Kodi Openload Pair Fix: thevideo, Streamango Pair Help

Are you seeing a popup in Kodi when clicking on Openload, thevideo, or streamango links? Find out everything you need to know about the Kodi Openload pairing process today, including why these links are some of the best in Kodi.

Openload, thevideo, and Streamango have been some of the longest running and most consistent file hosts in Kodi.

Pretty much every single addon brings back these links thanks to a service called URLResolver or ResolveURL which quickly works in the background every single time you pick a movie or television show.


Kodi Openload Pairing History

Websites like openload and streamango have gotten very popular because of their reliability and quick speed relative to similar file hosts. Due to its rise in popularity, the Openload staff tried to prevent Kodi users from accessing their links because they don’t get any ad revenue (which keeps the service running) from Kodi users.

As a compromise, Kodi developers worked with the Openload team to implement a temporary pairing code to users who visit an openload website and click a “pair” button.

With this solution, openload gives 4 hours of usage to all Kodi devices on your network in exchange for visiting their website and generating them a little ad revenue. Thevideo quickly followed suit by adding the same process to their website.

As of June 1, 2018, Streamango has implemented a similar function on their site as well..

There is nothing malicious about openload’s website and performing the steps on the screen when prompted is 100% safe for you as the user.

The reality is, popular Kodi file hosts never last long because of the high number of users using the service and not generating any ad revenue. File host websites rely on this ad revenue to pay for server costs in order to host your content. The Kodi Openload pair procedure only means that Openload can continue to reliably offer streams for everyone.

One alternative is to consider Real-Debrid. Debrid services don’t need ad revenue because the fee you pay to use the service goes to running those servers. Click here to learn more.

Kodi Openload Pair Procedure (thevideo, Streamango)

  1. Find any media you want to watch in Kodi. When you click on an Openload, Streamango or thevideo link, the following message will pop up: “To play this video, authorization is required. Visit the link below to authorize the devices on your network: http://olpair.com then click “Pair”””.
  2. Follow the instructions and visit the address above in your web browser.
  3. Click the check box beside “I am not a robot” and then click on “Pair” in the top right corner.
  4. Your video will begin to play on Kodi and you will be able to watch these paired links for the next 4 hours.


Is Kodi Openload Pairing an Error?

We get lots of users on social media asking us if this is an error, malware, or glitch of some kind. We can assure you that the Kodi Openload pair process is NOT an error of any kind.

If you give the pairing process a chance, these are some of the most reliable links in Kodi and they often don’t have any buffer.

Give pairing a process in Kodi today.


Have any other questions? Let us know on Twitter if we can help you out!


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About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

176 thoughts on “Kodi Openload Pair Fix: thevideo, Streamango Pair Help”

  1. Olpair now requires you to register as of today. It says registering is free, but a figure of 0 is shown. Looks like in the future they plan on charging. Has anyone heard about this?

  2. Use another device on your ‘network’ to do the pairing, not your kodi box. (a laptop, a desktop or a mobile phone). Its easy and it works fine. Its obviously not going to work if you are running a VPN, otherwise openload can’t tell the pairing is from the same network. If you use your mobile, make sure u are using wi-fi or the pairing wont be coming from the same ‘network’. It will be coming from your mobile network.

  3. WOW there are a lot of dumbass people talking about stuff they barely know about in this thread. . . these comments are cancer. . .

  4. WOW there are a lot of dumbass people talking about stuff they barely know about in this thread. . . these comments are cancer. . .

  5. Openload and Tvad.me pairing don’t work. On either of my boxes . I pair and I still get the message to pair it. Effing annoying! Been weeks like this now!! Is there a solution or what Kodi ?

  6. Is openload not working anymore? The past two weeks the links for it have not worked even when paired.

  7. When I tried to pair, my browser opened another page and a virus attempted to install on my computer. I shut it down safely I hope.

  8. I got the same web link got a pen to write it down before I had time to write it, the blue loading line then receded and the film started.

  9. I hate spell check. What it is supposed to say in the next comment is: I would rather pay a yearly fee like Real Debrid and VPN than to have dirty Porn Crap ads shown in front of my kids! Sorry about the next posting. I didn’t catch the spell check until after I posted it.

  10. On yes. As soon as I turn the VPN off, the Openload pairing works. This has been the only way to pair with both Openload and The Video since they went for profit. I would rather pay a heartbroken I do my Debris and VPN than to have Pork carp in front of the kids or have to turn off my VPN. This is both counter productive and hypocrytical. I suggest everyone use Bob Unleashed or The Pyramid to bypass Openload and The Video inside Kodi or just download and use Terrarium or Tea TV. All of them avoid this BS.

