Are you having issues with Kodi wrong episode playing when trying to watch a TV show in add-ons such as Exodus? Click here for information and help on how to fix this problem!
Lately, we’ve have an increase in users reporting Kodi wrong episode playing when trying to watch TV shows. We’ve investigated the issue and we have some information on how to help you out!
First off, If you are reading this because you cannot see all of the episodes from a TV show, this post is not for that issue. In order to make sure you receive all episodes from each show, make sure your Android date and time is set properly.
This issue of Kodi wrong episode playing is not the fault of Exodus or any other Kodi add-ons. These add-ons simply scrape streaming websites for links and it resolves them to present you with a nice list to pick and play from. If you get the wrong episode, this means that the episode is labelled or is being returned incorrectly by the resolver.
How to Fix the Kodi Wrong Episode Playing Error
- Try a different stream host – Pay attention to which stream host (e.g. YMovies or Primewire) and make sure you choose a completely different option.
- Per Twitter, do not pick Torba, YMovies, or MoviesHD files. These sites appear to contain most of the incorrect episodes being returned.
- Clear Providers & Cache – From the Exodus main menu, navigate to the Tools menu, then click on both Clear Providers and Clear Cache. This will ensure that Exodus is pulling fresh links when you search and not loading a file stored in your add-on’s cache.
- Try an add-on with direct links – Add-ons like Exodus and SALTs are simply search engines that scrape the internet for streams. Different add-ons provide direct links to TV Shows and don’t need to search and resolve links. These add-ons are guaranteed to show the right episodes. We’ve included links to some install guides to help you out below:
If you have any more tips or tricks to fix the Kodi wrong episode playing issue, let us know on Twitter or Facebook so that we can help other users out!
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Well Exodus sure screwed The Handmaid’s Tale for me! Hadn’t started to watch Season 2 yet. So 2 nights ago I start watching Season 2 episode 1.. All the info re: what the episode was about made sense. Unfortunately it was the final episode #13!!!! WFT??? So that season is now ruined. Can’t get Specko Fork any longer. Hoping I can get Zen or 123 Movies for this show not that the season has been ruined for me.
Is anyone having trouble haven’t been able to use exodus since summer tried reloading ayres cover DVr etc didn’t work have 17.4 anyway son fixes but the movie title says one thing and come up with a movie from years ago not getting any new movies
Is anyone having trouble haven’t been able to use exodus since summer tried reloading ayres cover DVr etc didn’t work have 17.4 anyway son fixes but the miviessay they are one thing and come up with a movie from years ago not getting any new movies
Yeah, me too…..
Someone didn’t take their meds as prescribed.
I’m having the same problem.
I’m NOT having the same problem……………. Only kidding, I am really 😂
I’m having the same problem.
! ! ! PLEASE STOP WRITING “IM HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM…” ! ! ! WE KNOW!!! Thats what this fkn post IS FOR!!! And if you dont have any solution, ! ! ! PLEASE STOP WRITING “IM HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM…” ! ! !
Thanks for your advice I was having the same problem. It seems picking from the lower down episodes is the way to get the one you’re meant to be on
I’m getting the bunny animated crap too, on various shows. Got the timer thing too. Get the 1st ep too when trying to watch a much later one. I’ve gotten all this on lesser versions too, like 6 or 7 down. Haven’t really been able to watch anything for four days. I clear my cache numerous times a night. I’m using Covenant. Exodus stopped working for me weeks ago when they got served or what’re legal stuff happened. I haven’t figured out how to clear Covenant providers. I see providers, but I don’t see a way to clear them.
Im also getting this annoying ntsc screen with a circle om the right and a timer on the left. Wtf is happening to my kodi. Its updated to v16?
It didnt work for me and now Im getting big buck bunny on whatever I click. Can someone help me?
This guy knows his stuff. I did exactly what he suggested and it worked! THANK YOU
Meant to say clearing the providers too
Thanks, clearing the covenant cache worked, it was driving me potty.
Jack is correct. No fix. It does not make any difference about clicking different links. If your using covenent best option is to try again using exodus if you still have it installed.
I guess it’s down to specific providers, guess you need to blacklist some.. Problem is it seems to be all the 720p and upwards that are the issue.
Could it be something else, like the tvdb database..?
That’s the problem I am having to. We deleted everything off fire stick and re did everything and still the same issue! It’s the most annoying thing to not be able to watch any episode but #1 of a season!
I’m having exactly the same issue.. Whichever episode I select, the first one plays.
I got round it tonight by selecting a stream from the lower end of the list (a bit stuttery but at least it was the correct episode).
