Check out our list of the best Kodi repositories today and learn which repos contain some of the more well-rounded selection of addons, modules, and dependencies. Read all of the details in our guide below.
Kodi repositories are collections of multiple Kodi addons stored within a single link. Installing the single repository can give you quick access to installing all of the addons inside. To help everyone out, we’ve posted our choice of best Kodi repositories below.
We’ve tried to focus on repositories with a wide variety of addon types and those that contain real and original development going on. This means that when an issue pops up, these repositories will be most likely to fix those issues for the end users.
In every Kodi addon installation guide that we post, we post full instructions for installing that addon. However, if you already have that repository installed, you can cut the number of steps you have to take in half and quickly find what you need.
Disclaimer note: We have no affiliation to any Kodi repository or addon. The information is this guide is to be used at your discretion. Note that note Kodi addon hoss any content inside of it.
Best Kodi Repositories
Official Kodi Repository
The official Kodi repository is often under-appreciated because of its lack of third-party and unverified content. However, the official kodi repository is the king for verified content and Kodi utilities designed to supercharge your setup and make Kodi faster, more efficient, and easier to use.
The official Kodi repository Is automatically installed with every base install of Kodi. That means that you don’t need to take any steps in order to install it. From your main menu, simplify navigate to Addons > Addon Browser > Install from Repository > Kodi Add-on Repository to access the official repository.
Official Kodi Repository Key Addons
Blamo Repository
The Blamo Kodi repository is home to a number of key Kodi addons. Blamo has forked a few key multi-source addons (that use base code from Exodus and SALTs) and has kept them up to date and active. As well, he has recently added some content for live IPTV. As well, the Wraith Kodi addon is an underrated source for movie and TV metadata that integrates directly into other addons you have installed.
The source for the Blamo Repository is and if you use the GitHub Browser, his repository can be found in the MrBlamo420 username.
Blamo Repository Key Addons
Kodi Bae Repository
The Kodi Bae repository is largely home to preserving some of the more classic Kodi addons ever created. The good thing is that Kodi addons generally upkeep themselves and many function long after a developer has walked away from the project.
Kodi Bae has made some improvements to some of the code lately, which means fresh updates for some users who are interested. It’s hard to say whether any meaningful updates are coming soon to Kodi Bae or not, but there is a strong selection of addons in this repository.
The source for the Kodi Bae Repository can be found via GitHub Browser by searching for the kodibae source. You can also directly download the Kodibae repo by clicking here.
Kodi Bae Key Addons
TV ADDONS Repository
The TV ADDONS Kodi addon is a source for 100% legal and verified content right now, due to the legal issues that they are battling through right now. However, the repository is still home to some unique and powerful Kodi addons.
The source for the TV ADDONS Repository is and if you use the GitHub Browser, his repository can be found in the tvaddonsco username.
TV ADDONS Repository Key Addons
Maverick TV Repository
The MaverickTV Kodi repo is a perfect example of quality over quantity. All addons inside of his repo are well-maintained and full of content worth checking out. From movies to TV to sports and IPTV, check out Maverick TV today.
The source for the Maverick TV Repository is and if you use the GitHub Browser, his repository can be found in the duncanh52 username.
MaverickTV Repository Key Addons
How to Install Any Kodi Repository
The method for installing any of the best Kodi repositories is the exact same for all of them in Kodi. Using the file browser address above, you add your source into Kodi. Then, you navigate into the Addon Browser area of Kodi and install your repository zip file. After that, you can install any addon from within the “Install From Repository” area.
Follow these instructions to install any Kodi repository:
- From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
- Type the URL EXACTLY as given above and select Done
- Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like repo and then click OK
- Go back to your home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Zip File > repo (or whatever name you gave it) > select the repository zip file and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Select Install from Repository > Select your repository > Navigate to the addon you want to install.
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
With all of the best Kodi repositories listed above, you can install nearly every major Kodi addon today. Check out our list of best Kodi addons for more information on great Kodi content.
If you have another to add to our best Kodi repositories list that you would like to recognize, get in touch with us on Twitter or Facebook!
Facebook or Twitter or by commenting below.
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Apologies, messed up the copy and paste. Fixed now!
Why’s my name included in TVA repository? I have nothing Todo with them.