  11. Granted the porn pop ups are really in your face and graphic full screen adds, which is my only problem with openload as I have a child I wouldn’t like to be presented with porn images it me what always does the pairing anyways but still like I said it’s graphic and in your face. I’ve read comments on people saying openload is , crap, bollocks and doesn’t work I don’t understand why as every single time I’ve used it which is on daily basis it’s paired every time within a less than a minute so personally I don’t have any problems or complaints as bout pairing.
    Thanks openload😀👍

  12. Every time I try to open the link my phone is filled with porn and mrssages that my phone will “lock” on 24 hours. What is up with that? Kodi who has control?

  13. Perhaps Rather then diverting users out of kodi in order to preform a pairing why not have the ad’s fire up at the start of the film much like youtube does?
    could even split a film into 3rd’s or quarters and play 10-20second ad’s through out , not only ad’s but more so professional ad’s which should pay the openload vendors more for their services.

    Also depending on the film(s) being played openload could target the ad’s according to ratings of the film being watched for example this could remove adult content from childrens films and rather serve ad’s more targeted towards the younger generation ie; power rangers or barbie type advertising which should get better funding from those manufacturers?

    Adult R18 film’s could contain targeted ad’s to the websites depicting similar content to that being streaming and also assist in profiting those organisations as well. Seeming as most (not all content via openload is <480p this could provide a good incentive for users to purchase subscriptions to these sites and keep them from hijacking the service and attempting to shut it down as is the case these days with everything online.

    Action movies could server ad's targeted @ adults in say the hunting and fishing industry also filtered by country unless otherwise stated by the user to be shown products internationally .. there really could be a well structured way to allow users to watch content free but also offer vendors and providers revenue in order to continue to supply the content via advertising.

  14. Tried olpair few times, hopeless (in UK). Dont think the site is very good especially as kids may use it and find ‘porn’ links at the bottom.
    Whole system needs revamping and controlling. So much rubbish on Kodi, broken links, ‘no streams available’. ‘error’ . Is it all worthwhlle..I know Kodi provide the shell but it now seems every Tom, Dick or Harry thinks they can make a ‘build’ and it’s becoming a malware and virus paradise…

  15. All of a sudden I no longer get the pop-ups — which I want! Instead, the search gets to the OPENLOAD link — and then just stops: No authorization screen ever appears.

    Does anyone know why I no longer get the authorization notices — which I WANT to use?

    How do I get them back?

  16. You wanna use them, fine but if they get access to Kodi users they should at least get it right. When I have tried to pair with openload all I get is a Please Wait button, never the “Pair” and this is after I do the I am not a robot nonesence. Either they get it right or they should have no right to intervene. Who is running Kodi these days.

  17. I was able to watch after I paired device but only after turning vpn off. Can you pair while vpn on? Didn’t work for me

  18. ‘Pair’ never ready until you have allowed them to install their Malware to your device/PC first. Nice is it ?

  19. Show semi pornographic ads, and viruses pop up claiming that my Android is infected and I need to click to clean it. Doesn’t always work, either

  20. Many users have reported that they need a Kodi olPair fix. This tutorial shows you how to fix olpair kodi and reset Firestick & install a new copy of Kodi to fix Pairing.

  21. I signed up for IP Vanish for a whole year. Total rip off doesn’t work can’t set it up and they won’t give you your money back . They just keep sending me emails to to change the password that don’t work. They won’t give you a phone number that you can talk to someone either. Don’t waste your money Bunch of crooks

  22. I’ve never paired. I usually hit cancel when the Yellow Notice first appears and then I wait. And wait. Just when you think nothing will happen (after a couple of minutes) the picture starts rolling. It doesn’t work everytime, but at least 90-95% of the time. It seems like I have to cancel at least once, or twice. The wait time is probably no greater than the time it takes to pair. There were some times when I was so frustrated that I started to switch it all off, but just as I began to shut down the picture started. By then the picture was in some dark background mode so I had to start over. The “p” word is patience, not pairing.

  23. I had to pair with openload to watch virtually anything on exodus. Well, it does what the name says it will do; it opens your butt cheeks and dumps a load in you weather you like it or not! As soon as I paired, the screen flashed and seemed to duplicate itself rapidly many times, then Exodus died completely. Now all it sayds every time is; —- ERROR: Script failed – Exodus —- Thanks Ol’ PAL, with friends like you – who needs enemies!!!