I have just installed Covenant because Exodus had started showing too many “No Streams Available” messages and I found out it is because Exodus is now replaced by Covenant. But I have problems with this which I never had with Exodus. In my case the first episode of a series works fine but when I click for the second episode the first one plays again. This has happened with 2 series I want to watch. I tried by passing the first provider which came up but the same thing happened exactly the same.
How about when every single stream is the same rubbish uploaded by the same person?
Last night Criminal Minds Season 13 Episode 6 The Bunker. Every single link was the same with audio for the visually impaired. “He touched her arm”, “she looked woefully” driving me up the wall! Watched 12 minutes and then had to watch something else. This was in Covenant. I tried Elysium and the same rubbish but different links. I began to think it was part of the show but apparently not.
How does one contact Covenant etc when there’s a problem like this? I know it’s not Covenant’s fault when a certain addon forum was still home to these developers, we could have a whinge and sometimes these glitches would get sorted.
None of these suggestions work. This is a bug for which there seems to be no fix. The writer of this article is just as clueless as the average user regarding this issue and is just giving useless options to fill the void of a real fix.
To clarify the problem: you click an episode, but the wrong episode starts playing. You try a different stream, you still get that same wrong episode. You try a different episode, again you get that same wrong episode. It’s as if all the show’s episodes and streams are now directing to just that one episode, which is sometimes of an entirely different show.
And commentors claiming it could be due to users clicking wrong links, that’s just a bit insulting really. Of course we excluded that. In fact, you see exactly the same list of streams no matter what episode you click on, which proves it is a system error. If you’re not experiencing this bug or don’t understand the issue, you should not participate in the discussion. This bug is around for years (not only on Exodus). It’s rare, but still very real and very annoying.
Also, resetting Kodi or the box does not work. Only thing that seems to help for me is watch a different show, or switch off the box and try again next day.
I really treasure this (free) Kodi app, best invention since sliced bread, but it surprises me we still have these major bugs after all the updates.
THere is no clear cache in the tools menu??? Helpful, NOT!
I’m trying to watch game of thrones on covenant and season 5 episode six it just keeps playing an orange is the new black episode I click on number 1 file and it goes to the putlocker in number 2. I don’t wtf is going on or how to fix it being new to kodi. Some of my fellow ITs suggested it and it was working great but now it’s messed up.
I had default Exodus’ providers, having no idea which ones are good which one aren’t. I got incorrect episodes, and sometimes episodes with no sound at all. Then I did what Whinger’s suggested, taking out Ymovies, Torba, and MoviesHD, and now I get correct episodes!! With sounds! Thanks!
I’m guessing this is the same issues as clicking on a movie in exodus and a different movie comes on even when clicking multiple providers. Is there a good solution to this?
my exodus is not check off its show or movies i watch
SheryyLee, The box isn’t the problem. You need to program it so that you find the programming you want to watch. I find a lot of information on UTube. Just put kodi and then what you want to add. For example put kodi movies and tv shows right in utube and many tutorials will pop up. So many people spend a lot of time helping folks like us learn how to use our boxes. Try with a simple one and go from there. If something seems too complicated, then just try another video. There’s plenty. Good Luck.
When I’m watching my granddaughter, I would like to have a repeat play option when she watches a movie over and over in exodus. Is this possible?
sheryyLee the builds that come with the boxes are normally crap, get a better build or make your own, also if you are in the UK some ISP’s like Sky and BT have little things that block them, i.e for BT you have to turn off smart setup and for Sky its Skyshield
hay i am wondering why some of the movies or tv shows that was program on Kodi box wont play can someone please tell me that is i thought by buying this box would save me and my husband money but my husband doesnt like it he wants me to call to get the cable back on i can put this on the tv in the bedroom can someone help me out tell me what i,m doing wrong
For example you wish to watch breaking bad and right above it is xfiles…. You right click on breaking bad and queue item but if your mouse is pointing at xfiles after clicking then xfiles will be queues into the playlist. Ppl not paying attention to where their mouse is pointing after right clicking queue item will appear to get something totally different than what they thought they selected.
I’m also finding that there’s a delay between sending the queue item command and when it actually performs the command….. If your mouse is selecting anything but what you want to watch in this short delay it will play WHATEVER YOUR MOUSE LAST HIGHLIGTED. This has been extremely aggravating trying to beat the delay to selected the right file. I think this problem is falsely being reported when it’s a bug with the pointer and time it takes the command to be sent to the add on server or whatever.
I am seeing the same issues… the other thing I noticed is MoviesHD and PutLocker links are not working at all… then it selects YMovies and I get the wrong episode. Only happened for the last week or two…. very strange.
