharma ads or the shilling for energy polluters that are on the US networks.

  5. Have just paid for a month’s subscription for FilmOn, but still getting just 2 minutes per channel . What a swiz!

  6. On May 1st filmon stopped the free SD service but they still say it’s free for 2 minutes and that’s it . I am new to Kodi but will try the above and hope it works

  7. I installed this on my kodiubuntu (good use for an old netbook) and it works well, but the versions I have now installed on Windows Kodi only have a few channels on one setup and on the other I just get the “check the log…” message. I am using VPN set to a UK server to try to watch UK TV. I am confused.

  8. Aaron you can run it in a browser as filmon.tv and epg works better in a browser anyway. It works fine for me in Kodi so I watch Kodi when using my android box and webpage when using my laptop.

  9. This looked like a great add-on, but not a single channel works. Nothing but frustrating error messages to “check the log for more information”. After an hour of uninstalling, reinstalling, checking for and applying latest update, I gave up.

  10. I have “fusion” installed, so I went straight to step 4 and carried on from there two minuets later JOB DONE Thanks fantastic site.Thanks Kodi

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