  24. I use openload pairing and it doesnt give me a virus or malware. It is sketchy ads but they are forced to force you to view ads becsuse you are costingvthem a lot if money and they arent making any. I havent tried but paying $5 a month for peace of mind sounds reasonable. I dont use covenant. 1channel forever and I love openload. Also, get a Wetek box, they are the best, not china made crap. Also I havent used a VPN ever and I have been using Kodi for 6 years.

  25. Protip: in Chrome, Ctrl+w will close a tab (or window with one tab). When the alert come up hit Ctrl+w and it will close the window down without taking a chance and clicking it.

    But, openload blows for doing this either way.

  26. The pairing works great for me everytime even with a VPN, so does the porn that pops up….at work…in front of the bosses son.

  27. I usually let the alert box run for awhile. Eventually it disappears and loads the show/movie by itself.

  28. This is BS I got a virus and had to take my phone to att to get it fixed and they couldn’t get it without resetting my whole phone.

    Conclusion:FUCK OPENLOAD

  29. Check out “anonette”‘s post above.
    1) you shouldn’t be streaming anything on kodi without using a vpn.
    2) unless you have your router set up to access your vpn(which “shows” all devices on your network as having the same IP address as far as openload knows), you need to have client software installed on each device on your network
    3) With the client installed on each device for your vpn, each device will have a different IP address so pairing is not possible for most devices like Kodi on a raspberry PI, etc. since you use 1 device to pair that has IP x.x.x.x and your streaming device has IP z.z.z.z so it won’t work.

    Conclusion…..Openload SUCKS.

  30. fuck this shit. will not stream as long as this pairing shit is there. today it wouldnt let me pair and I cancelled to try another stream and kodi crashed and reset settings. Plus the stupid malware infected pages. WOrse than porn sites. eztv ftw

  31. Once you pair your device it is registered to the your IP. If you have your Kodi devices on a VPN like I do you will need to be logged into that VPN from the device your going to visit olpair.com/pair so that it registers the IP from the VPN.

  32. The is Bullshit, if you don’t choose to pair and use one of the other links you end up with a crap stuttering streaming service, its like blackmail. Who owns Kodi. tvad and olpair because they might as well, Get Rid,

  33. hey pendejos! it activates streaming everytime i go t vidup or olpair websites on THE LAPTOP. cheers

  34. This pairing nonsense is a load of fucking bullshit. Virgin have caught on an outright blocked olpair which now forces me to get a VPN.

  35. Although this page says it’s safe, I refuse to do it now. Back before Logan was released on DVD there claimed to be a 1080p link but I had to do the pair to view it. While it did work, right after that I could not find any movies, tv shows, NOTHING on my FireStick. I then tried clearing cache and also deleted Kodi and reinstalled and that still did nothing. I had to restore my firestick back to factory settings then download Kodi again to get it to find links again. Not doing that every time I want to watch something.

  36. How does anyone get past the Not a Robot part? I’ve selected every square for signs, cars, anything it requested, and the damn thing NEVER lets me verify. I spent 20 minutes constantly selecting squares and clicking verify and it NEVER works. WTF!

  37. I have done some experiments and concluded that the issue relates to not being on the latest Kodi version. If your Android box supports Kodi 17 you can just update and the URL resolver will work again.

    All the older versions seem not to be able to see that you are paired

  38. I am also having the problem – all my other devices on the network say paired however my Kodi will not get past the error

  39. I have the same problem as the users above. One week I can pair successfully every time. The next it says I’m paired, but the timer runs down and nothing happens. What the heck is going on Kodi people?

  40. I haven’t read comments from anyone who simply bypasses the popup by clicking cancel (if I missed a previous comment that indicates this I apologize). In my experience in using KODI and choosing any provider when the pairing box pops up I simply click cancel and it immediately advances to the next provider. Typically, I have noticed that after cancelling 1 to 3 pairing notification a provider that does not require pairing activates. The process usually takes less than 2 minutes. As far as people asking about how to pair utilizing Firestick, I allow Firestick to choose my stream provider and have never been asked to pair. I have 4 Firesticks (even one that I use in my car) and have never had an issue. I have been utilizing Kodi for over a year. Hope this helps.

  41. I’m also having this problem….looks like this people who supposedly knows all about this have gone quiet because they can’t explain it??