I am new to the wonderful world of Kodi so no idea how you use a different addon 😳
I currently pay for RealDebrid, on the basis that I will get more choices of 1080p files. The “wrong file” issue makes it a waste of money, as the only “right” files are low quality.
It does NOT solve the issue….
I now use 123 Movies – pretty well guaranteed to give 720p – and without a RealDebrid account.
Real Debrid is the answer to all the problems on here its €16 for 6 months and basically doubles the amount of choices you get, i went through every single addon there is looking for season 2 ep 3 of DCI Banks but they all had the wrong one in there, as soon as i subscribed to Real debrid no more problems, its very easy to set up too
moved to zen tv works perfect rip exodus
I tried what winger said. Exodus simply came up with “no streams available”. And yes, SweetP, I DO pay for Realdebrid – and I was commenting, not complaining 🙂
What whinger said, I un checked those three providers, and working like a dream now.
You can pay for Realdebrid. If you are getting it free, continue to enjoy and read. Do you not think the links are not from P2P? Why are we complaining, just keep reading. If you cut the cord, it is not going to be simple. Get you an HD antenna for locals just in case. or PS Vue for 30.00.
Just so. I can always find the SD versions. It is the HD versions (usually with working subs) that are targeted.
Going back to the P2P example, they eventually realised the spoiler files were ineffective, and gave up. Hopefully, the same will happen with their tactics on Exodus.
Nige D, The thought had occurred to me as well.
The problem with going down to re-scrape is that by the time you get to the appropriate episode, you’ve had to go into the SD versions rather than the HD.
HD options are becoming fewer and fewer.
This could well be a spoiler tactic by the copyright holders. A similar thing used to happen many years ago on P2P sites. Files appeared with the correct title, and of a size to look genuine. When downloaded (at the very slow speeds we had in those days), the file would contain rubbish.
I guess the idea was simply that they knew they couldn’t stop P2P, but they hoped to piss off folks to the idea of downloading.
Exodus is probably the most popular add-on, so it would not surprise me if they use exactly the same tactic to try to stop folks using it. Looking at some of the replies, the plan is working!
Re a solution – just go down to near the bottom of the list – the right movie/episode WILL be there 🙂
I am also experiencing the issue with wrong episodes, along with the constant popups for pairing and linking. Getting to a point that it may no longer be worth using.
These providers are the main culprits but simply not picking them will not fix the problem. The simple permanent fix that works for me is to launch Exodus, select ‘tools’ then ‘settings: providers’ and then untick MoviesHD, TORBA and Ymovies, then click OK. I now get the correct episodes everytime.
I use Specto Fork, love it! No issues what so ever and auto play works very good. That’s why I switch from Exodus to Soecto Fork Monti’s ago.
I’ve also noted wrong episodes being delivered. Love Exodus but I’m trying Alluc at the moment. need to register for free but lots and lots more 1080p HD streams…
Very well stated Bill. I am also having the same problem to the point I can’t watch tv shows on Exodus anymore and have switched to Zen and 123 movies.
I appreciate all the developer’s efforts to release quality builds and with each build, our family look forwards to improvements with each build. We have enjoyed Kodi and the addons almost a year now and have learned so much about how Kodi and the addons work. We are proud to be cord cutters, but… when I read the article regarding the wrong episodes, I have to provide a little bit of information. I am a retired engineer and 90% of my work regarded quality assurance. What does that mean? It means to verify the product works. It means to deliver a product that is worthy of a viable build. It also means to confirm the release is ready for GA. As stated earlier, we are very happy with our Kodi and the addons we selected to install. For a while, we enjoyed Geniuses before it come to pass. A new addon was introduced to take its place. The Exodus addon is a blessing and continues to WOW us with the good quality of the product. But lately, for some reason, we are getting wrong episodes as well. For instance, we watch “The Blacklist”. At first, it was great, then about 2 weeks ago, we started to notice that advancing to the next episode, the focus on the series item list, would playback the previous episode. So, while going down the list of links, we continue to see 2 to 3 links are listed as wrong episodes, then as time passes, we are not going down almost the entire list before getting the correct link for the video playback. Again, we have nothing but the highest regards for the developer and the people that work hard to deliver a high-quality product. That is why I feel it is my duty to help keep Kodi and the addons with the peak of interest to continue to marvel us as end users. Please consider regressing the latest build of Exodus. It appears that Exodus is the only addon the wrong episodes are occurring and they are escalating to be more prominent than the previous week. Thank you for allowing me to voice my concern and observation.