  42. I too have been having the same….Recently when I try and pair openload, from my desktop so I can stream from my android box, nothing happens even though it says I’m paired.
    Both devices are linked to the same network.
    The authorization bar just counts down and the link doesn’t play.
    It was fine last week.
    Any ideas?

  43. Recently when I try and pair openload, from my phone so I can stream from my android box, nothing happens even though it says I’m paired.
    Both devices are linked to the same network.
    The authorization bar just counts down and the link doesn’t play.
    It was fine last week.
    Any ideas?

  44. I’ve not used the Amazon Fire Stick for long I’ve had it about a week, but any time I go to a movie that I have to use this pair thing with. 9 out of 10 times it is so choppy I just stop watching it! My daughter and I are trying to watch Anniebelle and it’s choppy here and there not as bad a movie my son and I were trying to watch a few days ago, however It’s 100% noticeable that it was video taped inside a Movie Theater you can see shadows of customers walking around! Is there any other way to watch the movie On Kodi with out all this crap? If I wanted Choppy movies/shows I would of left my Directv on!

  45. I can’t get my tv to pair when it prompts me. I go to the link on my phone, but I can’t on my tv. What should I do?

  46. I could live with pairing and even disable ad-blocker but the need to disable vpn is just stupid. I’ll rather get the torrents myself, thank you. Moron who came up with this.

  47. Openload requires you to:

    * Disable your VPN and anonymity since it needs your unique IP
    * Visit a page and register your intent to watch illegally streamed media complete with timestamp and all
    * Give up unique identification about your browser and anything else it leaks

    Even if openload scrubs all this information after four hours it doesn’t matter. The first thing that will happen when they get raided is that the authorities will simply turn that off and log the above data until they’re satisfied they got a big enough batch of people to persecute. Enough to scare people straight into paying.

    Anyone claiming Openload is “safe to use” when it’s built to require everything needed to built a solid case against you is either ignorant or lying.

  48. Works great for me? Not sure why everyone is saying that the pairing has viruses? I use adblock and I just click the captcha button and click ‘Pair” and it works everytime without hitting me with pop-ups, viruses, malware, etc. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

  49. These providers are providing illegal content in the first place. So why should they get paid to offer someone else’s content. That’s absurd. Kodi was created as an open source solution to cutting the industrial cable cord. If they want ad revenue they should move onto a real legitimate way of doing it instead of selling stolen content period. Fuuuuuuuuck download!!!!!!!!

  50. My issue is the pairing will only work of my TV Box is connected wirelessly …if I connect with directly to the modem, pairing no longer works….of course I would prefer hardwired versus wireless due to the speed and buffering.

    Any ideas?

  51. Cant believe how dumb some of you are,,complaining like a bunch whiny kids,,you do realize these providers providers are operating at a risk for the millions of leeching kodi users out there,,so its not like they get premium ad spots by reputable companies,, and anyone dumb enough to go clicking those ads obviously isnt following the simple instructions,,just bookmark them tab over and click pair,,takes all of a few seconds, or dont use them and keep whining about everything your getting free not living up to your standards,,LOL,,Why i dont particularly care for the extra step involved, have found them to be somewhat more reliable than trying different sources due to the overload in recent traffic,,,and to those raising so much fuss,, you could always run your own servers for the benefit of all for free,,,,,no? Thought so

  52. Guys. Follow the money. A couple of big dogs.(Openload…+) are trying to control this like Bernie Sanders. Let it go, until someone else makes an open source, these guys shot this one down… Follow Entrepreneurship…

  53. Right!!! didn’t need to “pair” before now you need to………stupid as shit dumb as fuck
    Need to get the next generation suppliers out there that just stream like it should be and not give a fuck about ………”pair’g” a device.

  54. Question: Why am I constantly being asked to pair my device when I pay for a real-debrid account? It even asks for me to pair when I’m trying to get a connection from a real-debrid link such as real-debrid/openload? I was under the impression that paying for a RD account would rid me of pesky pairing requests.

  55. it is because the cops so when you pair they can track your email address and bust you don’t let them fool you

  56. I got nord vpn and the ads pop up and interfere with me verifying as a human. And words of advice?

  57. Those site are full of malware, fuck open load and any other pairing site. I’m trying to watch tv not get on the internet!

  58. This is seriously ridiculous. Everybody uses a VPN on their kodi box WHICH MAKES PAIRING IMPOSSIBLE. Because there’s not a browser on it to do that! And you can’t INPUT the IP address of your kodi box. IT’S ABSURD that this kind of advice is thrown up here without even the slightest of consideration of the REAL PROBLEM. It’s going to turn alot of people away from kodi. What a mess.

  59. I figured it was fair to pair another device to get some revenue for these providers but some of the advertisers are malevolent, directing you to sleazy websites or attaching malware or pitching expensive fixes to remove malware that wasn’t on your computer to begin with.

  60. It’s basically ruined my viewing, I can’t pair when using a VPN.. says it’s paired but nothing happens.
    Got a real-debrid account but that doesn’t work with vypr vpn! Only on the upstairs TV with the private internet access VPN.
    Any other suggestions around this?

  61. Openload is a sleazy scam…very offensive pictures of women…how original..
    Jerk offs also damage your phones with viruses. Do not use them of you want to keep your phone working properly. Total asshol….es!!!!!

    Pairing on a VPN is impossible with a Raspberry Pi running KODI… here’s why:
    1. KODI has no working web browser to access the pairing web page.
    2. Unless you are running your VPN from your router (which most home routers cant do), different devices will have different IP addresses assigned to you by the VPN.
    3. Thus, if you pair from say, your laptop, then try to watch something on your Pi, the Pi will never have the same IP address as your laptop, so the pairing doesn’t work.

    These pairing sites are DESIGNED to defeat VPN pairing for KODI devices like the Pi!
    If you are watching streams without a VPN, you are just plain stupid… you WILL get caught by your ISP, or at the very least, your ISP will throttle all streaming sites… CONcast is famous for this shit!!!

    Pairing sites should be BANNED from all KODI apps!!!!

  63. Don’t pair! Check your bank statements. They charge $5.41 TWICE EACH Month! We called Amazon and they were able to reverse it for this month as a favor but not priors since it’s an outside source.

  64. To say openload is safe and virus free is a lie…tried to use openload to watch a movie typed in the olpair crap and now my phone has 17 viruses and is totally screwed…THANKS Openload. If you think I’ll give you my email address you’re crazy as hell. Do not trust this site or the scum operating it!

  65. I don’t mind pairing. I’m usually at my compute before I go to watch TV. I pair Openload and VidUP before I go to the living room. The only problem I have with Openload is all the female flesh on the pair site. It’s disgusting and degrading to women. If you want an Asian girl go to Asia. They now also have started making you pick pictures like pick all the squares with cars or stop signs or whatever and not only to you have to do it once but sometimes 2 and 3 times. Now that makes me angry. Not everybody has that kind of eyesight, including me.

  66. Well this olpair.com thingy keeps popping up before I can watch a movie is it safe? I don’t want any virus on my device!

  67. Pairing worked a few times then the pairing site started hijacking my phone browser. DANGER! STAY AWAY!

  68. I don’t mind having to go to the website and do the Captcha – but I’m having issue Whit when I complete the Captcha it says “pairing successful” but it wasn’t and it keeps asking for the Captcha.

    I’ve gotten it to work before this is a new issue ,so how can I fix this ??

  69. Find other solutions to this. This is quite annoying. Put a link in Kodi, Please take the time to watch a few ads before you watch your show. It helps us help you.
    Simple solution. I would do it out of respect of the servers.

  70. When paired with my amazon fire stick, does my WIFI need to be on for openload to work with KODI

  71. .uk kkkkuiiioiioooo8ii8o8ooo Oki oooooooooooiioooo8ooooooooo8oooooooo o(81ooo.o ooooo8(817)ooooooooooo8oo8o.o 89th9oo9o8oooooooooooooo 899l o88ooooooooooooooooooo o.o o8ooooooo88 512o88oo8oo88o9I look o ooo8oo8o8o o.o ooo8ooooo8o.oooooooo8oooooooi89ooooooooooooooooooo k7iiioo o.o iiiookik88 o.o (817)oooo8o.o o.o ooooooooooooo88ooo-966858567).oooooooo8.o o.o oooo8 217-0484 (o.o 7ish o8o8ooi8o)io87o 8oooiii8okooooiiiiooioo

  72. Wow,Assad what a dick Statement!!…here the thing people it seem to me if something will not work then it was not meant to for whatever purpose was stated it could be used for….So,bottom line is this simply….except it or get your money back or take the lost…for what you thought you could used it for…chalk it up to Experience

  73. pop up windows leading to false “update your flash”, “virus warning”, “mail order brides” etc, all scams and some are harmful, beware this can lead to no good for the end user. on an android system, the ads pop up almost instantly, and change every 10 seconds, but the pairing takes well over a minute. it is not worth the wait, the captcha bs, and the risk to your system and security. I have remove openload from my providers list, problem gone.

  74. Openload is a virus propagator. It opens a new page with the old “your flash player is out of date” sucker claim. And that’s with adblock enabled.

  75. if you come home after a hard days work…the only thing you would like to to is relax and just push play…with other words…no fun at all…time do delete kodi if you ask me.

  76. It is entirely to unweilding to navigate web browsers using the remote style interface, even the ones with a keyboard. The cursor arrow randomly jumps, there’s buttons and links that are a pain to drag the cursor over. Why do they even give the capability to some devices. It’s been 25 minutes since I’ve followed the instructions and I cannot even move a cursor over the captcha pictures to prove I’m not a robot. this SUCKS!

  77. If there was a pop up from open load asking me to visit their site to help them collect revenue for all the work they have done I would be happy to. BUT I will not be forced to “pair up” by way of blackmail. What they are doing now is nothing short of being a parasite and I hate it. All I do when it pops up is hit the cancel button 1 or more times and it goes away. Shame on them and I hope everyone avoids “pairing”

  78. I have IPVanish for a VPN provider on my Fire TV device, but it seems to be affecting my ability to pair with certain servers requesting I pair with them…
    They are showing I am pairing up, but to an IP Address selected by my VPN, not my own, which causes my device not to pair up. Is there any settings around this?
    In other words, I am forced to pair up from my computer device, but my Tv is running with the VPN changing my IP Address, thus its not pairing up…

  79. How do I pair if i am using IPvanish. The IP on my phone is different that the IP on my firestick so it doesn’t pair.

  80. This is absolute B.S. Leave it alone Kodi. It is too much to ask, especially when the pairing doesn’t work. Why do things have to be so difficult? It wasn’t broke, don’t fix it!!

  81. People if ur using a android tv box you can use ur phone or your laptop or tablet or anything else on your home network to go to the site and pair it only takes seconds. you can do it before you even start searching on your box dont wait till the message pops up. you then have four hours to search for your movies. if you need to later go n pair again i dont think its too much to ask us to do if we want these sites to remain open. its simple to do and it works .

  82. On amazon firestick how do I access the website of openload in order to complete the pairing? Won’t work in Url

  83. Pairing does not work, tried differenty devices, on my TV never gets past CAPTCHA, then used PC on same network told me pairing was activated, and still keeps asking to be paired.. Useless folks

  84. I am trying to pair in a firestick to thevideo. It pairs successfully in ES but when I open Kodi the pair disconnects. Any ideas what to do now? Does anyone know how to turn VPN off? I use ExpressVPN on my computer but it doesn’t seem to effect the firestick. I’m trying to watch something that doesn’t have any other usable links.

  85. registered and Paired open load with my computer/wifi and the wrong IP address is listed, so I am unable to view videos

  86. Followed directions, followed the link.
    clicked not a robot and still i get that annoying pop up saying i need to pair….even thought the site says it was successful.

  87. How can I pair my Black box device when no mouse is connected? I mean I cannot click on the link.., I also cannot find any browser to instal in Kodi to use the link to pair the device…

    Any clue?

  88. I did it and it automatically downloaded the “flash player malware” to my computer. I still can not access content.

  89. If you are having “pair” issues:

    I’ve been having some pairing issues and just noticed if i turn my VPN off, go through the pairing process it works!

    Turn off your VPN then reconnect VPN after! Works for me….

  90. So, when is somebody going to create a plugin that bypasses this ridiculous
    maneuver having to open the browser each time I wanna see a flick?

  91. To pair with a raspberry pi, just go to the web site on your phone or computer, or any device connected to the same network, and then follow the instructions above.

    I made a shortcut icon on my iPhone homescreen to the site and it only takes five second to pair.

  92. Yes, it would be helpful for someone to explain how we can pair our raspberry pi devices. Or this workaround is not available for this kind of devices…at this point it seems not…

  93. Paul,
    Go to the website on any device (iPad or whatever) and pair… It’s your IP address that gets paired not your firestick

  94. or better yet, when it asks you to pair it just hit the back button on your keyboard and you don’t have to pair squat.

  95. All i do is..wen i see that pop up..i back out of it abdnit works jus fine for me..infact movie start quicker

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